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In MHA 6x21, The Lovely Lady Nagant, hero society is revealed to be a lie and Deku is revealed to be as true as ever.




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Deku really does make me emotional LOL. I just now noticed that her hand covered in blood, which she was afraid to reach out with, was still grabbed by a young boy who was raised in this safe world, who still acknowledges the wrongs done behind the scenes. That's symbolism for you.


The most important part of this episode: HAWKS CAN'T FLY so Endeavor probably carried him all the way there then THREW him like a fastball special. Now the question is: did Endeavor carry him on his back? Bridal style? By the arms? Horsey ride?


I can imagine one of those characters enjoying that ride much more than the other


so an intresting thing, Lady Nagant said that failing to save someone no matter who leaves ones conscience destroyed, deku failed to save LN, so that bit at the end as his eyes darkened, yeah, buddy isnt looking too good

Emma Root

There's very few main characters I love as much as Deku he's just so great at being good

Skyler Anderson

If I remember correctly you spent some time in China so I'm not sure if you were able to pick up any meaning from the quirk Fa Jin but it's apparently a chinese martial arts technique in real life that's discussed as being able to store energy and bring out your maximum output of impact in a single move. Kinda cool how they applied that into a quirk letting deku store kinetic energy. Also... MANCHESTERRRRR SMASSHHHH. Last time we saw that move was when deku first pulled out 20% and did it against Overhaul. I just love how much depth they've decided to give the hero society. When reading the manga I got chills when Nagant reached her hands out to the children and just saw all of the blood she had on her hands. Such a tragic result of society but she's one of my fav villains.


How do you think Aang would react/respond in a world where AFO existed in the Avatar Universe and could take + give + accumulate bending powers?


Can I just say, now that All Might is wearing clothes that actually fit him, he looks really good. Also this was a great episode and I can't wait for the ones to come.


I'm actually starting to think that Deku will do something similar. AFO wants to steal Deku's powers but it's possible Deku is the one to absorb AFO's powers instead


In the Japanese version, Nagant speaks in art/color word play the whole time. She says that Deku has been "dyed into the colors of a papier-mâché society," (she calls it a "sham" in English here, and that's an accurate translation, but it just doesn't have the added bonus of the pun on papier-mâché). To build on what Muchymozzarella was saying, in Japanese, she says at least a world ruled by All for One would be more "transparent" ('sundeiru' 澄んでいる). Not "better," but at least more transparent.


I like how she keeps trying to present herself as cold and calculating when she still so obviously is a Hero at heart. Like, letting Overhaul out and hauling him along. She keeps saying it's just coz he might be useful, but she learned that only afterwards. Or actually explaining herself to Deku. She'd probably say she was just trying to trip him up, but I think she wanted at least one person to know her truth. What do you make of Deku's quirks, now we've seen most of them? I like that, while individually they really don't seem that impressive, combined and carefully cultivated they are a force to be reckoned with, that's not easy to pull off.


I’m officially petitioning to have Vinland Saga S2 resume again once this season of MHA has concluded 🫡

Jake White

Yeah I actually first came across/learned about the Fa Jin technique when I was reading the Terra Formars manga like 2 years ago. When it came up as one of Deku’s new quirk’s I was like, “OO OO! I know that!” lol

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

They really had me thirsting over Lady Nagant just to fucking pull that shit... unforgiveable. Crying in the club rn.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

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