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In Haikyuu 2x8, Illusionary Hero, Yachi copes with more personal drama from Tadachi and Tsuki, and more wild screaming from Hinata.




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pleasantly surprised to see another haikyu ep


Love Bokuto words not to worry about future, I was sick from worrying about what will happen when I confess my fellings, I got courage and did it it wasn't mutual but it was still nice, Proud of myself for trying. We all have to give our best now so that we don't regret it later.


Another thing worth pointing out is that Tsuki's brother lost out to the Little Giant, and then Tsuki gets to high school and sees that his competition is Hinata, a new Little Giant.

Skyler Anderson

AGHH I love this episode so much. As someone who participates in so many competitive activities, Yamaguchi yelling at Tsuki always makes me feel so many emotions. I feel like finding your passions manifests in different ways but it all comes down to having that moment for you. Whatever that moment is or means doesn't matter but it's the thing that takes that activity you do and makes it more important to you.


Honestly, Yamaguchi’s “What do we need besides pride?” line is one of my favourites from the whole show. I also am a lot like Tsukki in his mental line of thought. I overthink a lot and question doing things that don’t have a clear outcome. But looking too hard at the big picture obscures the little details. Little victories can be just as satisfying as the big ones if you allow them to be.


For most of the episode we see the moon behind clouds, but after Yamaguchi yells at Tsukki, the sky clears and the moon is fully visible. Such a nice, symbolic touch.


And so the awakening of Tsukki begins. Tanaka is my favorite character, but man did grow to love Tsukki's character.


Lots of little language notes (basically just reiterating the obvious? sorry): - Yamaguchi's first name, Tadashi (忠), means "loyalty." - The title, "幻覚ヒーロー" (Illusionary hero), as Alex said, probably applies equally for the Tsukki-brother and Yamaguchi-Tsukki relationship. The "junior" in the relationship starts to grow when they accept that their heroes are people. - Small but maybe important note at 5:10 (and again at 11:00): Tsukki says 'Then you're like the ace!' and then his brother says "Maa na." I wouldn't translate that as "Yup." It's more like, "I guess you could say that." It's still not great; it's still a lie in spirit, but it's not quite so direct. It's really not until the next scene (7:28) when he says he got tons of spikes in that he lies outright, and then you can see immediately that he hurt himself saying it. - 18:30 The "tangent" is a really stupid pun, haha. I'll try, but it's about as bad as the Spy x Family puns: a) "Tada-no bukatsu" = just a club b) "Tada Nobukatsu" = person's name. Except: c) "Taka-ga bukatsu" = what Tsukki actually said. Same meaning as (a), but much rarer way to say it. I think it's super enticing to want to achieve "permanent, unquestioned, absolute" victory. And honestly, it's probably a good thing to have the ambition and drive to achieve that, but agreed that it really overlooks how important the local, subjective, relative victories are, and how deeply meaningful those can be if we acknowledge them.


Like you said, I think an important difference to make here is that Tsukki wasn't disappointed with his brother for not being good enough to make it as a regular on Karasuno but rather disappointed that it mattered so much to the both of them that his brother had to lie to Tsukki about it to "save face". It meant so much to them that it was more shocking to Tsukki, than a violent head slice in movies. So dearly did he love volleyball that, that one blow of disappointment and distress he and his brother felt made him over correct to the point of not letting volleyball affect him. He 'tries' to be apathetic, hides behind minimal/passing effort and practice so that if and when they ever lose or he doesn't make the team, he can always fall back on "it never really mattered to me" Or "well I didn't really plan on giving it my all" Or "it's just a club, I'm just here for fun". It's almost like he's afraid to emotionally open up to volleyball, if it makes sense. He's afraid to fall in love with volleyball again. And I think that's the reason way he said volleyball wasn't fun, because he's actively trying not to care about it. Also that one line from Bokuto is my favourite ever and the perfect answer to Tsukki- "But once that moment arrives for you, thats the moment you'll be hooked on volleyball". It kind of goes hand in hand with, "it's the journey that matters, not the destination". Tsukki thinks being the best can save you from feeling loss and that's when it's safe to fall in love with volleyball. But if you allow it, it's the little moments that spark joy despite the end result being a win or a loss. He just has to allow himself to feel the emotions and not let his fear of losing volleyball dictate his love for it.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

"This man has a great perspective and he articulates it very well this channel needs more support" Saw this random recent youtube comment on your latest MHA video and I agree heavily.


I haven't, sorry. Why do you ask? I'm actually just a hopeless language nerd who has maybe seen 12 series of anime in total, haha. But my students recommend Overlord often.


Things I forgot: to answer your question at 6:45, no, they do not give you shoes for gym. Rather the opposite. They force you to buy the school uniform shoes (although there is financial support for low-income families). Those are the only ones Yamaguchi says he has, and that's rather common in rural areas. - 8:55 cool little background detail is that all the student calligraphy in the background is individually drawn, with names. Tsukki's version of "friendship" (友情) is the 3rd from left on the bottom row. Yamaguchi's is 3rd from the right on top. - 15:18 It's not explicit, but I always thought Daichi was saying he didn't understand the logic in *his own* behavior, not in Tsukki's (and that's why he doesn't want to force that on someone else). - 16:50 and 21:50 Hinata always holding the ball.


Wow, it never really occurred to me that Daichi could have said that about himself! That's rather interesting. Also, he has such a keen eye, and is probably the only one (excluding Hinata's faith in Tsukki's coolness) to see through Tsukki's facade and realise he has a dormant fighting spirit in him somewhere. Also Hinata constantly in contact with the ball....he is so straightforward and honest to a fault, you can't help but fall in love with his being!! I'm always in awe of his character.


As always, this episode gets me worked up and makes me want to go and play volleyball. I was in my junior year of high school when I first started playing volleyball. My best friend got me into it because she had been playing for a long time and convinced me to try out for our school's team. I would like to say I was a natural at passing and aimed for varsity level (we had a really good team that made it to regionals before). I tried out and felt that I really showed off my passing skills, but sadly, I was put on junior varsity. I felt really embarrassed as a junior that I couldn't make it onto the varsity team like my best friend, but gave it my all in JV. Because I gave it my all and took JV seriously, the JV coach asked if I wanted to play libero! A HUGE compliment and honor as a back row player. I remember that game so clearly because of how hard I worked during the game to prove that I was a good choice. However, right after the game, the varsity coach saw me play and asked if I wanted to move up to their team. I would not be the libero, but I would be able to play at a higher level with my best friend. That moment made me feel so good and honestly solidified my confidence and love for the game.