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In MHA 6x17, The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, on this episode of Keeping Up with the Todoroki's, everyone gets the gift of mommy and daddy's healing  love, except for Toya... again.




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Matthew Richson

So now you know, the full story of the Todoroki family. You see how Endeavor’s obsession consumed him and lead to him neglecting his kids and hitting his wife out of frustration. The man had tunnel vision in the worst possible way during Shoto’s flashbacks and when he first met him in season 2. You see how it started somewhat happy with the first two kids(as shown in the Dabi’s Dance flashback), but as soon as Toya started getting burnt, things went downhill. Neither Enji or Rei were able to properly handle their situation. It’s truly a tragic and human piece of writing, Horikoshi’s best. It’s notable how the story doesn’t shy away from how horrible Endeavor was, cause it highlights how much he has changed, and how much he regrets his actions. NTM, Hawks reaction highlights the difference between him and Dabi regarding their experiences. And this isn’t even all of it either, we still haven’t been shown how Toya became Dabi… that story comes later…

Skyler Anderson

I actually don't mind the fact that Endeavor didn't start feeling fully cruel the entire time. It feels like a slower burn of his own pride slowly and slowly breaking down his own mental as well. As he tried to run away he threw the responsibility on his wife and when she wasn't able to handle Touya he broke further and further. He feels like the most realistic character in the show since he's not just some mindless evil man but so broken and caught up in his own pride. They did such a good job with the backstory.

daniel kurtz

Some parallels between Zeke, from AOT, and Dabi


I feel like Goodwin is really gonna like next weeks episode


I guess it was my expectations. I was under the impression that he had pushed Toya to the brink. This was a softer look at that element, where he actually eased off. Not that he handled it perfectly here either but ...

Skyler Anderson

He kinda did in a way. He put these unachievable goals and tied it to touya's worth and neglected him. This lit a fire under him that made him bring HIMSELF to the breaking point. Different perspective but he's definitely to blame.

Chris Sharpe

Amazing episode of course…. BUT LOOK AT BABY TODOROKI 9:49! HE’S SO DERPY!

Jake White

I’ve seen someone else answer this episode’s title with; “the wrong way to put out a fire….is to ignore it and just hope someone else fixes the problem for you”


"Black market denim" (or in Japanese, 違法デニム) was trending in Japan a few weeks ago when this episode came out because no one knew what the reference was, haha. It's from the Cold War, when denim was outlawed in Soviet bloc countries because it was a sign of evil Western values. Outlawing denim became basically just a symbol for restricting people's freedom and authoritarian action as a whole. 23:59 Natsuo really bothers me. I think it's a wonderfully written character because I can see real world examples easily in him, but man he's annoying as all hell. "This is just until we stop Toya"? Like, dude, what have you even done at all? What are you capable of doing besides being slightly less of a self-pitiful wannabe emo band singer. It's not about you! Get over yourself. I don't know, but he's by far the member of the Todoroki family I sympathize with least.


This episode highlights how much kids learn from watching, more often than just words or rules. Endeavor forbade Toya to train and told him to give up on the goal of surpassing All Might, even telling him that being a hero wasn't the be all and end all of life. Yet he couldn't turn those thoughts on himself, and continued his destructive selfish obsession for all his family to see. Toya witnessed that and believed his obsession to be acceptable, normal even. The Todoroki's are such a well written family, it's great.

Jake White

Yeah ole Khrushchev was heavilyyy against anything he deemed evocative of ‘Western imperialism’ and went culture war, ban crazy real hard for awhile lol


In a way, this was really crucial for my understanding of the Todoroki family, because it finally connects all the pieces we have been given into a complete picture. Before this, it was a lot of different perspectives, often somewhat contradictory snippets of information, and I needed this to finally have all of that click into place. It answered all the lingering questions I had, I think the way this whole story has been written was really masterful.

Jake White

Yeah baby Shoto was absolutely the pure injection of serotonin that this episode needed lol


If Rei has any blame in this, I feel it is that she allowed herself to be too passive, too compliant to others whims from sacrificing herself to save her parents household to bending to Endeavor's every wishes ( it's even implied in that one scene where Endeavor rages at the tv showing All might that he started to force himself on Rei which led to Shoto's birth directly after). She didn't find her voice and allowed herself to be dominated and controlled by others so much that even her own son intimidated her. She put on a fake smile, but Shoto gets half his power from her so what she really needed was to tap into her inner steel, which is what we're seeing now from her thankfully.


Natsuo was in this abusive family just like the rest of em he has every right to still resent his father for those actions. I don’t rlly blame him at all like for the longest time he thought his dad effectively killed toya and I’ve seen kids hate there parents for a lot less 😂


I don't blame him for the resentment. But Hawks, Best Jeanist, and the rest of the family are trying to pull together to stop an existential threat to the nation, and everyone is airing that they regret their past actions and want to do better. Natsuo would be fine to say nothing at all, but instead he just rubs salt in the wounds and says "just until we face Touya." Like.... Natsuo isn't facing Touya. He's not actually helping strategize or fight, and just sits there saying useless comments. Basically, I want him to step aside and realize that there are bigger priorities than constantly acknowledging *HIS* pain, and *HIS* unwillingness to forgive or move on. I agree that it's very realistic. I think it's very well written, but written in a way that makes me dislike the character, haha. I think he's slightly less insufferable in English than he is in Japanese, but still... especially right in front of Rei while she tries to pull people together (despite the possibility that, as KrimzonHawka said, Shoto might very well have been the result of rape).

CEEmma (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-06 08:01:04 Just a heads up, they’re gonna release the next two dubbed episodes together! 6x18 & 6x19!
2023-02-25 00:08:16 Just a heads up, they’re gonna release the next two dubbed episodes together! 6x18 & 6x19!

Just a heads up, they’re gonna release the next two dubbed episodes together! 6x18 & 6x19!

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

@Ryan The episode made it very clearly there was no rape involved, she said it herself that she willfully chose to accept the marriage and knew what his intentions with her were. Not saying its an ideal relationship, but far from rape.


They dropped today, I already watched the dub for ep 18 and 19 just dropped a couple minutes ago. I know it on funimation idk about crunchyroll tho


@Jasmine Tea Enjoyer: I'm genuinely surprised that you would miss this. I'm not talking about the beginning of the marriage at all, but at 8:10-8:25 in Goodwin's video above, it's not even just "reading between the lines" anymore; it's very, very strongly implied: - Endeavor, having just learned that Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Touya are all not dual-wielding ideal quirk bearers, watches the TV shower praise on All Might in frustration - A clearly frayed and partially broken Rei stands in the hallway looking at him distraught. - Endeavor turns to Rei in response with intense eyes - Rei looks back at Endeavor with absolutely no love - View of Todoroki house - Next scene: Shoto is born. That's really not subtle.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

@Ryan Yeah I mean Rei never looked at him with love, it was an arranged marriage that she had the option to not accept. If you're married, how can it be a rape? I think its still wrong, the whole quirk breeding thing is very weird but it ain't rape.


Being married or not has very little to do with consenting to sex at any given time. If someone doesn't want to have sex, but you force yourself on them anyway, then that's rape, whether you're married or not. You don't just get to freely ravage people as much as you want, whenever you want, for all time as long as someone pronounced you husband and wife. Rei could agree to the marriage without agreeing to yet a fourth attempt at a designer baby.