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In MHA 6x12, Threads of Hope, if one returning hero wasn't good enough...




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Beta Trix

The moment you started liking Best Jeanist and Mirio, all I could think about was these last two episodes, and wow, your reaction did not disappoint.

Matthew Richson

I did not expect Jason to go so hard with Dabi’s insanity with this one. He practically matched his sub counterpart in this one. David did a better job this time around as Shoto too. Also little FYI, Bakugo’s hero name is spelt DynaMight. Combining his favorite word “die” with All Might. 😋

Chris Sharpe

I haven’t watched the video yet, but I can already hear your giant gasp.

Tyler Owens

your reaction to this episode was what I needed this morning 🥰

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

-Exactly halfway through the long two cour season we get an epic quick much deserved recap -Post-OP starts with a Best Jeanist monologue and sakuga animation, they treating our man good -Nejire is a 10/10 baddie fr, also Iida rushing over to catch her… amazing -Dabi’s English VA is going off with this laugh, dude actually sounds out of his mind. Almost sounds like he is doing a Joker type of performance, I love it -Two siblings fighting, one with blue flames and the other red flames… and Katara’s ice bending ability has just been put into Todoroki as his ice power… we see you Hori… we see you… -More Best Jeanist focus, this is actually a dream come true -MIRIO IS BACK HOLYYYYYYYYYYYYY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU -POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! -I have only known Eri for 3 seasons of MHA, but if anything were to happen to her I would kill everyone in this room and than myself -Bakugo with new insane explosion animation, Bones continuing to go off, OST is insane -MOMO’S PLAN WORKED LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO, and another Best Jeanist monologue. Was this made for me? Even Iida and Nejire are getting multiple action sequences For me, the best episode of the season so far and one of the best episodes in all of My Hero Academia. Where were you when peak anime dropped? Does it get much higher?


I really do feel that with every passing episode season 6 becomes more of a culmination of everything that was built before. The show can still be great but it's hard for me to imagine this not being A peak of the show as so many things are coming to fruition so perfectly

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

It really is just all coming together. Going into this arc I had 0 thoughts about Mirio or Best Jeanist coming back during this battle, for some reason it didn't even cross my mind and I thought all that stuff was going to be for future arcs, I never even imagined Mirio would get his power back THIS season, I feel truly blessed. But not just that, also getting to see all of Class 1-A and Class 1-B work together and succesfully take down Gigantomachina and getting to witness all the high ranking pro heroes we've loved and known for so long actually get a spotlight in the field. Not only is this arc the peak of the show, but I personally feel like when this arc is over I will have a newfound love and appreciation for this show and characters, more than I already did previously.

Matthew Richson

I’ll be curious what you all will think of what comes in the second half of the season.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

After this I just wanna go back to school and be running in these halls with all the students smiling and vibing with each other like back during Season 1 thru 5. I could use a nice long UA training arc with no villains or high stakes for a full cour after this war lol.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Define "wince": give a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of or in anticipation of pain or distress. 0_0 ...Please no more pain MHA, my body can't take it.

Robert Traeger

dynamite. bakugos hero name spelled dyna-might. as a tribute to allmight incase you didnt notice the pun his catch phrase. die and allmight's might

Matthew Richson

@Jasmine, wince as in what you’re hoping for isn’t really going to happen. Get ready for pain in a few episodes…

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Lol I know buddy I just commented the exact defintion of wince... "...out of or in anticipation of pain or distress."

Cody Galo

Happy belated birthday!

Jake White

Side note: I would highly recommend not watching the new opening when you get around to episode 14 if you don’t want to be spoiled on basically the entire arc lol

Jake White

I’m glad you show proper respect to my boi Jeanist, or as one youtuber calls him “the unmitigated Symbol of Jeans and his OP quirk Jeans For All” lmao


Best Melonist in the outro xD


Your love for Best Jeanist continues to give me joy! How'd you like Bakugou's Hero Name? Somehow, it's so obvious, but still never occurred to me before, Dynamite is just perfect! Allusions to both All Might and explosions, and it sounds cool! The Mirio thing... is complicated for me. Like, I wanted it to happen, it does make sense, but it was really apprupt. I wonder if it wouldn't have worked better if it hadn't been a surprise? Like, Mirio being the one to show up in this critical moment could still be a twist, especially if it's the first time we see him back in action, even if we had known he was gonna participate in this operation (just not at the hospital). But I think I needed to see Eri training before this, and him getting them back as more than just a quick flashback to explain why he's here, idk. I really feel like the three month timeskip doesn't quite work, there's a lot of stuff that would feel way more organic if we could have seen them play out naturally rather than being informed after the fact what all happend. That said, I think it worked a lot better this second time around. Maybe that's coz I had time to get used to the idea, maybe it's the interplay of voice acting and music in that moment, idk.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

I couldn't be more happy with how they did the Best Jeanist and Mirio reveals considering they were both actual shocks and suprises I wasn't expecting. Shounen anime like these can very rarely totally take my suprise like MHA has this season.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Openings and Endings were meant to be watched, why would the creators of a show put an opening at the beginning of the episode that you are supposed to skip? I will never understand people who skip openings in fear of spoilers.


Just as an FYI the first episode of Vinland Saga S2 just came out!


Bakugo's hero name is spelled as Dynamight, which adds another layer to his idolization of All Might. I always thought it was a nice touch

Matthew Richson

I really don’t feel like it’s a spoiler really. Cause it kind of beats around the bush with what happens.

Jake White

Just speaking personally, I’m not even a person that really cares about spoilers in openings, but even I watched the new one and immediately was like “woah they showed a whole damn lot.” Didn’t spoil direct plot lines per se, but definitely showed off a bunch of characters and new designs and match ups etc. that anime only’s would be getting introduced to through the OP. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just a choice to be made. I only suggested he not watch it if he doesn’t want spoilers but if he’s like me and doesn’t care all that much, shouldn’t be an issue. Just wanted to give him a heads up in case he did want to try and stay blind on some of the imagery and designs and shit that are to come.


Goodwin: "It's all gonna be about Best Jeanist this episode" Me: *looks in the none existing camera*

Jake White

Yeah I like Jason don’t get me wrong just not usually near as much as the majority of the rest of the cast, but unexpectedly his maniacal laughter and a few of his lines actually hit me harder than the subbed version. Was definitely pleasantly surprised.

Jacob Keyser

And the GOAT returns

KuroNekoMataXIII (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-20 11:39:54 I started crying when Mirio mentioned needing laughter for a bright future & how it's a motto of his. One of the last thing Nighteye said to him. 😭😭😭
2023-01-10 21:07:27 I started crying when Mirio mentioned needing laughter for a bright future & how it's a motto of his. One of the last thing Nighteye said to him. 😭😭😭

I started crying when Mirio mentioned needing laughter for a bright future & how it's a motto of his. One of the last thing Nighteye said to him. 😭😭😭

Dorian Manewitz

At this point in the manga people were talking a lot about role reversal. Bakugo has taken on a more strategical and methodical approach while Midoriya is just going berserk. The same with Toga and Dabi, usually Dabi is the calm calculating one while Toga is trying to murder everyone in sight, now Toga is wrestling with some more philosophical or moral problems and thinking about her actions while Dabi is going wild.