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In Haikyuu 1x7, Versus the Great King, King Senpai isn't fooling anyone with his good looks, fashion sense, volleyball skills, humility, male appeal, generosity, kindness, work ethic.......................

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The advisor is voiced by Levi's VA :)


Please never stop writing episode descriptions.


Stupid sexy Oikawa


The interaction between Kageyama and Kindaichi was much needed. On my first watch, I didn't really care for Kindaichi, but since I've rewatched this show quite a few times now, I really empathize with him. It's great for us on this side, seeing the immense growth Kageyama has gone through, but from Kindaichi's perspective it's been a short while since graduating, and Kageyama has suddenly gone and made all this progress. His resentment and rage towards Kageyama is laced with jealousy and probably even guilt. It's like a slap in the face seeing Kageyama change so quickly, like, "Was it me, were we the reason Kageyama was like that?" He also feels like Kageyama probably didn't respect them enough to see them as teammates. And as much as he said "they were never friends to begin with", he was probably yearning for his friendship, hence why he still has such strong emotions towards him. And I think the scene of him saying, "Don't apologize, I won't apologize either", is sort of like him establishing a rivalry while also conceding to the fact that the middle school match wasn't really either one's sole fault, just an unfortunate circumstance of the state of their team.


aaaa two of my favorite characters making an appearance this ep!!! Oikawa and Higher Deity-kun lol so excited to watch the upcoming episodes along with you!

Chris Sharpe

“Tobio-Chan ❤️”

Skyler Anderson

AHHHH we've met some of my favorite characters! Oikawa and the "Guardian Deity." This show does such an amazing job of giving life and personality to each and every character on every team that it feels like this is a living breathing world.

Chris Sharpe

Just finished season 1 and am a few episodes into season 2. I would say that the two goats from this episode are my favorites.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

you are blessing us with these uploads right now sir, also OIKAWA THE GOAT, I love this man


Really? I might be in the minority on this, but I did not even like Oikawa until the end of Season 2.

Chris Sharpe

@Ryan Might just be the hype rubbing off on me. But I do like his general vibe, especially as an antagonist.


[Sorry for the length. I'm uncomfortably similar to Takeda-sensei in the cringy-overenthusiasm department] Language nerd comments: - First, I think something that doesn't get explained in most sports anime is that *most* high school club sports teams don't have a "coach" per se. They have to have a faculty advisor like Takeda, but those are assigned by the Principal, they might not know anything about the sport, and they might not be involved in day-to-day club activities at all except nominally approving things or reserving spaces. Hiring a "coach" to give specific sports advice is rare outside big name schools or private schools with money. Most public schools (like Karasuno) don't have the money, so any coach they do have is essentially volunteering their time. At most schools, the senpai teach everyone and have to figure out everything from what to do for practice to in-game strategy by themselves. - "Guardian deity" isn't quite as highfalutin as it sounds in English. The word 'shugoshin,' 守護神, is used for all sorts of benevolent spirits--the most common everyday example is the "jizou" statues on the side of the road (https://www.insidejapantours.com/blog/2018/07/17/jizo/)--but it's also used in sports a lot for really strong defenders. For example, the goalkeeper for Japan's national soccer team in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Kawaguchi, was even called the "flame" shugoshin, haha (炎の守護神) (no relation to FMA's Mustang, so far as I know. I think it was just the constant yelling and the spiky hair). - Speaking of the guardian deity, that new character is introduced wearing one of his iconic t-shirts with a "4-character-idiom" or "yojijukugo" on it. In Japanese and Chinese, a LOT of idioms or expressions are written with 4 kanji, like 一石二鳥 (isseki nichou, "1 stone, 2 birds"). In this case, his t-shirt says 一騎当千 (ikki tousen, "1 knight matches 1000"), from the legend of a warrior so strong that he could take on a whole army by himself. Basically every episode you see him in going forward, he'll have some themed yojijukugo on his shirt. - 8:45 Building on what Bighead was saying about the Kageyama-Turnip interaction, this is the first time we see this "running-water-to-wash-away-bad-feelings" thing. I'm still not sure really what to make of it, but going forward, very often when someone like Turnip is feeling negative, we'll also see running water. Comes up a lot. - 5:45 They had Kageyama saying "{I} can't catch up to [Hinata] if {I'm} even one step behind." In Japanese, the {I'm} part wasn't stated, so it could equally be "you." If Hinata gets the jump on you (as in Turnip, or anyone for that matter), then at that point, the only thing that can catch him is the ball. - Last: 15:50, the protein bars they get at the store are labeled "gungun bars." That's similar to the name of the drinks Kageyama always gets at the vending machine, "gungun yoghurt." ぐんぐん, 'gungun,' is the sound word for "growing quickly / by leaps and bounds." There's a real-world dairy product called "gungun-guruto" that's probably the initial inspiration, but the protein bars are original, so the name's meaning is probably intentional.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

some people just can't handle the chad-ness and overall alpha persona Oikawa gives off, he is simply too cool.


I haven't seen anyone really mention it (except Ryan above, who mentions that most schools only have a faculty member supervisor and not a coach) but the reason Takeda, their supervisor, is so poetic is because he's actually a literature teacher.


Haha, you're right, benj. I prefer Rengoku/Daichi types to Tengen/Oikawa types in general.


Ah yes inject this early understanding of Oikawa into my veins


Sorry, not sure how many episodes ahead you are, so I thought I'd put this out now. There was a Haikyuu movie summarizing Season 1, but it's not on Crunchyroll or Hulu (maybe because it's essentially the same content?). There is one new scene, though, about a minute long, added to what would be the end of Episode 10. After seeing Ep10, it might be nice to include that, if nothing else, for yourself. It's a little schmaltzy, but I think people would be happy knowing you'd seen it. For now, this link isn't broken: https://youtu.be/lL4_lXaRWpQ