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In Spy x Family 1x16, Yor's Kitchen / The Informants, Yor narrowly avoids getting dumped by finding the secret ingredient (cactus), and Franky starts what will hopefully be a 100 episode love story arc. 


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spy x family 1x16 extended

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I do really like how well this episode fleshes Camilla out relative to the amount of screen time she got. She seems to be very insecure about herself, which leads to her being extra sensitive about things. I imagine she also used Yor's lack of social skills as a measuring stick so she wouldn't feel as bad about herself. Which explains why she acted so horribly in Episode 2, because Yor essentially destroyed that worldview just by having Loid show up.

Geneva The Weeba

“There’s a tradeoff between the amount you can clearly see and intuit about people around you and the amount of energy you spend focusing on your own internal self-regulation,” “Lying blinds you to the deception of others,” “They’re so consumed with protecting their identity, they’re missing the extremely obvious signs in front of them,” (THANK YOU!! That’s what I’ve been saying for over a year now) “Way to share intimate details of your husband’s bowel movements with your hostile coworkers. I would be so angry,” “Speaking of getting yourself a wife, this guy needs to get himself a wife,” “This is a man in love. That explains how he can put up with it,” (Camilla’s boyfriend is great lol) “We have gathered a lot of intel on this love interest. Too much intel,” “Is that Loid? Oh my God, that’s a great disguise. Franky is filled with confusing feelings,” (Off topic, but Goodwin mentioning how his good friends would rib and tease him after getting rejected is like EXACTLY what happens in Slam Dunk. It’s practically the premise of the whole show and I find it hilarious lol)