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In Violet Evergarden: The Movie, a huge twist leads to a happy ending and a lot of people trying to control themselves from grabbing the Major and shaking him while screaming. 


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"I'm expecting a MAJOR conclusion for Violet herself." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Its been a great journey Goodwin. I looked into it more and the rumours of a potential Season Two are pure speculation, there isn't even any more source material for the studio to adapt, so this is 99% likely the final end of the Violet Evergarden franchise. For me, this film is the peak of the series, both narratively and in terms of Violet's character arc. I would still say episode 7 and episode 10 emotionally impact me harder than this movie does, but man I just love how this film has a huge focus on the Episode 10 plotline, they knew what they were doing with that episode and how massive of an impact it had on not only everyone who watched it, but Violet herself. We are lucky to get to witness images as magnificent as this film. It's pretty amazing to witness this art style come to its full realization in this final film, a little under 3 years after the pilot episode aired. The KyoAni art style, specifically this film and a handful of other shows made by the studio, are the most beautifully animated pieces of media I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. The detail in every frame is remarkable, the accuracy of the facial expressions is scarily human, all the techniques the animators for this show practiced over the course of years came to its peak throughout this runtime, beginning to end.


Whewww! It's actually been a while since I've seen this film and seeing it again was such a whirlwind! Honestly my sentiments concerning Gilbert were very similar to yours. I initially was hoping that there wouldn't be a reunion, because I thought it was SO powerful that Violet had found the courage to push forward without him. However I think this is ultimately the ending that they both deserved and I'm really happy with it. But honestly, you say some wild stuff sometimes... "What if he has a family"??? I never even considered that outcome! That would have been something else! Sheesh! At any rate, infinite thanks for taking us along on your Violet Evergarden reaction journey! It was so much fun to go through it all again and see it from your perspective! So glad I caught up in time... now I need to catch up with Vinland Saga, lol.


Everytime I watch Kyoto Animation, being struck by the brilliance of what's on screen, I can't help but to be reminded of the tragedy that took place in the very place they drew these pictures. For any innocent life to be lost is horrible, but for so many people who have been so productive during their lives, to have created so many pieces of art that have touched the hearts and souls of so many living people, it's difficult to grapple with. I believe there is a real connection between the artist and viewer, formed through the creation and consumption of that art, but where does that connection lead? For me, it gives a better understanding of myself, my relationships with others, even the world itself. Sometimes it even makes me more empathetic, watching with others creates a shared emotional experience that reminds me I’m not alone in my feelings. Art serves as an inspiration to so many people. Whatever the connection may be, they are all equally special, equally important. Right now I am feeling the hole of the loss of so many artists who left such a profound impact on me, but these films and their messages will live on forever. They remind me these connections will never fade. We all die, movies are eternal.


Well here i am this movie isn't in my plan to watch for some reason I know nothing i have no expectations o.o Ann?! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH ugh god i knew the house looked familiar lfdkgsldjgbdkjgb I THOUGHT THE WIND WAS GONNA BLOW ALL THE LETTERS AWAY I WAS TERRIFIED it starts out with sad cuz its letting u know the movie is gonna murder ur everything YURIS DON'T MAKE UR PRECIOUS BABY BROTHER CRY OMG i'm sorry but violet doing a thumbs up is just so funny XD "wait a minute who is this?!" lmao me when the little kid said that the flowers weren't violets I SWEAR TO GOD IF HE'S STILL ALIVE that instant response to potential danger my god violet \was that lucas? omg he's so cute!\ "I wonder why he chose not to return?" maybe amnesia??? lmao that dramatic ass screen tilt XD OH MY GOD I'M SO DFGJSDLFGSDGBSKDG "I made her unhappy!" incorrect "She's better off without me" INCORRECT GO GET UR MAN VIOLET!!! GO HUG HER DAMN IT JKNLSDFGBLSJDGBKSJDFBGKG "do u regret that i exist?" oh dear sweet jesus god god violet u sweet precious bean YURIS PLEASE UGH MY HEART LUCAS AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH BRB WHILE I JUST MELT INTO A PUDDLE Heyyy u brought tissues this time lmao a bit late but hey its all good there's a lot of old people in that grape field...maybe motorize that pulley??? tbf she has followed her heart BACK TO YOU SO LIKE GO AFTER HER DAMN IT nice action jump o.o "my heart hurts" YEAH HI SAME THERE WE GO FINALLY OH MY GOD the symbolism of the first and last letter brb dying i think the fireworks were to celebrate the radio tower being finished??? I SHED TEARS AND HAD ALL OF THESE EMOTIONS FOR A HUG AND A PINKY PROMISE?! whatever its still 10/10!!!!! thank you Alex!

Slim Cognito

Went to see this one on my own in the cinema was the only guy in the theatre 😂 it was very emotion but I didn’t properly cry. This time I was in puddles, I really think seeing it along with someone who really gets it just heightened the experience so much. I’m so glad this was a reaction series on here and I can’t wait for the upcoming shows.


I'd have preferred it if they didn't feel the need to go for the stereotypical "And they lived happily ever after". It's not bad, in a void (hence why it's stereotypical), but within the premises of the show, it's kind of an 180. The show was about Violet moving forward from her grief. Well, apparently she didn't really have to.


violet is an istj in the beginning of the show, but i think shes more of an isfj now


we probably wouldn't get a season 2 for years even IF there was one in planning Staff shortage at the studio for very unfortunate reasons


this movie is special on so many levels

Geneva The Weeba

(rest in the reply) “Tears: The Anime, the final installment,” “Now, this guy looks like someone important. You can tell by his top hat. And mustache. Well, if it isn’t the monopoly guy,” “Poor Benedict. All he wants to do is have lunch with people, and everyone keeps turning him down. Except for Post Office Santa Claus. Somebody please have lunch with Benedict,” “On some level, Violet works to survive,” “People really do become a part of you,” “The difficulty is in the interim,” “There will never be a replacement, but there will be beauty. There will be joy again,” “I could see that attitude through a smoke signal,” “You can’t ‘should’ your feelings. Your feelings are what they are,” “I know people vary a lot in the levels of solitude they need,” "“I’m sorry, she’s the Terminator,” “Look at her eating! That’s character development,” “Oh, right, I forgot about the father hate,” “Soundless words. Inaudible dialogue, typically not a great sign,” “Sometimes when you least want to work is when work is the best thing for you,”

Geneva The Weeba

“Trespassing laws be damned; just kick in the front door,” “I am a better judge of what I need,” (paraphrasing) “I stopped loving the relationship and started loving her for who she is,” “That was the best ‘you idiot’ ever,” “If you’re gonna have emotional pain, do it in a place like this,” “Look at Violet making jokes,” “I can’t be wih Viahlet because o’ ma grapes. Ma grapes an’ ma kids And PTSD,” “I’m not thinking about the grape contraption right now, I have other concerns,” “You don’t have to bear it alone, but you gotta bear it,” “Oh no it’s the crying song,” “Let’s not die on the way to each other,” “We don’t need that anymore. We don’t need letters anymore,” “Well, with Violet out of the picture, Iris can finally be the best like she always wanted,”

Geneva The Weeba

“I know people vary a lot in the levels of solitude they need,” It was interesting hearing Goodwin’s perspective on coming home to an empty house as I myself am an introvert and love me an empty house. For one of my birthdays a few years back I requested that the rest of my family go somewhere for the weekend, and I would stay home. It was genuinely one of THE best experiences I’ve EVER had. That first hour in an utterly empty house was pure bliss. I cried and laughed and jumped with joy just about the whole time. We did it again for the whole week of spring break that year and I again had an amazing time. No parties, no friends over, just me. So yeah, really interesting hearing that solitude can be truly distressing for others. Coming home to an empty house when I’m in turmoil is an utter and complete relief for me


I've been thinking about this a lot recently... I would say I'm somewhat reserved but an extreme extrovert in how I get my energy. It's something I need to watch out for. I'm staying with a friend right now but moving into a new apartment Saturday. I gotta make sure I have sufficient social outlets without going too crazy.