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In Vinland Saga episode 1x21, Reunion, Askeladd used to be a warrior until he took an arrow to the knee. And then he continued to be a warrior.


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Bjorn was dying, but wanted to die in battle rather than his bed so Askeladd agreed to it. Askeladd truly did think of Bjorn as his friend.


I think Askeladd really did consider Bjorn his only friend. He hated the Danes and the Vikings, and yet became one himself to survive and further his goals. He doesn't deny that he became what he hated, and I think you can only exist in a lie for so long before it starts to be true. By now, there is almost certainly a part of him that embraced that life, as much as he may hate it, and Bjorn was a major part of that life for a long time. Askeladd surely conceded himself that much, one person that he could consider a friend, even if he told himself he didn't up until sending him to Valhalla.


I also think you're a bit harsh with interpreting Canute, based on his end goal. As much as "I can create paradise" sounds like a sort of delusional power trip, Canute has really made no indication that he's willing sacrifice innocents to gain control. He really was sorry for that slave, he never asked Askeladd to set someone up to take a hit for him, and forbid him from doing so in the future. He's even preparing to stop Thorfinn and Askeladd's duel before anyone dies, just like he did with Thorkell's. He exists in a bloodthirsty, back-stabby environment, and recognizes that in order to win the game, he has to play--his comment about becoming a demon--but ultimately I think he's willing to make those sacrifices himself, get his own hands dirty, so to speak. I mean, his main pillar is that he despises the cruelty of man. The paradise he wants is a world where men strive to find the "love" that God's denied them, doing away with unnecessary violence and death. Again, maybe delusional, but I don't believe he has selfish intentions in the least.


That makes sense. I'm just primed to be suspicious of the whole "I'll build a paradise of my own making" idea. I think it was in the next episode that I said something about the fact that he hasn't really crossed any key lines yet


You miss a lot of stuff when you talk, you missed when Canute clearly didn't like that the girl died and you thought he lied when he clearly was bothered with what Askeladd did Also you seem to miss the whole point and meaning or reason behind Canute's "Paradise" judging by the way you mock it all the time


I heard it I just wasn't convinced. It felt sort of like, oh well nothing can be done. But yes maybe I'm being too cynical about it

Geneva The Weeba

“Thors would have been very displeased,” “At heart, I believe that all evil can be understood, and therefore forgiven,” “Leif Erikson, you have a tough hill to climb if you have any hope of rehabbing this kid,” “It’s his first love hug in a long time,” “I bet he has some sort of mail on or something. AH there’s no male there at all!” “What are they hoping to do? She’s got a full piece of wood in her heart,” “It’s one form of escapism after another,” “As much as you want, you can’t undo someone else’s trauma,” “It’s real easy way to get resentful of other people when they’re not coming around to you the way that you need,” “This is one of those mountains that you climb only to find that the peak is empty. And along the trail are corpses of all the good things you’ve discarded in your attempt to reach the pinnacle,”


It is left sort of open ended whether Askelaad actually considered Bjorn a friend or not, but given how he's portrayed immediately after their duel, I think he cared about him to some extent, whether as a friend or not, certainly more than he'd care to admit. Like many things in Askeladd's life, his relationship with Bjorn is a contradiction. It is a friendship, and it isn't. He's spent more than ten years rebuffing his men with the illusion of friendliness, and yet Bjorn's sees through it and still wants to be his real friend. Only now, when he has nothing to lose and nothing can come of it, is Askeladd willing to let himself call him his friend. It is the tragic contradiction of his life spent as the calculating manipulator. He constantly wins, yet it feels empty and cold.

Matthew B

"I'm just primed to be suspicious of the whole "I'll build a paradise of my own making" It's almost like we played out this experiment in full in the 20th century. It didn't end well.

Jake White

I think Askeladd’s immediate shock and panic upon realizing he missed Bjorn’s vitals for a quick painless death, as well as how worn and gravely he’s drawn after that until the end of the episode, both strongly indicate that at the very least Askeladd did genuinely care for Bjorn and was somewhat shaken by having to put him to rest.


Ehh I can’t think of something he’s missed, Goodwin is usually pretty dang good about reading and talking and pausing when he wants to talk more in depth


Absolutely the way he was was portrayed after the duel made it more convincing he cared about bijorn


I never thought that i would care about bijorn death this much when he was first introduced . What a great character writing from the show. It makes u feel for them . Thats the benefit of starting the show slowly and taking your time building the characters.


Canute and Flish Floch have the same voice actor


The series never really concludes askeladd feelings towards bjorn, so thats up to interpretation. He was merciful and kind to him at the end, because askeladd its not a stereotype of a bad guy.


nah Goodwin its fine, he is actually seeing way ahead of canute´s character. so I´m actually impressed.


bjorn its left to interpretation. And although I like canute, its totally ok to not to do so. in fact you are right in several things about canutes character here. its only that this things will take time to get developed, but so far you are reading the character way ahead, which its great.

Jake White

Kinda spoilery to let people know what a character will be like further down the road tbh


Well I haven´t said anything substancial and with vinland saga there isn´t anything black or white much less in characters views, so being spoilery with such a basic statement like I think he is right about what he thinks its being too overboard, I think he is right about what he says and he is reading already the clues that there aren´t good and bad guys here, some people in the comment section are trying to change his perspective on canute like its somehow wrong to not like him or his views. Which its weird. its not bad to dislike him at all and he isn´t reading anything wrong by doing it so. you can like him or dislike him and the series would be the same. because the characters here are morally complicated.