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In Jujutsu Kaisen 1x18, Sage, everyone's petty agendas go out the window when the villains show up to remind you that nature hates you.


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I believe in either a fanbook, or an interview w/ the Mangaka; it was confirmed that Gakuganji was a huge Jimi Hendrix fan. Which I find hella based personally.

Geneva The Weeba

“Thanks for pointing out that obvious parallel that I missed, Megumi,” “He’s doping! Performance Enhancing Drugs? In Jujutsu Kaisen? Things just got real dark,” “Why does the enemy make walking look so cool?” “If I can’t capture details in an anime opening that I’ve seen, what, four or five times at this point, what the hell am I missing in life that’s right in front of my eyes?” “And as we all know from movies, when it comes to trained monsters or dinosaurs, nothing ever goes wrong. They’re always totally obedient,” “That is the enemy invading your tournament arc. As they do,” “Alright, Gakuganji, this is your chance to actually do something good,” (Gakuganji proceeds to whip out his epic electric guitar) “I like that this guy has appointed himself spokesman for the trees,” (Lorax confirmed) “To say that humans are against or a threat to nature draws an imaginary, and somewhat arbitrary line between humans and nature, as if humans are somehow outside of the natural world and ecosystem,” “If only people got me like you do, soil,”