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In Jujutsu Kaisen 1x17 Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event - Group Battle 3, Mai's tough exterior is reduced to nothing as she becomes the first character ever to have guns not be an unfair advantage in high school battle shows.


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jjk 1x17 extended

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Chris Sharpe

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that Maki and Mai are identical twins.

Geneva The Weeba

“Miwa’s using half her energy admiring her,” (As we all should) “What is this crow. Are you here to send underlings off to their deaths, Demon Slayer style?” “Look at this closet badass over here,” “The fact that they have the luxury to think about these things; they’re unfocused on what is important. It’s calcified. They’re overconfident and arrogant,” “One of the things essential to human prosperity seems to be the desire to climb,” “If all of the immediate, actual problems have been solved, we’ll invent new games to play,” “We just give a much higher weighting to what currently is and how things currently feel,” “How do you feel somebody else’s humanity in the same gravity that you feel your own?” “If I cross the street and get hit by a car, it doesn’t mean I’m a good person. It just means I got hit by a car,” “People who would seek to use suffering as a badge of merit realize on some level that they must destroy the element of choice in order to that to be valid,” “People will remove options to stay in a mentality that’s more comfortable,” “Being strong definitely does not mean ignoring the reality. It means understanding the reality but not overstating its impact on what you're able to do,” “Ooh, she was counting! It’s the revolver ocelot battle all over again,” “Where’d she get the seventh shot? She’s got the Nerf gun handle extension!” “Best. Girl. Miwa,” “When your classmates steal your edamame.That’s just dirty. Like I said, this society’s ready to fall. Doom is imminent. We live in a world where you can just eat people’s edamame without saying anything,” “This is impressive ramen technique from someone who hasn’t even gone to college yet,” “People who know how to cook cup ramen like that have eaten *way* too much cup ramen. That’s *why* they know those methods. It was a matter of survival,” “This tournament arc has delivered the tournament arc goods,”