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In Kaguya Sama episode 2x10, Miyuki's fish bounty dance is answered in the form of his father taking a break from beer to slide out of the shadows and get a confession from Kaguya.


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i can relate to drifting from my sibling. my little brother and i were very close as kids because of close proximity - our parents were divorced and as we were sent back and forth between changing households, we were one another's only constant. our relationship with our dad was always strained and volatile, so even if we were at his place, we would avoid him by spending time with each other. that changed when our father left the country and we didn't see him again for years, and the two of us were no longer "forced" to spend time together. our father's absence sent both of us into odd behavioral phases, but given how my brother was just starting puberty, his behavior become particularly erratic and immature to the point where i couldn't stand to be around him. it was heartbreaking to see him lash out at me because i was very keen on protecting him from our father physically and emotionally, but i know i wasn't a perfect sister either. using my leverage as the older sibling, i would keep him in this box where he'd be something i'd both protect and patronize, projecting my frustrations onto him. that period of vicious fights and awkward silences lasted a few years, until he finally calmed down (settled into his hormones i guess...) and we were able to bond over me showing him TV shows and films I liked. we also started having real conversations about our shared experiences, because as you say, we're the only ones who can truly relate to each other. even after i moved away for college , i'd say we're still very close.

Geneva The Weeba

“The shock of it and the sadness of it deepened the problem because there’s some weird kind of insanity that comes from expecting things from people,” “Am I just an idiot? Don’t answer that,” “Oh no. This is gonna hit close to home. Oh no. *Ahhhhhh*,” “Dad just sort of slid in there like a creepy…Ackerman? Why does he give me Kenny vibes?” “For a lot of the really emotionally impactful things, you have to have to do this ridiculous zen game of not wanting it anymore,” “Things not going well is not really a sign of anything except that they’re not going well now,” “Things can be nothing today and everything tomorrow,” “In the absence of information, just assume the best,” “I’m here for basketball. Or taiko?” “I don’t know what is happening, but it is beautiful and I love it,” “You’re gonna be back, and Miyuki *WILL* be a great dancer and you’re gonna cry. Just like last time,” “I appreciate people who appreciate people,” “Guy knows his school legislation, I’ll give him that,” “As a guy who likes girls, I just feel like there’s gonna be few things that are as devastating as girls thinking you’re creepy,” “Is this about to get dark? Is that why Mommy left?” “I see we’ve got a meddler,” “It’s the things we want the most that are the greatest threats emotionally,” “He took time out of his busy, beer-drinking schedule to solve a love mystery. He’s the real Love Detective,” “I love the wholesome clubs in these shows. First Fruits Basket, then Mob,” (cries in 3-gatsu no Lion) “It’s not only her (Kaguya) going through that journey; it’s all of them. They all bring things to the table that the others need-except for Chika, who is perfect,”