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In Mob Psycho 1x10 The Heinous Aura - Mastermind, one seasoned lackey masterminds this giant beer.


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mob psycho 1x10 extended

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When's the full AOT reaction up?

Geneva The Weeba

Long one today, folks “That is a big bottle of beer. Respect,” “There’s an obvious connection between the scale of an achievement and its difficulty, and its probability of failure,” “No one is coming. It’s basically in our hands what we do with our own lives,” “The destination is not, you know, a label or a job, or a career, or an accolade. It’s development as a person, and I would say it’s the acceptance of truth,” “And why are you wearing McDonald’s makeup?”/ “Speaking of McDonalds,” “Awakening can be torture. Truth can be-oh my god no-that’s actually torture,” “I love the taunting. The scorn in his voice,” “Uhhhh. He needs to get to a hospital. Now,” (midcard) “Oh-oh! *DRAW*. Disappointing. But I’ll take it. Still not defeated though,” “This guy looks like a Pokémon trainer for some reason,* “Right. That’s what’s at stake. Your pride. Not this man’s life,” “Oh. He got defeated by a coat,” “Please stop whatever it is you’re doing,” “Everyone wants to be special. Everyone wants to feel secure in the sense that they have value. But some methods towards that are better than others,” “There’s a lot of working models for greatness,” “They’ve put down their models. The safe model of self-value. [...] They’re doing something like trading the safety--or the illusion of safety--of living a life of lies for, like, the dangerous, but empowering truth,” “What’s the situation on your *face*? Don’t touch it. It’s just vulgar,” “Just his powering up for a second was enough to give this guy diabetes,” “I don’t know which way it’s going, but I know it’s a con. OR IS IT? Is this a double con? Or did he massage his way to the top? That is also a possibility we must consider,”


It's usually up the following weekend after it airs


Gotta remember the next/last episode is early in april as they took a week break or something?


yea man it usually takes 4/5 days sometimes a week for him to upload. its been like this the entire pt. 2.