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In Fruits Basket 1x15 I Wouldn't Say That, Shigure stages a love intervention while also doing 4,000 other things.


Fruits Basket 1X15 Extended

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Francesca White

i'm not sure if you get this joke later in the reaction but imma just explain it here lol: Shigure's joke about Jason was that he was talking about the killer Jason, but then said it was a bear, and Kyo, pretending he knew that, is like "YEAH OF COURSE I KNEW THAT!!". then later in the episode Tohru and Kyo are both scared of Jason the Bear lmao


The joke is that Shigure *is* talking about Jason the serial killer, but knows Kyo is so self conscious that he’d rather play dumb and pretend he’s heard of Jason the Bear than be out of the loop


And here I trusted Shigure to tell me the truth about bear Jason and his lovable escapades. My hopes have been dashed


When they revealed at the end that Mayuko was the homeroom teacher it's the same Mayu that Hatori, Ayame and Shigure were talking about earlier in the episode who was Kanna's college friend and used to date Shigure and gave Ayame the photo

Francesca White

they were talking about Mayu, the Mayu who dumped Shigure after a month and was friends with Kana, then we see at the end that Tohru, Kyo, and Yuki's teacher is that Mayu/Mayuko


...I'm kinda confused because the way Shigure was talking + the framing of that, it made me think it was foreshadowing for Hatori and her? I don't know maybe I'm brain dead

Francesca White

why are you assuming Hatori is gonna be a "weird figure" for Kyo, Yuki and Tohru 😭 i've never seen that reading of that scene before, because all he said was he wants to look out for them so that they don't get hurt like he did. do you think you could explain why you think that was bad?

Francesca White

also i just realized this comment reads more aggressive than i meant it to lol, i was just very confused about that part of the reaction lol


Shigure is always doing 4,000 other things, he just gives off the appearance of someone who is just sitting around chillin’ not doing much. I love the duality of his character, from “haha im funny ol’ creepy uncle Shigure poking fun at everyone’s insecurities” to “I’ll use everyone around me to get what I want and you won’t even know”.

Francesca White

something interesting is that in episode 10, Yuki tells Tohru that someone once called Shigure "a wave on the water that you can never quite catch", and this episode we learn that that was Mayu/Mayuko, aka Kana's friend who dated Shigure for a month and who is also Kyo, Yuki, and Tohru's teacher :D


The thing is though.. i don't think hatori feels like he's sacrificing anything. He doesn't seem to have a lot of self worth.. that line about him wondering if what he had in the past was enough for his lifetime seems genuine because he honestly cant believe he even had that moment of love and happiness in his life. Also Hatori as showcased in previous episodes is not much of a meddler.. i think he was just saying that he wants Tohru and the boys to be happy. He wants them to enjoy these moments together like he enjoyed his moments with Kana because he knows how precious they can be.

Francesca White

true, like how he said to Shigure "I won't work with you, but I won't work against you either", he's not the kind of guy to get super involved


Tinfoil hat conspiracy time everybody: Today's tinfoil hat conspiracy theory: Kyo was somehow involved with the death of Tohru's mom, and that's why he has all this weird guilt and this connection to the hat. Is this theory crazy? Yes, it's pretty crazy. But honestly it's the only thing I can currently come up with in regards to the whisper he gave Tohru last episode. He's clearly harboring guilt over something, idk. Maybe he somehow indirectly caused the crash. WHO KNOWS. This has been your tinfoil hat comment. I'll update after watching the video as well.


Wow you NAILED on why I’m so fascinated by Shigure’s character, loved that in depth character breakdown, feeeeed me with the Shigure praise, feeeeeed me.


OH to expand on this. I actually thought of this during the graveyard scene, where Kyo was asking Hana about waves of the dead. He seemed pretty off during the entire event and even walked away from everyone else. So yeah, I don't know. Something definitely happened relating to death with Kyo, and then in that same episode he whispers to Tohru about being sorry? Idk man, my sus-radar is going off Why would he be asking her about waves of the deceased/spirits on the anniversary of Tohru's mom passing away??? And then also whisper to her saying he's sorry later?


I fucking can't with aya and shigure, my face hurts and i was wheezing before they were like "NICE!" seen this so many times and yet its still so funny XD Shigure: "Ok but why two thousand?" " Aya: "CUZ ONE THOUSAND IS TOO LITTLE" LMAO he's so cute XD \and also a big dumb idiot\ I do love everything u've been saying especially about Shigure's character cuz ur right u can't put him in a box cuz he'll just destroy the box XD


Another great video! I just love looking at all the setup for the story later down the line. I love your commentary on all the small moment, they make me think deeper about them. Thanks for what you do.


On the down side I have to go in for surgery on my ankle in the morning. Wish me luck and a speedy recovery everyone! Boy am I gonna need it...


a little heads up the 2 next fruits basket episodes 16 & 17 both have post credit scenes :)

Derrick C. Shields

I love that you loved the inclusion of Aya in this episode. It's really cool how Ayame is kind of the perfect person to say what he did to Hatori. Tohru and Shigure would likely say something similar, but one is too nice and the other too passive to be so aggressive. Aya just comes out and is like "Kana's good, she's coasting along on the river of ignorance. It's YOUR happiness that matters here!" Unfortunately, as Crystal pointed out, Hatori doesn't seem to have the self-worth to truly believe any of that. I understand why initially you kind of thought Hari was doing a "tragic hero" shtick with how he dealt with losing Kana, but I really do believe Hari legitimately thinks the time he spent with Kana is more than he could have hoped for; and that hoping for more is just asking for further heartbreak for him, and possibly endangering someone else's mental wellbeing. Even knowing the small amount that we do about Akito and the curse at this point, I think it makes sense Hari feels this way. If someone was so angry at your previous engagement that they broke the brain of your fiance, and you knew it was a very real possibility they'd do so again, would you just decide "well, time to try again! Hope someone else doesn't get mentally ruined!" It doesn't mean giving up is the right thing to do, but without a change in perspective, it wouldn't make sense for Hari to be like "Ah, you're right. I deserve happiness."