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In Fruits Basket 1x7, Spring Comes, Tohru warms Harry's heart with a cool island song, but will she be able to survive the power of Dark Lord Akihito?


Fruits Basket 1x7 Extended.mp4

This is "Fruits Basket 1x7 Extended.mp4" by A Goodwin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



It is now very clear, the Sohma family has some serious issues. Akito is a total piece of shit here, he is clearly an abusive and reactionary douche just from this episode alone. Hatori’s backstory makes me sob like a baby, this episode was the first (Definitely not the last!) episode to make me cry in this show. I pray that he can find another authentic romantic relationship in the future that will be safe from trauma and curses, but looking at things as they stand now that seems quite impossible. "Tohru choking out Yuki on a beach somewhere" IM DEAD

Francesca White

just commenting this now but you might get it later in the episode: Hatori is the dragon, in Japan seahorses are sometimes called "baby dragons"

Francesca White

also it's not explicitly said but like i'm 99% sure that Kana DID choose to have her memories erased, especially cuz before she got them wiped she was saying "if only we'd never met"

Francesca White

like she knew she was there to get them wiped, she def agreed to it, so maybe that'll change your views on what happened.


So there are two major reasons that Hatori decided to take away Kana’s memories that I don’t think you’re seeing. 1. Kana’s guilt was so strong that she was at risk for hurting herself or maybe even committing suicide. Hatori tried to tell her that it wasn’t her fault but she wasn’t able too process it. The whole event was traumatic and Akito told her it was her fault that Hatori was permanently injured. Hatori didn’t erase her memories right away, it was after weeks or months of decline in her mental health. 2. Akito directly manipulated Hatori into taking away her memories. Akito told him that he was unworthy of Kana’s love and that Kana wanted, NEEDED, to be set free by him. Akito has a lot of influence as the family head over the Soma’s

Francesca White

what do you mean, he did say Honda?? lol

Francesca White

yeah she was spending months and months of doing nothing but crying and her mental health was still getting worse with each day


Hmm all i'll say is that the curse has a large influence on these characters and their decisions and so it really affects their view on the world/other people. So that might be why it's hard to understand Hatori's view of his whole situation with Kana. ps. i loved that you called him "harry" lol


I noticed later that they throw the phrase "sea dragon" in there at one pont.


Yeah the curse is so key. It's hard to really assess what's going on without knowing directly what it is


I am the "just break up" friend. I don't say it to be insensitive but in my experience relationship issues are repetitive. It depends on the issue too. If you come to me with the same problems over and over again. And I give you advice that you never take, then I do get to the point of, "Just break up." From my perspective, you're trying but I can't see, objectively, what the other person is doing. AND you're stressing me out. I am empathic so when you hurt, I hurt. I can't be wanting to fight just for you to forgive and go back. Now I have these feelings I don't know what to do with. I value peace over everything and I honestly believe that love isn't that hard. It's our expectations and baggage that make it that way. Humans complicate things. My intention is to spark something in you: Maybe you'll see your relationship objectively and can make an appropriate choice or maybe you'll decide to see a real non-biased therapist. I don't even know what point I'm making here. Just offering a perspective. Can't really comment on the episode. You'll get a lot of character development in the next few episodes. Still enjoying the way you think.


oh my god you actually did the beach training montage


I'm watching this show for the first time along with you, and I have to say that while romance anime is not my usual fare, this particular episode helped me get more invested in the plot, because it sure is mysterious.


just wait chief, if you want more serious mysterious drama, you are gonna get it. happy to hear your watching the show just cause goodwin picked it.


I think a lot of the time it's solid advice. And as you said there is something beneficial about hearing that advice because it's so severe it kind of shocks the other person into thinking about what they're actually doing and what they want. It's just that I feel like that option is visited too easily and immediately in many cases, and often misses some of the important subtleties of the problem, for example that patterns often exist because of both parties, not just the one about whom grievances are being aired, so breakups don't always solve patterns in any meaningful way. And then there is also an element of it that I know to be well intentioned but also creates challenges, which is something like being supportive and taking a friend's side and always seeing them as the better of the two in the relationship. With that it's like... the friends on both sides are saying the same thing, and so while it's a nice idea for support, something is wrong there if both people are way better than the other person in concept and would each be way better off. And it creates headwinds for the people in the relationship who have actual skin in the game. It's already difficult to have great relationships. It can be frustrating to be in the relationship and be fully invested into trying to make it work but to feel like people are being flippantly against you without even knowing your side.


I'm just going to let you know beforehand that "punitive justice" is not the message of Fruits Basket. It's controversal but "calling the cops" is never going to be a solution presented in the show.

Carlos Salazar

I need to watch the reaction BUT before, this weekend I just watched Momiji backstory and it almost made me cry... This Monday I watched it again but in English and... Oh boy, that fake accent ruined everything. I think now it's the moment to consider the subs, according to my girlfriend Momiji is an important character and dealing with that voice for 3 seasons... Just wanted to let you know. Now, watching the reaction.


Gonna have to STRONGLY agree with this comment. This episode was completely ruined by Momiji's and Akito's terrible impersonations of the original characters. This show is very tragic and dramatic, it needs to be taken quite seriously if its going to have the intended effect.

Jacob Keyser

Akito is just the worst


Although I get where you're coming from, I think Akito has a lot to do with Hatori finally choosing to erase Kana's memories. Hatori also couldn't bare to witness Kana tear herself apart and risk her doing something that they would both later regret. From this episode we can see further into the zodiac members' perspectives on themselves where they think there is something wrong with them. Hm, I wonder why that is?


I haven't watched the reaction yet but just watched the episode itself and my god. Pain, that's all I can say. That episode was painful and beautiful at the same time Will update after watching I feel like my soul has been crushed


Akito needs that patented Tohru therapy session


Update: I personally think the curse has to do with the members of the Zodiac not being able to sort of defy Akito, maybe? And that's why he couldn't tell Kana it wasn't her fault. She fell into self blame and became mentally exhausted/damaged by it because no one could validate her feelings. She got gaslit by Akito, and then totally internalized it until she crumbled That's just my theory for now, considering Akito seems like the head of everything. I'm going to guess Akito is the snake zodiac? But yeah I think there's definitely a curse tied to Akito or something. Edit: Also, your talk about anime protagonists and Tohru's optimism got me thinking about why Edward Elric is one of my favorite protagonists. He has an unbreakable will, and he's optimistic but in a very different way. He's like a pessimistic optimist, if that's even a thing. The second episode we're introduced to him questioning religion and blind faith as a lifeline, all while he clings to his old body as his only goal. I know this is Fruits Basket not FMAB but I thought of this out of the blue and figured I'd type it here. He's like a shounen protagonist but at the same time not, it's beautiful


Yeah pain all around this episode from Hatori's backstory.... and especially Momiji's VA using that accent. A part of me shrivels up and dies from cringing so hard. I also can finally relate to Goodwin when listening to Aoyama talk. What is he saying?? Half the time idk lol


Before Goodwin started reacting to the series I hadn't seen it at all more than that I was aware that it existed and right now I have less than 1 episode left before I finish the entire series. (I'm trying to watch morethan just the common superpowers anime I tend to watch so I think it was a good choice that Goodwin started reacting to this series) I also like that you get the best experience watching all the reaction series like how Fruits Basket was mentioned in To your Eternity or right here in this episode where Alex said something along the line Her Deku sense is tingling time to start meddling. Looking forward to see what similarities and differences Alex can see between Deku & Tohru (the main characters, I'm excluding orb wolf for now) And at last but not least a little heads up: Fruits Basket has Post Credits after some episodes but I think the first one isn't until episode 16 so still some time to go before worrying about missing postcredit scenes :)


This is actually one of my favorite things about the channel, it's rewarding to follow the different series. Like only people who watched the LoK videos (or the fruit saga anime video) know the story behind the fruits in his room Or how he'll put references in the description to other stories, there's just a lot of extra details sprinkled in and it's a level of attention that I appreciate. Like the recurring AOT jokes, or comments about human transmutation or Ninaxander are all great to see. If you were watching MHA while he was watching Invincible, there was some interesting overlap in that they're both about superheroes. Or even MHA and AOT, and the different ways of viewing hope/cruelty. All of this is why I'm really down with checking out any show even if it's not what I would normally seek out, it's because this channel helps me think about it a bit deeper and find things to appreciate. Not to mention all of the great talks on life, philosophy and of course the S tier jokes.


agreed to those points, I haven't seen Invincible yet but I will probably do that one day