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In Attack on Titan 4x11 Deceiver, the true deceivers are the same as the true enemies. Birds




Its not even worth it for this episode but I waited anyway 3:17 dang


I can't watch it yet because I have to catch a flight soon but once I do watch it, I will be giving the trademarked update comment since this is one of my favorite episodes of the show


wow just checked the patreon, right on time




i'm glad you've been able to notice mikasa's evolution. there have been moments where we've seen she is able to adopt a strong moral compass (such as standing up for the young girl and her mother). I think the parental murder and near-sex trafficking event in her childhood shaped her in a way that she hasn't been able to break from, her view on the world was forever changed, eren's values taking precedent. I think mikasa shines the most when we're able to see her independence from eren, something that the manga was a lot better at (very upset at some early decisions on the anime's part to make some key mikasa character moments more eren-centric). I enjoy their dynamic greatly, but I also honestly believe eren can be a hindrance to her personal development. In comparison, armin's attachment to eren is also dangerous, but it also seemed to me that armin was able to maintain more personhood in his relationship with eren in a way that mikasa sadly wasn't able to.


Don’t know if you caught it but the parents taking care of the orphans were Sasha’s.


Sasha's last name is Brauss and the Brauss Stables are run by her parents just fyi!!


Worth it you have such a great way of articulating whatever you notice when it comes to character motivations and how you translate what you notice in the show into real life stuff is honestly amazing. I do think this show was made for that, you made me appreciate this episode more and I already love this show.


i don't blame you for missing some details bc you don't binge it like most of us, but the adults running the farm/family gabi & falco are with are sasha's parents. we saw them at her grave in a recent episode where nicolo (the marleyan chef) invites them to enjoy some of his cooking like sasha once did. and at the very end of this episode the girl sasha saved mentioned them being invited to eat with a marleyan who could possibly help gabi and falco. so yeah you can see how the show is starting to bring it all together. also, sasha's dad says "welcome to the braus farm" or something like that to them lol.


Living in France, I can't complain about the hour :) For once there aren't dozens of comments already.


hey Hey Alex the family Gabi and Falco ate with was Sasha's family did you know o.o I don't think u do from the 5 other comments of people saying it XD sorry had to XD Agreed Gabi is filled with all the Koolaid cuz i was so baffled that this conversation with Kaya didn't make her realize how brainwashed she is...i wonder if she'll get it all out in Part 2?


Hey hey :) I guess the further in you are farther you have to go to get out.

Maia Brodsky

Ah yes, Hange has started to become the very Sannes she mocked and tortured. "Good luck, Hange."


When that happened back in season 3 I wanted to freak out about it so badly but didn't want to spoil how it would directly circle back

Maia Brodsky

Did you recognize Sasha's father and the last name 'Braus' or no? I noticed you commented on Kaya but said nothing about Sasha's father.


Is it just me or does Sasha’s dad look so different in season 4? His character design looks way different than season 2 and I think the voice actor has changed but I’m not so sure.


What specifically about cruelty did people critique you on? It isn't like you don't acknowledge the cruelty and the horrors of the world. So I am having trouble with exactly what they critiquing you about regarding cruelty. hmmmm Iroh sees the goodness in the world, are these people saying that Iroh doesn't know darkness (he understands darkness more than anyone)? "You must never give into dispair. Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength."


The way Mikasa remembers the moment of Eren saving her from the kidnappers is pretty different in this episode. Normally, she remembers it as a heroic and kind act by Eren. This time, she hears creepy adult Eren's voice rather than his child voice as he kills the kidnappers and appears to recognize the brutality of what happened there. Those are some really evolving perceptions


You're almost caught up!!!


There's one thing many people who oppose Eren's decision seem to be missing out on: Zeke has only 1 year left in his term. Paradis higher ups/Hange keep telling Eren what he did is wrong, but they themselves are stuck in bureaucracy and still haven't come up with a solution 4 years after finding out the truth about the world. From Eren's POV the only thing that's left is to take matters into his own hands and do what he thinks is the acceptable (not perfect) solution for the sake of Paradis. You can see this in the previous episode when Eren begs Hange to name a better solution.


Attack on titan 4x11: the return of Melon Lord

Shaun Arhelger

What's really interesting about Gabi's attachment to her armband is how she was perfectly fine taking it off to fool the enemy before Liberio was attacked. She's definitely coping.


I think you're spot on about these heroic moments not being an accident, but instead are driving at the real message of the story. The oftentimes suffocating darkness of the show is a tool that makes these lights shine even brighter, in my opinion.

Maia Brodsky

I've seen this take a lot, and I just want to point out that it IS still his child voice. Like, it's still the higher pitch he had in childhood. But the speech pattern is creepy and flat like adult Eren.

Maia Brodsky

Goodwin gets that though. He's just holding Eren accountable for his decisions, regardless of whatever reasons he may have, even if those are compelling reasons.

Aura Y

I don't know if anyone commented this yet, so I run the risk of being a repeat commenter, but Sasha was supposedly supposed to be killed early in Season 2. But she was a fan favorite so the author decided to prolong the death, but it's amazing how great of a decision that turned out to be. Sasha's legacy still lives on and is impacting so many of these characters' lives and decisions even if she is no longer with them. Her decision to be brave and save Kaya allowed Falco and Gabi to experience a more nuanced side to the world. Her death as a result of war reveals some of the tragic consequences to continuing the vicious cycles of war. May Potato Girl rest well with delicious food!


As she said, I think it’s because she is now in paradise island and without the armband she would be like any “devil” living there.


I've been saying it since season 1, the positive moments are amplified and so much more memorable because of that. It's like a perfect antithesis to the "world is cruel" argument. The true message of the show imo has always been about human beings struggling and coping together. That's why there has been such a focus on comradery (I think I butchered that spelling but still) and bonds. AOT is not a story about how everything is horrible and we should accept that, and I don't think it ever has been. Always been about complex human beings coping and trying to find hope in a world that gives little. It's the opposite of accepting that everything is terrible so we might as well stop trying. Many characters strive to improve things.


Choosing to have Sasha die in this arc feels much better and more meaningful. It allows for the stuff with Kaya to come full circle, Gabi to grow as a character, other characters grow from it, and it acts as an even bigger splitting point between Eren and many of the scouts. I've been commenting a lot I just love this episode lol

Matsumoto Erkin

this is one of my all time favorite episodes in finals season of AOT. It has a cohesive theme and also highlighted some of the main ideas of the show. Focused on all trickling byproducts of casts’ action and their confrontation. Hangi who hated and interrogated previous Gov’s officer who claimed “all of its actions for the people” for their control of population by controlling information now doing the same with exact same excuse and the Merchant son who once encouraged by Hangi to confront the previ gov now confronting current gov Hangi. The girl saved by Mikasa in season 1 ,joined the scout as "fan" of Mikasa now confronting Mikasa who once saved by Eren and the girl and Mikasa share very similar reasons. Floch whose current state is byproduct of Erwin and Eren decisions now confronting current millitary for Eren. The girl saved by Sasha in season 2 now confronting Gabi who killed Sasha and shattering Gabi’s brainwashed world view. All those byproducts of actions now confronting and doing the things same as those who once influenced them. All previous “good guys” now l doing very similar things or in similar spot as the “bad guys” they hated and fought against once. Story wise one of the best episodes imo


Gabi's arc so far is amazing I feel like her potential character growth is the most interesting plot line so far, like yes there's a war going on but her plotline is so compelling!! I feel like it is so cathartic to have a character like Gabi being forced to face the reality of what her beliefs mean, how it has been affecting people, and how her preconceived notions on "the Island Devils" isn't close to how they really are. I also hope she gets some good character development and maybe joins the scouts but I don't like thinking about a character's future on this show because you never know if they'll be killed off, but i'm cautiously optimistic about Gabi.


This episode really gave me such Pitty for gabby and I think opened my eyes to the realization Gabi isn't the problem she is just as much a victim as the Eldians living on Paradise. She is a Symptom of the systematic oppression and subjugation that Marley has done to her. One could argue what they did to gabi is far worse than just killing the Eldians on Paradise. At least the People who died on Paradise had the opportunity to believe and fight for what they thought was right and to some extent have a degree of free thought on their own. Gabi was never given that opportunity and was robbed of mind, body and soul. Marely brainwashed her into thinking her own Race is Evil and the people on the island are not like her. She lived in fear of being turned into a titan herself if she ever went against Marley or her own family. and was physical kept in an interment Camp like an animal. This episode brought this back whole 2 sides thing for me personally back to the people who are responsible and that is the Government of Marley and their policies towards the eldian people.


I appreciate your opinions and thoughts so much. There is cruelty in this world. That doesn't mean that the world itself is cruel.


I think there are a few different ideas I see that overlap with each other. They go something like... - There is no inherent goodness or badness to any action, it all just depends on your perspective. In other words, one's personal view dictates the morality of each action, as opposed to morality being rooted to something more objective. - Life is meaningless and all attempts to find something better are naive. To think optimism is justified is to not understand the show / life itself. - Because of the inherent cruelty of the world, choice is limited / impossible. In other words, when presented with cruelty that threatens me, the option of choice and therefore the morality of my decisions are suspended in light of said threat. - Idealism and pragmatism are two different things entirely, and pragmatism is always more important than idealism. The last couple of videos have been me processing this to some extent, but of course Iroh does it way better and more succinctly :D


Really nicely put. I enjoyed this episode quite a bit. Even on first watch and without having fully processed it yet, it was clear to me that it's one of the most meaning-packed episodes so far.


That is very similar to my feelings about her :D I would be thrilled if something GOOD can come of her life, but not expecting it. In fact if I had to guess I'd say she becomes the next big threat. But I love the scene between her and Kayla where she just has to sort of look at what's going on, at least in a preliminary way.

Keegan Brakhage

yes horses do that haha they’ll chew your hair out


1. Pollute Beach 2. Punch Bird 3. ??? 4. Self fulfillment? I feel like we're on the verge of a serious breakthrough here.


Honestly, if Gabi was randomly killed off I wouldn't feel the slightest bit bad about it. I definitely feel more sympathy for someone like Reiner, but maybe that's just because he's been with us since the beginning. Gabi came outta nowhere in the final season and just bursts into the show no fucks given killing a fan-favorite character and I'm supposed to feel sorry for her? Nah.


What do you think about Gabi's tactic of playing off other people's reluctance to kill a child in order to kill those very same people when they hesitate? It's been a repeated tactic of hers since episode 1. First, we see her specifically come up with that plan in the trenches. She presents herself as a terrified child in the middle of an active warzone stumbling around in her underwear. On purpose just to get close enough to kill the soldiers on the other side, blow up the train, and set up the rest to be killed by Jaw. Then, she avoids the bullet from Sasha and because of that, ends up killing Sasha later. The Paradisian guard was worried about her health and ran in to help her. She's a little girl in distress. And she brains him with a brick and proceeds to bash his head in repeatedly. Over and over, she would have blindsided Kaya if Falco hadn't stopped her. It's unsurprising for child soldiers but still... she *does* know what she's doing. She plays it up when she's wants to. You can't quite judge her as you would an adult but has an inkling this might not be so good. Or at least she has a chance to confront it.

Alex Begley

I agree with what you said at the end, Alex. I think some people like to use "realism" as a cop out. They see the negativity in the world and just decide it's not worth the fight, then reason it away in their heads that the world is stuck being cruel and there's nothing they can do any way that would change it even if they wanted to. Yet that's exactly what feeds into it staying that way. Maybe it can never be excluded from the world entirely, but things can certainly been changed for the better. At the very least, you do better with your own actions as you are in control of them. That's why I said "realism" in quotes. An idealist can just as easily see the reality of the world. They're not that naive. They just aren't satisfied with the idea that you can't change reality. And that reminds me of a popular quote I've seen from an anonymous person:

Alex Begley

"When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn’t change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world."

Derrick C. Shields

You forgot when the former Paradisian brigade member who was keeping watch from the zeppelin didn't shoot her. Like when Sasha didn't shoot her, she didn't exactly "plan" that, but I think the cutaway to her face becoming determined and resolute implies she knew what was going on and took advantage of it. I guess I don't know this for sure, but it seems like this is really good use of contradictory thinking and justification. Gabi can clearly understand why things like removing your armband and any identifying marks during wartime, specifically for a sneak attack, would be considered a war crime; or why luring a guard into her cell by preying on his empathy would be cruel. But in the moment, she doesn't see the contradiction in her actions, and won't without some sort of outside trigger. Again, I'm making the assumption this is intentional, but I've heard people who were in hate groups talk about thinking this exact way. "Anytime I have to do something bad or adapt an illogical viewpoint, well that's how you have to fight the *truly* bad people. I'm justified in any actions I take because they're *evil*." It seems like such an easy delusion to fall into, but once you're standing outside of hatred, I can only imagine it seems like the furthest from "right" imaginable.


The EXTREMELY late update that I promised: So first off, to give an update, my flight went well. All is good, I'm in upstate New York now visiting family. Now for the meat of the comment: I haven't been able to completely articulate this until now, but AOT just feels so right for you to focus on with the channel. You're probably able to recognize why this episode reminds me of FMAB, with the focus on cycles of hatred, and especially people coming full circle to cause growth for other people. I said this in a different comment, but this episode (and one more in this season) feels like a perfect antithesis to the cruel world argument. I think it's pretty clear by now that it's intentional by the author to delve into these topics, and that the story has never been as simple as just saying that everything is horrible and the world is cruel. This episode displays the counter argument to all of that in such a beautiful way. I really, really appreciate your open minded approach to this show and especially this season. I know you mentioned how this show has been causing a lot of viewer engagement, and I think I understand why. It kind of highlights all of your best qualities at least when it comes to analyzation and thoughtful breakdowns. Like you said, it's been a blast. While this isn't my favorite episode of AOT, it is probably in my top 5 for the amount of satisfaction it gives by bringing back old plot threads and character details, showing us that those moments were never meaningless. They had a purpose that was actually pretty important to how we view the narrative and characters as a whole. It's also been great seeing you finally get to the beginning of Mikasa's arc amidst all of this. When I started watching the show, I really was bummed out because Mikasa felt way too obsessed with Eren. This season has been the best in calling that out and having Mikasa explore it, which has been great. It's been great to get your commentary on it too. It's strange because pretty much everything you've said during this season, I've agreed with almost 100%. This is pretty much how I took in the messages of the season. Despite all of the dark tragedy, season 4 feels like a strange glimmer of hope by simply showing these characters confront these issues. Thanks, keep making great content. Here's to the rest of AOT, 5 episodes!


Damn 5 AOT episodes left. What happened to the time? Excited for what's to come, I wonder if Goodwin will go the personal choice route and still just pick second up in the poll, which would be Hunter x Hunter. I would be very hyped to watch that for the first time along with his reactions. Also random, I live in Upstate New York and I believe Goodwin is there now.

Joestar San

From the thumbnail, I know what episode this is xDD

Jordan Runner

Galliard: To think we fought side by side with a traitor the whole time. Can you believe it? Reiner: Yeah how bout that. (I kind of unironically love how everything terrible that happened to the scouts is mirrored in this season for the warriors. Sucks, huh Porco?)