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In Attack on Titan 4x7 Assault, Eren attacks and lays down the hammer as Armin makes a colossal decision. Pieck doesn't duck in time and Zeke gets beasted by Levi. Reiner awakens when the screams of the children penetrate his armor. Porco... he does his best I suppose.


AOT 4x7 Extended

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ok man props for all these descriptions, always bringing the wit


don't you mean always bringing the mappa?


and in just10 secs armin racks up the biggest on screen kill count of the whole show. Damn that nutcracker moment with Porco was just so tragic, the sheer humiliation eren put him through and him having no control over his body knowing that it was being used to help the enemy...big oof

Holden Kesler

I'm pretty sure that Armin's colossal titan is the same size and power as Bertholdt's and that they just made him look so juicy for dramatic effect.

R'Mani Leavell

Jeans entire career was on the line with the shot at Piecks eye. If he missed that shot he would never be able to say anything about anything ever.

a. tree

yea haha i don't think the colossal titan is ever drawn consistently in terms of proportions. it's *technically* 60 meters but really it's size description might as well be "Really Fucking Big"


i just have to LAUGH everytime they show Gabi's face after one of their titans fall lmaooo. as if the beast titan and the jaw titan being DESTROYED isnt funny enough


Sasha Hawkeye


Something I love about this show is that there are no clear heroes or villains. Nothing is black and white, and we get multiple perspectives, so we see it from multiple angles. It begs the question: When there are not diplomatic avenues, and the world has already determined your mere existence a threat to humanity, what is an honourable route that ensures the survival of your people? I don't have an answer, so I completely understand Eren's perspective, even if it is inhumane and cruel.


When I was watching these episodes I was jumping out of my seat cheering because of how cool the action was and how conditioned I was to root for the scouts. I was so happy Marley was finally getting a taste of its own medicine. That’s kinda messed up and I think I played right into the authors hand.


The voice acting for the kids as they scream for Reiner to help gives me chills every time I hear it. So well done.

a. tree

The fact that of all characters in this show ARMIN is the one who has committed the largest singular act of mass murder is astounding and honestly so tragic given his values. Actually, on the subject of how Armin is doing, like Alex asked, he definitely has a lot on his plate... the weight of Erwin's death (there's an interesting parallel here with Reiner as they both have immense survivor's guilt), his role as one of the major minds in trying to put an end to this conflict, the knowledge of his Titan's role as just demonstrated here, and just so much more — all while his best friend is both emotionally and physically gone. In fact here's a fun fact about him either from an interview or one of the guidebooks: Isayama has said that post-timeskip, Armin has taken to walking alone into the woods and just... screaming, while nobody can hear him.

Ramon Cintron

I love how Zeke who was relied upon and soo hyped up by the Marley Eldians got one shotted soo fast and just destroyed and killed by Levi a real warrior who understand the importance of carrying the lives of others on his shoulders. Like BAM There's reality for you Gabi he's dead!

Aura Y

I know the Scouts are the people were the people we are originally following and this is what war actually looks like, but I couldn't help but feel pretty sorrowful every time I see Sasha snipe the artilleryman and then the rest being engulfed by flames... pretty brutal. I agree that Levi is probably not the leader-type to be able to bring about the great change. He has the moral compass, but I'm not sure he would necessarily be able to take charge as necessary. Falco to me seems like the person with the greatest potential. He's young, but good-hearted. He understands what it means it means to lose someone, but he's also very empathetic.... well at least MHA is still bright and hopeful LOL


To be fair, it is pretty sick. Sickening, too.

Keegan Brakhage

the colossal titan power seems the most inconsistent to me. it's possible i suppose that armin is more powerful than bertholdt was when he died, because bertholdt did not have the opportunity to train with it as much as armin has to this point. but like when the colossal first shows in episode 1 there was no nuke explosion lol. maybe they can control it idk. also idk if it's explained in the manga, but so far in the anime we still don't know how the collosal vanished in thin air in season 1


Coordinate/Founder, Attack Titan and now the Warhammer titan. Eren is becoming to OP! Game broken. Imagine if Eren got the Jaw's as well. Sheesh, honestly it'd be cool to see what his titan would look like. Eren becoming Ash Ketchum "Gotta catch em all!"


Yeah I'm still waiting on an explanation for it just vanishing lol. I don't even know if there is one, for a long time it just sort of felt like something that got ret-conned, but given how meticulous and forward-thinking the author is, at this point I'd be surprised if there isn't SOME reason for it. But it's bizarre that it hasn't come up since. Edit: My current best theory is that the colossal has the ability to just cause its entire body to evaporate into steam (I mean more rapidly than we've seen explicitly before, and including the skeleton). But one would think that that would be more noticeable, with a big release of heat instead of being mistaken for vanishing into thin air...

Joey Healy

Ya. If he got Jaw, then he’d automatically be able to get the Female as well when he returned home. Too op


Wow you hit the nail in the head with the lack of a strong leader/hero comment. But i think it is a conversation better taken in the future episodes when we learn how this assault on marley was "decided". And what is the future of the eldians/who will or even can stop Eren at this point. Lovely discussion as always.


The first time I watched this I think I was just too stunned to have a strong reaction. This time around, it really hit me just how tragic all of it is. I dislike seeing all the death in this show. Maybe animated violence hits harder for me I really love this show and hope that there is someone that can step up and end this constant cycle of war and tragedy.


Wait aren't Saturdays supposed to be AoT videos?

a. tree

He's shifted the schedule by a day this week! He is planning on either a double Saturday upload or a Sunday upload


Yeah that's basically how I feel. I get where Eren is coming from, and I absolutely understand that they want to fight for their right to live. BUT it is definitely not a black and white situation. Very hard to say anyone is in the right or wrong. Really, all sides are in the wrong depending on where you place your own compass. If that makes sense? Idk.


To me Falco feels like a mix of Armin and Reiner... I have no idea if that makes sense. Also a character that I can't spoil because of upcoming arcs. Like a hybrid of 3


Some small and relatively unimportant things I feel like discussing: - Sasha’s a great shot. I guess her experience with a bow and arrow translated well to more modern weapons. Her skill with long-distance weapons is top tier. - Armin’s new hair… I love it, it’s a big improvement form the bowl cut. I didn’t realize how young the scouts looked in season 1-3 until now, when we finally see them they aged up. I believe they were 15 then and 19 now. It makes rewatching more impactful and seeing them all grown up makes a bit nostalgic. - Commander Magath: I didn’t really notice or appreciate his character on my first watch through. I guess I was overwhelmed with all the other drama going on. Regardless of his past actions, he didn’t hesitate to cover Falco from thunder spear. He was willing to give his life to an ELDIAN boy. I guess the battle gave him a new perspective.

hays collins

Ugh this show it too good. The moral ambiguity of this season is fascinating to me.

Derrick C. Shields

This isn't nearly as meaningful as your example, but when Falco finds Magath and tells him Reiner is unconscious underneath the stage, I remember thinking "Oh, he's not going to give a shit. It's about survival for him, now." Which, obviously doesn't actually track. The discussion with Willy makes it clear he's ready for all-out war, so even if he didn't care about the Eldians as people, he'd still want to help get Reiner back in the fight. Like I said, not as important, but it does serve as a good stepping stone for later, so the scene with Falco makes more sense and you realize he doesn't just see them as weapons.


Ayy yes. The episode where we see Eren’s rendition of ‘The Nutcraker’.


Voice acting in this episode is over 9000. An how Eren uses Jaw to break the War Hammer hardening is brutal, when I saw this episode the first time I was in shock.


With the nutcracker scene at the end, this episode got me wondering about how exactly the titan powers are passed on by consumption. I mean, the War Hammer is crushed literally inside Jaw's mouth. He must've gotten some of that. Is it by proportion, or first-come-first-served? Theoretically, if multiple titan shifters split another one evenly and eat them at the exact same time, what happens?

Gabriel Ribeiro

I think you are taking Eren at face value. Even though I disagree with the choices he made, I think he understands the cycle, like he spoke with Reiner before atacking.

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

I still get chills in the end, then Gabi and Falco scream to Reiner to save them. S Tier Voice acting

a. tree

I think Eren understands he is perpetuating this cycle, yes, but he's still consciously choosing to do so. Self-awareness does not absolve anyone of wrongful behaviour.


Can't wait for them to practice more hug :D


LOOKIT ALL OF THE BABIES ALL GROWN UP LOOKIT ARMIN HE'S SO HANDSOME! Sasha being the best sniper ever when i first watched this it wasn't till eren transformed for a 3rd time that i lost my mind and realized how far he's come he would of gotten Jaw if he hadn't floor slammed him a bunch of times but that's the plot of the series gotta be dramatic about everything


the war hammer titan's last words: "Eren Jaeger. Do you have any last words?"


i think that the overall narrative of season 4 is what does paradis do with the absence of a leader

Okita-san Daishouri

I love how you pay attention and explain everything you see you should totally watch Re:Zero or Monogatari series after AOT


the anime cut it, but the reason he was slamming Galliard was because in the manga Galliard was still fighting back and giving Eren trouble.


It's interesting that you perceived Zeke as enjoying his slaughter of the Scouts. On my first watch I was under the impression that he was putting on an act and forcing himself to enjoy what he was doing. In Season 3 episode 17 there's a scene where Zeke gets visibly agitated that the Scouts are continuing to charge him and he crushes a rock into dust. He says that "it's a tragedy that King Reiss stole their memories, that's why they keep repeating the mistakes of history". He has to check himself and tell himself that he's "not like his father" and that he has "to try and find enjoyment in things" before announcing that he'll turn the Scouts into proud chunks of meat.


That is generally how Erwin fanboys see Zeke

Maia Brodsky

Did you really call Porco Galliard 'Falco' in the first ten seconds of this reaction?


The voice acting in this episode was AMAZING! Also, best boy Armin has arrived.


Jean shot without hesitation, it was the steam that made the spear go off its course


I feel like we found out we were playing someone else's game, ended that, and moved to a bigger pond where we are now playing an even bigger fish's game Edit: Also, if Eren ate the Jaw, he could theoretically then go back to Paradis and eat Annie, which would be kinda like adding Kyoshi to your Avatar state playbook imo


Jean firing the rocket at Falco goes back to season 3 episode 2 where his hesitation to kill someone nearly got himself killed. It shows he’s changed since then, I guess that talk they had with Levi after had an effect on him.


True but even he was questioning if he truly did it, still having that internal conflict


That's interesting! Now I'm trying to remember whether or not any characters ever addressed this dilemma in earlier seasons.


Oh no! How dare he get characters that we were just introduced to a few episodes ago mixed up! Un-subbing immediately and I suggest you do too. FALco and PORco don't even come close to the same name! /s


Gabi is just a female version of Eren as a kid. Their homes were invaded by Titans and further enforced what they already believed (for Eren it was that the Titans/enemies in general need to be wiped out for him and his friends to be free and for Gabi it was that the Paradis citizens are devils and deserve to die). I also think that no matter who was leading the Scouts at the time of this battle, they would have led some variation of this plan but the results would have been the same - the death of civilians in order to bring Eren back.


Porco's lack of experience with the Scouts really shows in this episode. Even before the ending scene, he was constantly out of control and being taken advantage of. The two main mistakes he makes are: Leaving Zeke when the port blows up, leaving the Beast Titan exposed to Levi's attack, then he forgets about Mikasa and gets chopped down. His dismissive attitude of the Scouts is set up well at the beginning of the episode, and the shows follow through on it.