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00:00 - Episode 3x14 Reaction

27:46 - Episode 3x15 reaction

54:54 - Reacting to my reaction


ATLA rewatch 3x14 & 3x15

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A Suresh

I think this makes 3 times that Sokka's plans fail? There's the invasion, I *think* the s2 ending and a couple others, though I can't remember if I'm thinking of the right ones. I remember watching this recently and it being a revelation for me that this was the 3rd time that one of Sokka's plans fails. Maybe I'm wrong and hallucinating, someone confirm for me?

John Wayne

What is being posted tomorrow on Sunday?

A Suresh

I also honestly think that the most impressive part of this episode is that both Sokka and Zuko managed to sneak by Toph, who's shown multiple times how keen her senses are, even when asleep.


"I'm still saying 'That's rough buddy,' about a year later" Maaaannnn I watched this when it was airing and I'M still saying it LOL

Matthew B

ive never had an inkling of interest in watching avatar, but since you are reacting to it I think I will check it out


i love how zuko actually gives good advice when he's not trying to act like iroh😂


the episodes are rough, pretty rough buddy. and toph saying "meat" are the best parts of these episodes


Isn't it so much easier to bond with someone one-on-one? The group enjoys teasing/insulting Zuko, almost amplified because everyone else is joining in on it. But they kinda stop doing it so much when it's just two together. Also hard to hate on someone who's actively helping you. They become friends so organically, it's great.

Aura Y

The character writing really shined in these two episodes. It continues to show Zuko's growth, being able to impart wisdom to Sokka and being able to risk so much in a nearly impossible mission for a friend. I can't quite put my finger on why they'd get along together, but I do like the Zuko/Sokka dynamic. Although I think Zuko just fits so well with the entire crew.... just feels like it was a natural fit... the final piece to the puzzle! On the other side, it's honestly pretty sad to me to see the Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee fracture a bit. Neither Mai nor Ty Lee deserved the treatment they received from Azula, but it still hurts to see the beginning of Azula's spiral downward.

Alex Begley

I think for Mai what also hurts is the idea that Zuko doesn't trust her enough to have that face-to-face conversation. While we can understand why Zuko would be hesitant to share such a thing with Mai considering the risk, from Mai's perspective, if she knew she would have had his back, that could be hurtful because maybe it's a signal Zuko doesn't know her as well as she thought he did. I think a reason why she ends their relationship in the comics is because, while Zuko clearly cares for her, he never seems to be able to give her much attention. He's always got more important things going on. To be fair, a lot of them are VERY important duties, but you have to be able to make time for a person in a relationship. Even when the two of them had their time together before Zuko left to join the gang, he was constantly thinking about his destiny and inner turmoil, with Mai put on the back burner. They may have been spending time together, but Zuko was rarely ever present. I'm not the biggest fan of Mai, but I like how supportive she was of Zuko despite all this


I think you're spot on with Azula/Mai/Tay Lee. I think in that moment it probably wouldn't have escalated the way it did had Azula not prepared to attack. Of that trio, I think the only one Mai cared about by that point was Ty Lee, and it's been that way for a while, maybe at some point it was all mutual, but that's long gone. Likewise I think the only one Azula genuinely cared about was Ty Lee, and that's what truly broke her. Mai was a long time coming, and one we see building throughout the show as far back as Book 2 when she straight up refuses to go down into the slurry and was like "Azula can shoot all the lightning she wants at me." Likewise Ty Lee loves both of them, and I don't even think she intentionally chi-blocked Azula, the way she looked at her hands afterwards, protecting Mai was an instinct. I think even if the situation de-escalated, Mai wouldn't have been around too much longer, and would have left on her own, maybe not to the point of joining Zuko, but this was the point of no return with her relationship with Azula, or lack thereof. I'd be curious to see what Ty Lee would do in this scenario because assuming Mai left without conflict or anyone knowing, there'd be no immediate reason for her to leave, not with how much she fears Azula. I think she could still get to that point, but not as easily.

Jamie Morgan

I view the conveniences of this episode as being a little "writers' gift" to the characters - after putting them through hell for the entire season, they're finally allowing them a few breaks (and they still don't make it that easy on them!). It also allows the audience to exhale a little of what we've been holding since the defeat at the palace. It might be plot convenience, but it's carefully chosen plot convenience.


I watched this episodes now proplably more than 10 times, and just now I realized Zuko answers the guard with "You are very cute sir" instead of saying "that's cute" or something. My boy is so awkward

Kelsey Roberts

If you see her in the wide shot of the group sleeping, her feet are up and her hands are behind her head. With all of her most sensitive earth-bending limbs not touching the ground, it was probably the easiest it could have been.


He says "uh, very cute, sir" according to the official transcript, so maybe you need to watch it a few more times.


Oh, my bad, I guess having English as my second language makes it a little rough buddy.


next episode is my favourite episode in the whole show. KATARA SUPREMACY


I keep forgetting that your first rewatch is different from your seventh, I keep going "How do you not remember everything that happens almost word for word scene for scene?"


Dating a woman in her late 20s whilst being 18... uh, Alex are you okay? Quite the age gap there o_o


Zuko was always a kind, caring, well meaning kid, but he grew up in an incredibly toxic family which filled his head with a lot of anger and illusions. He didn't realize how much he was craving healthy relationships, which is why he totally blossoms as he interacts the EVERY member of the GAANG. It's good writing, sure, but also kind of lucky; they only had half a season to make them friends, so they didn't have a lot of time...

Ruma Risto

That "the Room" reference though :DD I love you Alex


Yeah she gets dealt a bad hand in the Zuko relationship. Projecting a lot into it, I wonder if it's partly the fact that on some level he sees his choosing to live in the palace as settling, and Mai might be grouped into that same category.


Yeah the attack really seals the deal. I could definitely see Ty Lee just continuing to be on Azula's side without Mai.


Yeah, there is something strange about the fact that I've talked about and thought about the show so much yet this is only my second time through. It's largely a function of my personality as well. I think I have a pretty good memory for concepts, emotions, character impressions, etc., but a terrible memory for names, details, the sequence of events, etc.


Idk if you’ve heard of it but there is an ATLA Musical that has some ATLA voice actors in it and I’d love to see you react to it!!!


It's kinda hard to make this call, since the finale is so great, but I love these two episodes so much, I legit think this two-parter is my favorite of S3. Sokka and Zuko are a great combination, and I love how their girlfriends and relationships get some major shine here. This is were I really fell in love with Mai, and I'm saying that as someone who wasn't feeling her at all on first watch. I think they handled her a little weirdly? As in, they intentionally make you get the wrong idea about her and use that misconception to mask this twist from the audience, while on rewatch you can very clearly see all the subtle setup. But it's kinda strange to make the audience dislike the romantic endgame of one of your leads (I'm pretty much completely disregarding the comics)? Maybe it was done so we wouldn't feel bad about Zuko leaving her behind, but still... Mai is such an interesting character to me, coz she doesn't really show you much of what is going on with her, but I feel like there is a lot happening. Great analysis of how she's probably approaching this situation, and also Ty Lee and Azula. I think on first watch, I also completely missed how vulnerable Azula seems here, even though it's obvious in hindsight that this is where her unraveling starts.