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In Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x64 Journey's End, the show is over, but the journey keeps moving forward for the Elric brothers and the amazing cast of FMAB. 

Thank you for following this amazing series with me :D


FMAB 64 Extended FINAL

Watch "FMAB 64 Extended FINAL" on Streamable.



We made it!


I predict I'm gonna tearbend will update after watching


Here we are, it's been such a journey 😭 At least we have the bloopers and Q&A to look forward to!


I'm going to cry 😭 haha I don't want it to end.


Okay so I can finally say what I was gonna say a few episodes back. Ed has a few times in the show used his own life force (or thinks of himself as a Philosopher's Stone) to perform very powerful acts like healing himself and reincarnating Pride. This is the theory that Al is talking about when he's talking with Hugh's family. Giving a part of yourself in order to break the law of equivalent exchange. Funny how it's both something literal in the show and also speaks to the themes.

Sal Inger

I love that they allocated a whole episode for the epilogue, you don't see that too often, I think. Great choice for an ending imo. I'm curious, what are your thoughts on Mustang accepting Marcoh's offer to heal him with a Philosopher's stone?


I can't believe its over man. I'm so sad. Part of me never wants to click play on this video cause than their will always be an FMA Goodwin reaction to look forward too.


I'm sort of with Ed on this one. It just hits me wrong. But one thing I like about this show is that all the characters have different ideals and none are really the ultimate truth. So I'm ok with it overall.


All I’ll say is how I like how normal Ed starts dressing as we see him age. The show repeatedly mentions he has a bad sense of taste and its shown that it really was just him trying to look cool as a teenager lol. When I first watched the show as a kid I never questioned Eds wardrobe, he wears this big red coat that stands out and it was cool just like he thought, but when I was older and first rewatched the series I found myself asking “why does Ed dress weird? It’s a mostly normal setting and he’s wearing anime clothes” and it turns out that was basically the whole point lol Great series, I feel like I notice a new detail every rewatch

R'Mani Leavell

The one thing this finale didn't include was one last Armstong glimmer. I suppose that picture at the end will have to do


Ed's traveling coat is actually Hoenheim's! In a way, Ed too made further internal reconciliation with his father.


Bittersweet. Can’t believe it’s over. What a journey this reaction series has been. Thank you!!!


Can't believe we've already finished it's feels like yesterday when you started episode 1! It's so rare to find a show that manages to remain so consistent all the way through and provide an ending that's so cathartic and satisfying without it feeling cheesy or unearned. This was my first ever anime years back and still remains one of my favourites to this day. Also fun fact: Ed and Winry didn't kiss at the end because the mangaka didn't know how to draw people kissing


Really enjoyed the journey. I'd recommend watching the bloopers and the OVAs if you can before moving on.


Ed needs an Alchemist companion in his journey. He'll learn more but needs someone to actually perform it for him.




Update that is basically a mishmash of thoughts: "This show is one of the best I've ever seen in my life" welcome to the club lol. Also the Winry apple pie joke was too much you gotta stop, that nearly murdered me. The ending edit you had in this episode is perfect. Encompassing the entire journey you had as the viewer from start to finish with that moon foreshadowing in episode 1. Really glad you chose that as the end sequence. That ending line from Ed about having a fullmetal heart is top tier. Perfect way to wrap up his character. I honestly think moments from this series are going to stick in the community, like the madame christmas jokes, nina references, armstrong and equivalent exchange for example. Just a lot of great memories watching you give your thoughts on the show. Really glad you liked it too, can't wait for whatever series is next. This community is amazing.


This doesn't come across at all in the video but at one point I had the thought "I can't wait to see Alex Louis Armstrong," and then towards the end I started thinking "wait, where is he? Surely I must have missed it because they would surely include him." But in editing I realized they just hadn't, which is a huge mistake!

Ruma Risto

Such a bittersweet moment. This has been by far my favorite reaction series from you.


Your comment about redemption-by-death was something that I've been thinking about for a while. I feel like there's a misconception that forgiveness and redemption are "childish" tropes, and western fantasy fiction trends GRITTY and REALISTIC, and even if they aren't they don't ever bother grappling with the question of what redemption "means" (thinking about that last Star Wars movie here actually). It makes me even sadder when I see fans baying for the blood of characters who've done bad things. Like, I once saw someone asking why Mustang wasn't put on "some war crimes tribunal for the genocide he contributed to." I feel like it's a very literalist interpretation of what wrongdoing in fiction represents, and super reductive because killing in fiction is nearly always a symbol for something else. Also unrelated, but I realised that the reason Winry knew that Al got his body back was because she heard him say the dog was tickling him, which he wouldn't be able to feel otherwise.


I don't know if you ever want to do it but maybe after you finish the avatar rewatch reaction in the weekend, you could change it up to the original fullmetal alchemist 2003 show or the OVA's of the brotherhood anime. Just would be very interested in watching those. Or you could do movies in the weekend. Just some suggestions if you are interested. Keep up the great work, definitely an amazing thoughtful reaction series you did.


Oh boy the "gritty and realistic" hits way too close to home lol. Once I had that thought I stopped being able to unsee it, and it suddenly seems to permeate just about every show I watch.


Thanks! I've been thinking about what will take the place of the ATLA Rewatch. I think that at first I will probably catch up on some of the many peripheral materials that have been recommended from these shows, like the OVAs. And eventually I might be able to do another, shorter show in there or movies.

Alyssa Callahan

Thank you so so so much for your awesome reaction videos to FMAB! I love this series so much and it was tough sometimes to wait for your next reaction vids because they're so good! A couple of smol things that I haven't seen others mention yet but are kind of fun: -Someone once pointed out that when Ed and Al return to Risembool, Ed is wearing a white hoodie. And in the scene where Ed is proposing to Winry, she's wearing a white hoodie. If it's the same one, that's super adorable. <3 I can't unsee it now. -Also, I think the mangaka once wrote that Ed wears darker clothes to hide oil stains from his automail. I like how after he gets his arm back, he starts wearing lighter-colored shirts. :) Live free in fashion, Ed! :) Thank you again!

Emma Root

This ending makes me so emotional 😭😭😭 I love it but now I have all these feelings I don't know what to do with. I want more of their cute little family and grown up Mei, that photo is such a tease

Carlos Salazar

Such a journey. I watched it back on 2010 and this rewatch is the one I enjoyed the most. Btw, you'll love the first show too.


I am really glad you decided to react to this series because it finally spurred me on to watch it, after putting it off for years. Its one of my favourite stories in any medium. I often find myself disappointed in endings, even for stories I previously had loved, but this is one of the rare occasions that sticks the landing perfectly. I really have no complaints. Its truly a beautiful show.

Sam B

I cry more and more on every progressive rewatch... This show is so exceptional.


Very nice details :) And thank you! This was a tremendous experience for me

Sal Inger

Btw the mangaka said the reason Ed and Winry aren't kissing at the end is because she wasn't good at drawing that, which is why she made them hug instead. I think it fits the tone and the characters really well and comes off just as meaningful and heartwarming and I love that they kept it that way in the anime as well.


Thanks for the content Goodwin. You put more thought into it and understand shows more than most.


Loved the scenes with Winry in this episode. First time watching I was bawling as she approached the door to see Ed and Al. Also, during Ed’s “equivalent exchange” proposal, I really liked Ed’s response to Winry saying that 50/50 was nonsense. Even as someone “outside” alchemy, Winry understands what really matters, and her response highlights a piece of what Ed came to learn through his alchemical journey- that alchemy isn’t necessary to understand the truth. Head-canon for me is that while alchemy can give people insight into truth (in the same way that science can in real life), if you focus entirely on it, you get tunnel vision and can miss out on the meaning and connection of the rest of what life has to offer. Ed realized this throughout his journey, but I think he got further confirmation from Winry, as he realizes that she has a connection with truth too. After all, Winry (and everyone for that matter) is part of the All, and so their Truth can be just as valid and meaningful as an alchemist’s.


"85 is a good number"

Alex Begley

It's so funny for me right now with what you said at the end of this finale because after you finished the Legend of Korra and announced you were moving on to FMAB and AoT, I didn't think I would watch your videos for awhile. I hadn't seen either show and had never really been a fan of anime. I stayed supporting on Patreon though and after about a month or two I found I just loved your content too much. Every video I watched was so thought-provoking and gave me things to wrestle with by myself (sometimes out loud while watching your reaction lol). I came to the realization that since you posted full reactions on here, I could just watch for the first time right along with you- which was a truly interesting experiencing. I caught up so quickly and couldn’t help but to immediately get ahead of you, watching both series in their entirety because I found I enjoyed them so much. I guess all this is to say, I’m happy I stumbled upon your channel while randomly searching for ATLA reactions all of a sudden one night at the beginning of all this covid stuff lol Thanks to you and everyone who suggested the shows for introducing me to some of my new all-time favorites! Whatever shows you react to going forward, I’ll give everything a watch… as long as I can keep the free time necessary haha


I knew as soon as you started reacting to it your reactions would be amazing, like you said it has sooooo much depth and i love the philosophy that it exhibits


I actually kind of did the same thing, I procrastinated the entire last season for like a week after binging just because I didn't want it to be over. It's hard to let go of such a gem of a show. And now I can't believe it's over AGAIN! To think I wouldn't have even watched it if you hadn't said you're going to be reacting to it lmao. So at this point, it's looking like you'll be watching AOT exclusively from now on? In which case you're not gonna get those relatively nice and wholesome FMAB breaks in between 😭 (godspeed, though I should note I'm still hella pumped for it!)


Guess this is the part where I say that this is why I have a tattoo (actually, it was my first tattoo, even before ATLA). This show keeps blowing my mind, making me think, making me cry, making me happy. I’m still holding on to a FMA rewatch series,, and even if that doesn’t happen, watch it again. This was made for multiple viewings. I’m still blown out by the fact that this was the author’s first big project and she nailed it. I also have to give a shout out to the Midnight Gosprl Gang, because it’s close to a year since you started that.


So we starting the bandwagon for a blooper reel reaction as an extra vid ? 👀


Alex out here crying before Winry even opens the front door yes please that growth though, before u tried to not cry now ur just out here fully embracing it <3 <3


While the whole episode is satisfying, that Winry scene is really where it hit the hardest for me.


I'm very happy to hear that. It's always an interesting experience. I never know quite what to expect going into any new show! But the experience has been so consistently good, and there's something very satisfying and rewarding to me that a great deal of that was based on faith.


So I've taken a look at the comments of the HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL show poll, and am leaning towards sticking to the two show format. I will update tomorrow :)


Haha it has been almost a year! Crazy. Feels like both a very short time and an extremely long time (mostly long). I don't have any tattoos but this show definitely offers a lot of ideas in that regard lol


One of my good friends jokes about how there's a meta arc here, which is my character development lol. Apparently the FMAB arc was about me learning how to cry


All getting to enjoy the little things in life. How can you feel so happy for a fictional character?

Rachel Keys

I can't wait for the bloopers lol. Its so satisfying to watch someone actually watch and pay attention to the show and take away from it the messages its trying to impart. I hope theres a rewatch eventually and see if you pick up on the subtle hints and clues now that you know what to look for. <3


When you spend so much of your time watching a show u end up getting so engrossed in it that you end up feeling for the characters Like i've seen this anime so many times but EVERY time i see Al back in his body and older it just makes me so happy same with Ed because he kept growing taller and i just lkdjfgnksdfjnglskdjng ITS SO GOOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH

Jonathan Canfield

If you watch the first opening to the show there is a short part where you see the Ed lose his arm and leg then Al loses his entire body, then it cuts to Winry in the same place but she stumbles similar to them showing that she had lose something similarly but not physically. She has been the emotional anchor for both of them since the beginning. like she said back in episode 11 "you two won't cry, someone else should do it for you." She is very important to the finale as she is the person who knows them more then anyone, even more then their own father honestly.

Christo Badenhorst

And so it comes to an end. I really enjoyed watching for like a 5th time. But this time with nice reactions and great deep philosophical conversations pilled in. I remember your episode where the brothers was stranded on an island and their teacher had them learn so survive and learn all is one and one is all. Myself and a friend talked hours base on the philosophy of that episode.

Christo Badenhorst

I assume you have seen GTO base on profile picture and some comments.

Joshua W Capute

Bruh I'm glad someone pointed that out barely anyone ever references the 1st opening, let alone make that connection. When I was watching this live 10 years ago, I missed the opening for like 5 or 6 episodes but once I saw it, it became my favorite Opening ever because of that scene lol

Joey Joseph Jojoson

I love the subtle symbolism where Scar had his right arm of destruction bandaged up, leaving only the left arm of reconstruction/creation exposed, and he and Miles are going to rebuild Ishval. props to the creator's planning to have Bradley stab Scar's right arm in the final confrontation. And your joke about Ed will come back for Winry's "apple pie"...I was like "yeah, he DID!!"

A Suresh

Can't believe we're here already. This was a great series to follow along with you and I look forward to seeing what's next. Keep it up, and see you for the next one.


Wow what an amazing journey that was! I think this was my third time watching this show all the way through, but having your company made it all the more better! I really enjoyed your analysis and reactions, and can't wait to see what comes next!


I think one thing I'd like to do for this show is to binge it. I think it would be satisfying and illuminating to hold the whole thing in my head at once and see the entire circle, so to speak.


That episode was a turning point for me watching this series. It was also a turning point for me on the channel because for once I AGREED with this kind of concept, which had been touched upon by nearly every show I've watched before.


I've seen a lot of it, yeah. But I've never finished it. It was one of the first anime I ever watched I think.

Noah C

Thank you for doing this series. Calling it simply a reaction doesn't feel apt enough, it went beyond that. It's philosophical analysis in real time. This series is closer to me than any other media I've encountered, to the point I'm planning a tattoo of Truth in the near future.

Gabe A

Great show


I loved your reactions through and through!! Fantastic truly

Andrew G

Yeah dude,, this is one of my favorite animes, possibly my favorite of all time. Coupled now with your S-rank commentary and character analyses, I don’t think I’m going to ever find an anime I enjoyed watching more than I enjoyed watching these with you p.s. I often take notes of your character analyses and I use them in my real life when discussing the actions of others to try and explain or theorize why someone may do something. It’s kinda awesome. Thanks for that too!

The Bird of Hermes

this series just never gets dull, this marks the 12th time I have watched all of Brotherhood


Fun fact! Today marks the 12 year anniversary of the first episode of FMAB, on April 5th, 2009! That timing is crazy. Loved to see you watch and react to this show, it's been one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had over the past year. I watch FMA 2003 about 10-11 years ago, it was one of the first long anime I watched. Then when FMAB came out I watched it weekly. I rewatched the show for the first time just a few months ago in December, and it was really great timing to then get to see you react to it!


Keep moving forward :).. one of the darkest shows that still has a really happy ending lol. Seriously one of my favorite pieces of media period, live action or animated. You provided amazing insight and commentary that was way beyond what I was thinking when first watching, so don't put yourself down on that. Nice that you're humble though lol. Great ride.


One of the things I love so much about FMAB is, that what happened to Nina is a factor until the very end. It's something that happend in the first five episodes of the series and it still gets mentioned as a huge influence on the main characters at the end of it - and not as a one time mention only. Time and time again through the course of the series they mention "the little girl we couldn't save". I've seen the series so often by now, but every time I notice something new/different - this time aided by your beautiful commentary. Was the first time, a moment before you mentioned it, that yeah, the brothers really are the modern Sages like Father and Hohenheim; one going East, one going West. It was great going on this journey again with you.


The ending of this show is just pure wholesomeness. Al getting his body back must be the most satisfying moment in anime. Also, the whole interaction of Ed and Winry at the end is the most real thing ever.


You should also think about watching the 4-koma fma skits!! They're very funny.


The universe having potential is practically Quantum mechanics. It's interesting that the more our scientific knowledge grows the closer we get to the divine.


Is it me or does Ed the only one who thinks about himself as a philosopher stone? I haven't seen anyone else use their soul like Ed has. Once when he healed himself and once when he entered Pride.

Ruma Risto

Yes! They're hilarious. Like comedic mini-recaps of the show.


Congratulations on finishing the show! Great show and Goodwin videos! It goes to show how much people enjoy character analysis and even philosophy. Other reaction channels don't do that. You are such a Winry fan, hehe cute! Onwards to other videos!


Imagine not being a die hard Winry fan. She is best girl in all of Anime


As someone with severe social anxiety I heavily related to how Ed phrased all of that lmao. It was chaotic energy


Woah that's insane. The promised day for the series to end

Aidan Pullen

While I still personally hold ATLA above this show, FMAB is absolutely beautiful. This finale episode is wonderful, and wraps it up beautifully. I think ATLA would have benefited from a full resolution episode instead of like, 10 mins.

J Valentine

I love how in their original family portrait that Hohenheim is crying because he knows that everyone around him that he loves will eventually die and he will be left alone. However in Ed's family portrait he's smiling as big as he possibly can because he knows he doesn't have to do things alone anymore.


Bradleys wife this episode makes me truly wonder how much she knows lol


I don't know if you answered this, but will you react to the blooper reel?

Santos Luna Ramirez

TOP tier anime! Glad you got to experience it! 😄


winry's apple pie 😭😭😭 go to jail do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars


True but we actually get comics, korra and more future contents on the world and the characters while with fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, there's no more after that episode.

Hidden Ruu

Well now that you have seen Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, I would like to hear your thoughts on the first show Fullmetal alchemist. Some of the animation of that show was reworked into Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood. Even if it’s a show you don’t set up as a reaction series, I would still love to hear what you have to say about it.


I've always wanted like a fan edit or something that integrates the good stuff from the original into Brotherhood. Hughes, Nina, and the Greed crew just don't get the right development in Brotherhood to have their deaths hit as hard as they did in the original.


@Race Facts, their are so many great reasons to watch the original, and imo it makes Brotherhood that much better when you rewatch either show. We are so blessed as fans to have these characters and story adapted into animation twice! Even if the first time only half of it is actually canon.


Can't believe you finished another series :'( It's been a ride, I love FMA:B so freaking much, it's definitely in my Top 10 shows of all time!