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Episode 20 is the series finale of Attack on Titan, where Eren learns that life is in fact NOT cruel, and that you can overcome any obstacle as long as you have trust and love in your friends. Everyone rides their special horses off into the sunset to live happily ever after.


Aaron Ong

I haven't even watched yet but I'm loving the description. We can all just have our own head-canon where everyone lives happily ever after


Ah yes. Alex has entered the denial state of grieving Stay strong man


LMFAO the description. My man couldn't handle it :( The stage of denial be hitting different.


oh no the description...we've lost him everyone


i'd never noticed the contrast between erwin saying that they can't focus on the making the best moves and they have to be willing to make big risks in order to win and the levi squad saying they have to make the best move and eren's power is too risky which they ultimately pay for

Aaron Ong

As for Mikasa steaming, it was just some Female Titan blood on her face :)

Henry Law

Lmao that optimism when Eren finally had some positive development kicked away like the titan did to the survey corps


I think the Female Titan being on the defensive is more so due to Eren's relentlessness and also because she still couldn't use her arms(you can see the steam emitting from any injury she or Eren sustain). Then once she was back to healed condition she kicked his ass lol


Petra and Levi wasn't going to last he's not going to get along with a tree hugger

R'Mani Leavell

I hated the fact that Petra died. It was at this moment I realized what people meant by no one survives in attack on titan


That's a good observation! And in hindsight, I feel like if Eren transformed AND had the help of those 3 (plus Levi and Mikasa eventually since they'll hear him transform) they could have overpowered her.

Matthew B

Every reactor ever "NOT PETRA!!!"

Alex Begley

Outside of Petra, I never really felt attached to the group but was just coming around on them after their last scene together before all this happened. Really great storytelling to get that investment and then immediately rip it away relentlessly haha


Captain Jean Luc Picard said it best. https://youtu.be/1TCX90yALsI

Aidan Pullen

God, the music in this show is so intense, and so good. Gives me chills every time.


They aren't called the Survey Corpse for nothing.


Yeah it totally dashed my hopes and expectations. I was making fun of Uluo even, thinking he'd be around for a while and would have a chance to grow. Nope


Wow you were REALLY dedicated to the theory that Mikasa was the female titan. Yes, Petra’s death was horrible. I didn’t care much about the rest of them, but it was still sad to see them die like that.

Aaron Ong

I remember being so hurt when Petra died. I was 11 years old when I watched the first season, and all I can remember is my friends teasing me by making "Petra-fied" or "Tree Hugger" jokes, and I'd just get so upset lmao. I was really attached to this show back then, a bit obsessed even.


The fandom seems to only care about Petra's death cause she's hot lmfao. But yes its absolutely brutal.


AOT fans do be the most toxic fanbase lmao


"What if this is Mikasa cutting herself" ALEX you must cease. But yeah we all start the show for the titans and stay for the horse trivia.

hays collins

Hahaha love at 9:10 after Petra died I see all the feelings and love leave your eyes.


Your reaction to Levi Squad/Petra dying was perfect. I highly recommend you do a bonus video, or just watch on your own time, Gigguk's "Attack on Titan in 9 minutes" video on youtube as it's pretty hilarious and pokes some fun at certain moments of the show.

hays collins

So at this point who do you think the female Titan is. Is she known or unknown. I’m curious to see what you think


Lmao so at this point I've seen the female titan reveal. But... are we really sure it isn't Mikasa in disguise?


Well I've seen through episode 24 so I know :) It was Mikasa! JUST LIKE I SAID


The soundtrack in this show is probably the best music in any anime or tv show i've seen. It's so in-your-face and dramatic but it makes every scene all the more thrilling or sad.


I am only half way through but one quick thought: I don’t think the mistake was that Eren trusted his squad - he did right with that. I think the mistake was that they did not trust him back. Just before Petra died she said that he should not transform because the risk is to high - but is it really higher than fighting the female titan on their own? If all of them fought together they would have made it. Eren could have hold the female titan down and let them kill it. But they were to afraid to let Eren try. To afraid not of the risk but of Eren. I think this is the lesson of this Episode at least for me.


Haha I liked your defeated „just take him“ at the end ^^ I also thought this way at this point of the series because I just wanted answers to bad haha Also one thing: Atlas doesn’t actually carry the world on his shoulders but the sky so it does not crush the earth. But the metaphor is kinda the same. But it is a common misconception -thats why many people thing statures of Sisyphos are actually of Altas (Sissyphos is the one who had to carry a boulder up a hill just for it to roll back down on the top - which actually describes this episode perfectly lol)


Amazing episode, one of my favorite in the whole series. Squad Levi’s deaths are so painful in every way possible, but it makes that transformation even more impactful. Been waiting for this since ep 1!


"just take him!" should be the tagline for this show


Since youve finished episode 24, have u reacted to the 2nd opening of season 1 now?


Mikasa: chasing the female titan. Goodwin: The female titan has to be Mikasa HAhahahhahahahahahahah

Karsten Hase

Im the only one anyone cares about, because im a cute girl! i ....coudnt...resist....the ....urgeeeeee


Before you start season 2, I'd recommend you watch an OVA called Ilse's Notebook, since it's part of the original story (the OVA adapted manga chapter 18.5, the season itself ends at chapter 34). It's only gonna make sense watching it at this point basically :)


Past Goodwin: Gives inspirational speech about Eren's faith in his team being rewarded and not being let down by the world. Future Goodwin: *GASP* NO.....PETRA!!? Man, this show really loves switching it up from moments of hope to moments of extreme desperation. I also just noticed that you can see the steam coming off from one eye when the FT is resting against the tree, is such a quick glance that goes unnoticed amongst the hype and the action but looking back now I can totally see that it WAS setup that she was regenerating the eye, this show is masterful in the way it adds important details into unassuming scenes and only on rewatches with further context the details become meaningful and pop out.


For real, it depicts the chaos of life in a way I have never seen done so accurately. Things just happen, we have great moments and we have moments when we fall apart. The important part is to get back up and not become cynical You can train for years, and have everything crushed in an instant because life is unpredictable

a. tree

Agreed! Definitely watch this before season 2. Also, I'm not sure if you've been doing this already, but for best viewing experience I would recommend don't watch the previews section after the ending credits especially in season 2. This next season has some pretty huge twists, but the end-of-episode previews are pretty egregious with making it obvious what's about to happen.


your analysis is spot on, the mentality of the characters and how they are formed is kind of the main point of the story.


Wow, I never thought of it like that. I was always thinking about what Eren thought, but never the Levi squad’s thoughts. Really insightful. They truly did not trust Eren enough. It’s sad how that turned out.


Having finished season 1 all I can say is, do we REALLY know it wasn't Mikasa? I mean REALLY know???

mapo picker

"I hope they don't die so that Eren's faith is rewarded" AoT: we don't do that here


Big oof when Eldo says 'this is the best move' right after Erwin's talk about being willing to take big risks instead.


"and thank you for killing everyone i love" ITS ONLY JUST BEGUN