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In Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 1x43 Bite of the Ant, Al and Mei Chang couple fight, Envy suffers the Oogie Boogie punishment, and Alex Louis Armstrong suffers the Olivier Mira Armstrong punishment.


(No title)



sometime in the future, we realize that Plato actually watched Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and his philosophy was an interpretation of the anime


"Be kind, for everyone is still struggling with the episode with Nina and Alexander" - Plato


I’m slightly late this time due to Texas power outages in my area BUT that won’t stop me from watching this


I mean... Are they really side characters?


Two episodes without Ed... Just wait until he returns as a Titan to save the day


Only in terms of screen time. But then again we haven't seen Ed for 2 episodes lol


Mira wasn't mad at Alex for deserting the country, its more about not standing up for your belief and running away instead. At least it gives Alex motivation. The side characters are great in Brotherhood. You're in for a long ride, I hope you like cliffhangers.


I always really liked the conversation between Bradley and Hawkeye. I get the impression that Bradley is trying to mentally wear her down, this time by throwing it in her face that even a man with as little agency as he does still has agency in an area she doesn't: who he can love in public. But by doing this, he gives her a glimpse into what could possibly be his only weakness, his supposed love of his wife. It speaks to Bradley's overconfidence, something he's displayed time and time again. Of course, I could be looking too far into it, haha.


It's a great scene, and I feel like there is something to that about overconfidence. Sometimes I feel like he just can't help himself but have these conversations lol


The Armstrong sibling dynamic is kind of unnerving but also entertaining. She's the oldest and he looks up to her. They're both amazing characters but in polar opposite ways. You know, it's interesting with the homunculi how they look down on humans, but they're also part human. There's so much that can be said about that, what it actually means to be human.

Purple Dawn

I'm surprised you haven't put melon lord's head on Alex Armstrong.


Haha actually I have. It was shortly after Roy sends Ed to Xerxes to see a certain someone :)


One thing that's interesting to me about the homunculi and their veiw of humanity is that they're not wrong. They've been able to do whatever they wanted by exploiting human weakness. That creates a really beautiful contrast against the many protagonists of the show, who also see what the Homunculi see but don't let themselves become the evil they see in the world.


This has nothing to do with the episode, I'm just really confused about something patreon related.. Sometimes I will see that comments are liked that I never clicked like on.. They're good comments that I prob would like, but me not pressing has me feeling like someone else is on my acc lol.. anyone else have this issue?


That is bizarre. Maybe your alter ego is browsing Patreon while you're "asleep." At least the two of you have shared hobbies lol. But on a serious note, I have never experienced that.


I also think it could be that she believed in the military back then and up until recently didn't question much. Her brother running away or saying the military was wrong would go against everything she was/believed in up until that point.

Jonathan Canfield

I think they wanted Envy as both Marcoh and Scar know he is the cause of the war in isvhal which they both hold with them.


Such a hilarious moment, nobody cares that Yoki got taken hostage. It gets me every time.


Yeah I initially thought they had some kind of larger plan, but just getting rid of Envy is reason enough.


They say they were bluffing but how easily they channeled that reaction lmao

Joey Joseph Jojoson (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 03:37:37 One of the main themes of this show is people who have done terrible deeds trying to set things right. Ed and Al, Scar, Mustang, Hawkeye, Armstrong, Marcoh, etc. they all have demons haunting their past. And it is a beautiful thing to watch them grow and become a better version of their past selves. Another interesting little scene, in the manga when Al and Winry meet Hohenheim: Al: Dad? Winry: Mr. Hohenheim? Hohenheim: My vintage armor?? Al & Winry: Heyyy!!!
2021-02-17 03:55:18 One of the main themes of this show is people who have done terrible deeds trying to set things right. Ed and Al, Scar, Mustang, Hawkeye, Armstrong, Marcoh, etc. they all have demons haunting their past. And it is a beautiful thing to watch them grow and become a better version of their past selves. Another interesting little scene, in the manga when Al and Winry meet Hohenheim: Al: Dad? Winry: Mr. Hohenheim? Hohenheim: My vintage armor?? Al & Winry: Heyyy!!!

One of the main themes of this show is people who have done terrible deeds trying to set things right. Ed and Al, Scar, Mustang, Hawkeye, Armstrong, Marcoh, etc. they all have demons haunting their past. And it is a beautiful thing to watch them grow and become a better version of their past selves. Another interesting little scene, in the manga when Al and Winry meet Hohenheim: Al: Dad? Winry: Mr. Hohenheim? Hohenheim: My vintage armor?? Al & Winry: Heyyy!!!


Welp. Everyone always says that jealousy is a little green monster.


Lol you know I did wonder why there happened to be a suit of armor in the house