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YouTube Link (updated):



These YT uploads frequently get taken down even before I post them publicly. I will do my best to reupload as soon as possible but sometimes there's a delay. I also apologize if your comments have been deleted with flagged videos. I still read and very much appreciate them :)


(No title)



Do you say "JAEGER" every time you listen to the OP? Its illegal for one not to when listening to that banger.


Of course! Nanananana na nananana, nananana na naaaa na na na, nanananana naaa nana nana, nananana nana JAEGER


ahh really enjoyed some of the insight you brought upon their conversations in this episode. cant wait for the next episode!

Tenzin Dikyikhangsar

What you were saying around the 5 min mark is exactly why I look forward to ur reactions .... this show is truly an emotional ride and its crazy how a show about big nakey giants can make you cry your heart out lol theres some heavy themes and messages and the discourse is what I live for! the music really makes this show.... the song xl tt gave me chills when eren died and the bells chimed with the opera/hymns? and in that moment I understood catholic guilt 😳 also that numb feeling just gets stronger....totally get if you end up spacing out the episodes later on


I'm rewatching the series through your reactions, and it's really cool to hear your thoughts about the themes being presented and what you think might happen in the future. As a side note, I actually never remembered Weilman's name. Better late than never to learn it, I suppose. 😂


I'm not sure what the popular consensus is but I strongly dislike this episode. I love Pixis but everything else just draaaags on at a glacial pace, especially with the building anticipation to the battle.


Much better now when you can just start the next episode, imagine waiting a whole week when it was airing...


Regarding the YouTube copyright issue: I’ve noticed some reaction channels do various things to combat that, like making the video slightly transparent, or having the video cut away for some short moments but still having the audio play I’ll update after watching the episode btw this is just regarding the copyright/takedown issue


don't watch episode 13B - it's just a recap episode, so watch 12,13,14.... 13B was an end of part 1 recap episode with Youtube takedowns you can try posting on Vimeo or streamable for Patreon users and then a more cut down version for YT for non Patreon users


I don't think I would have remembered it except that I thought it was "Wellman" and I thought that was funny because he always looks very unwell


Really it's just up to the claimant's discretion. We're sort of at their mercy lol. I've seen the semi-transparent displays, and I wonder if that is 100% effective or if we just don't see their multiple failed upload attempts. I suspect that everyone has problems no matter what strategies they use, simply because fair use is a subjective matter.


Okay but is it a good recap episode? After ATLA and FMAB, I no longer want to skip on recap episodes lol, not if it matches that quality


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I really hated the speech by the female soldier when I first saw it and also now :D I just think it does not make sense at all. The soldiers are not giving their life to Eren. They are giving their life to humanity the same way Eren is risking his life by transforming into something he knows nothing about to do something he does not know how. I dont thing there is a great divide (ahm) there ^^ But you are probably right, that it fuled Erens determination nevertheless


Haha yeah she's kind of on a high horse there. But I think the important point is that she wants Eren to know people are risking their lives by trusting him and that he should take it seriously. Which he probably already does, but it felt like the lecture drove it home a little bit, maybe especially coming from a senior (?)


love going through the series with you and picking up on all the S teir forshadowing lol

Itachi The Rouge

Eren: I must become a symbol of hope for humanity. Alex: “You’re thinking a little bit too far ahead just.. pick up the rock.” Eren: *Attacks Mikasa*


"Jean or John however you pronounce it" LOL this is a run on joke among fans cause different characters in the show pronounce his name very differently lmao. I like the way Armin says it so I go by Jean.

Aaron Ong

I'm pretty sure it is pronounced similar to the French pronunciation, which is close to "John" but more like "Juhn"


I really disliked that ladies lecture. It's felt like she was talking down to him for no reason. He was already taking it seriously. Besides they weren't just risking their lives for him. Everyone is risking their lives for the future of humanity.


She doesn't know who Eren is or what type of person he is though. Like, we know Eren giving up would be as alien as him suddenly deciding to flee in terror, but she doesn't, so she's hammering home that he doesn't have the luxury of giving up or turning back. Not when people are sacrificing themselves for his sake.