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The number of amazing episodes left in the show is staggering.


The openings in FMAB are pretty symbolic. So I wouldn't exactly take them literally, but they're clearly made with context in mind, and that means there's metaphorical foreshadowing. Take the first opening. One of my favorite moments in it is the part that shows Ed, Al, and Winry as children, standing on the road outside their homes. Ed loses his limbs, Al his body, and Winry stumbles, losing her balance. On one level I think this shows that what happens to Ed and Al ripples out and effects Winry, even if she doesn't appear to lose anything on the surface. And Winry's actions in turn have an effect not only on Ed and Al, but on characters like Scar. The losses and growth of Ed/Al/Winry is something that changes other people living in the world, and the way the story goes as a result. I think it's one of the reasons that Winry stands out as something more than a typical 'love interest' kind of character. For one thing, her part in the story isn't all about loving Ed; her relationship with Al is also well established. The three of them together is one of the emotional cores of the overall story. On top of that, she has a story arc that has nothing to do with either of them, but is about confronting her parent's killer and discovering her own strength and how much she contributes to the lives of so many people. Obviously this includes Ed and Al, but also her customers, and as seen in this episode, Scar. A lot of this episode is just talking, but it's one of my favorites.


Anyone who is able to survive after performing human transmutation or even have the knowledge to open the gate would be considered a candidate. Marcoh is considered one, which is why they need him. Kimblee is probably a candidate since they kept him alive after the war. Isaac Mcdougal, the first villain, was probably one also, explaining why lust was upset when he died.

Sal Inger

Yeah, I think it's maybe not communicated super well in the show but you basically have to be an extremely talented alchemist to even be able to attempt human transmution.


That's how I'm taking the openings as well, not as a guarantee of anything happening but more of a tonal preview of what's to come. I was hoping we'd get this episode after the abrupt cut away from Winry's conversation with Scar last time. I'm glad we got more of that, and I also really liked Miles' presence in the scene.




This show has so many great characters it's almost unbelievable, all of them so well constructed as well. This episode really shows that off. Ed, Al, Winry, Scar, Miles, Marcoh and Mei, all get so much to work with in just 20 minutes, even side characters like Zampano and Jerso get their moment to shine. Unrelated to this episode but have you seen Dr. Stone? I just binged season 1, haven't read the manga or started season 2 yet. I think it could be a possible show to react to in the future. It has a lot of heart and really exemplifies the 'human spirit.' Its less philosophical than most of what you have reacted to so far (at least in the first season) but it is still very good.


It really shines in that way. Miles especially has been a really nice surprise for me and he just keeps getting better. I have not seen Dr. Stone but I just looked it up and it looks good. And highly rated on IMDb, which is gospel to me lol


It’s crazy that you’re consistently on the same page as the show. You talked about ripple effects from earlier in the series and how we see them play out with Ed and Winry, and immediately after that Miles himself mentions how he wants to cause a ripple effect. Last episode you literally said something right before Alphonse said pretty much the same thing. I’m starting to think you’ve seen Truth lol. You might not have all the answers, but it seems like you’re perfectly aligned with the writing which is really interesting to see. Did you commit the taboo among alchemists? Have you seen Truth? I’m skeptical now

Rachel Keys

Speaking of Hoenheim lmao


Really all the credit goes to the writing :D The manga writer and the writers that adapted it for the anime clearly understood what they were doing, and I think that's a big part of what makes it so satisfying to watch. While I have never seen Truth as it is depicted in the show, I have had moments where I feel I'm "breaking through" some kind of invisible mental layer, but as soon as I try to focus on what that is exactly, it evaporates. It's also highly possible that those are moments of extreme self-delusion ^^ But one thing I can say for sure is that I've never attempted human transmutation.

R. Lewis

I don't know if you would have seen it, but there's a really nice mini-episode that was released just before these episodes that shows how Winry's earrings were all gifts from Ed for every time she fixed up his automail, and every time he gave her a pair she got another piercing so she could wear them all. So when she gives them to Ed for safekeeping it's just a really sweet callback to that. I really love how well built-up Ed and Winry's relationship is, and how both of them are regularly show to have feelings for each other, unlike many anime (or shows in general) that just sort of spring relationships out of nowhere.


Thank you for clearing that up for me! The way they focused on the earrings it felt like there was supposed to be some extra significance to it, and now I know what it was.

A Suresh

You know, watching this reaction, I was thinking about the Southern Raiders and how Katara's reaction to Yon Rha, her mother's killer compares to Winry's reaction to Scar in this episode. I haven't drawn any conclusions on this yet either. And yes, one of the central themes in this show is cycles. Cycles of negativity and positivity both. And we see little bits of that begin to emerge after all the setup in the first couple seasons. Great reaction as always, and see you for the next one :)


That's a great comparison. There are some interesting differences that I'll have to think more about, like the fact that Yon Rha is way more pathetic and also probably less remorseful, but at heart Winry and Katara's realizations seem to be the same.

Joey Joseph Jojoson

something about people breaking into/out of windows...it's so cool and satisfying to watch...

Scott McKennedy

Amazing video as always! Can't wait for the next episodes, it's about to get pretty tough...

Andrew G

LOL secret tunnel I hate you so much


Ahh yis my favorite ED is here

Elijah baker

Love how scard takes responsibility he’s like “there’s no exuses I killed your parents “ because even tho he had reasons to be angry killing the rockbells was wrong I love how scar takes accountability winery is kind but also she isn’t forced to forgive him I just really love that moment

Elijah baker

Ugh okay so I like what al did for those guys but at the same time it was ALOT of projecting his own desires on to them if they really didn’t wanna live in that physical state why do they have to why is al”s feelings about him getting his own body back have to match two separate individuals desires about getting thier body’s back


Yeah that's true. He has stakes in the two chimera guys thinking about things differently because he has a lot of anxiety about that exact thing.

Emma Root

To answer your secret tunnel question I think the two chimera soldier guys who apparently hate their wives should kiss