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Not gonna lie to you. I binge watched the rest of season 1 and then watched season 2 today. I can guarantee, you’re in for a wild ride. I don’t even know how to describe it I’ll update after watching this


hanging tight seems to pay off lol


when Mikasa threw away the blade that Armin wanted to keep and you made a face like "Why do that?" It's because Armin was going to use that blade to kill himself before he could be eaten, not to defend himself against a titan.


Yeah a blade that dull and small would definitely not be able to cut off a titans nape. They have to use full length double blades as it is, and they break easily just from slashing the titans


the music in this show kills... literally 😭


Alright here’s my update: I was waiting for you to get here because I feel like this episode’s ending is such a weird tonal shift. The last two episodes go from dreary and totally helpless, and this episode even starts off that way, but then at the end we finally see the first glimmer of hope. I think Mikasa’s statement about the Titan being humankind’s rage embodied is especially powerful. This was the first point watching the show where I felt genuinely relieved The second half of this episode seems to be mostly about hope while the first half is about helplessness. It’s a weird contrast. Your jokes that you throw in sometimes also help offset the dreariness lol, genuinely made me laugh



Itachi The Rouge

“I’m watching the next episode right now” lol... me too. I have been staying one episode ahead of you so I have it fresh in my mind what you’re in for. Then you just break it down in such a manner I never considered. So excited for your reaction to the next episode!


This is definitely a show that gets crazy when you've rewatched it (even a few times). I've picked up on so much stuff through multiple watches and it's crazy how things tie together even seasons apart.

Mac Muscara

I can tell this series is going to be a ride for you. Looking forward to seeing your journey


Megan Talaber ik i just really dont want him to be spoiled


Just curious, do you have moderators? because AOT has a lot of spoiler stans, and want to make sure you're never spoiled. This is an amazing series that needs to be seen with unspoiled eyes


I finally caught up to the last aired episode today and wow. It is the wildest ride I've been on for a show. Too bad I have to watch weekly now. And I had to look up what the pomegranate means, but there's a bunch of theories for it so who knows (my vote is it symbolizes the many lives--seeds--within the wall who are also worth saving, also maybe something about love).


I do not have official moderators, I'm just avoiding comments that look suspicious, only reading comments right after I post (on YouTube) and hoping people will point them out if they see them :)


This is an excellent episode. I love Mikasa choosing to live so that her memories of Eren don't die with her. It contrasts last episode where she lives because Eren lives, now she lives because Eren doesn't. It is reminiscent of an old saying that goes (paraphrased) "everyone dies twice, first when they stop breathing, and second when the last person who remembers them dies." The pomegranate typically symbolizes resurrection and eternal life. I think it represents this in multiple ways this episode, one Mikasa accepts her fate and is resurrected, two Eren's memories live on and therefore he does. I know you said you were watching the next episode right away but there is another that I won't mention out of extra caution.

KJ Gaona

So glad you reached this episode and more glad that you watched the next episode right away. It's a great shift for the story in so many ways!

Andrew G

Hnnnnngh I need this next episoooode


Every time you asked where Eren is during this episode (and the last one too), I kept saying "Eren's inside the Titan, Alex! Didn't you see him get eaten?!?" :D


OH GOD STAY OFF THE TWITTER TRENDING PAGE Edit: they took it down I guess lol


For me, the pomegranate now means the desire to live. I mean life is almost aggressive in it’s desire to live on. It’s instinctual. I mean there is cruelty in the world but living things find a way to keep going. We have motives to not go on at times, but it’s in our blood to persist. It makes me think of last episode where Mikasa remembers the mallard and the bug. It’s a huge contrast to that lively pomegranate; ready to live on through its seeds. Life and death?


18th birthday release TY! What a fucking episode. You really hit the themes on the head, were still seeing those things being alluded to in the final chapters of the manga. Armin and Mikasa's bond really shines here as they are able to motivate and inspire each other. They really understand each other and their limits, and strive to be better people in light of each other. Not to mention the feelings they both must share for the loss of Eren, in the time of a full blown crisis for humanity. The sheer scale of the stakes for the survival of humanity always adds that extra tense feeling haha.


That's exciting to hear. I'm weirdly intrigued by the pomegranate lol. There's something weird about it... I mean it looks weird. But it's also delicious. That's as good as my analysis can get for now lmao


That's an interesting saying. That's a theme I've always seen in shows that I only started recently paying attention to. Even recently in the ATLA rewatch, there's the swamp episode where Hugh says the people you love are never really gone.


Lol that whole time? I was thinking, surely he'd be digested by now. But then again, it doesn't look like there's actual stomach acid down there so maybe he could have survived a long time


HA these reactions get better and better the further I get into the show cause I ended up getting insanely far ahead, couldn't resist the binge. Knowing things and watching someone else be oblivious to them but then me myself still having unanswered things as I haven't finished yet is consistently making me laugh. Also, I highly recommend getting a Youtube Comment mod or two to get rid of spoilers that will inevitably be posted on your channel, regardless of intent or not. This show can seriously be ruined by spoilers imo, so please tread carefully as we all cherish your watch through as much as we do with our own watches.


That's a cool thought. You're right, it is a nice contrast to the previous "life is cruel" flashback we saw from her. Pomegranates are great


Happy Birthday! Congrats on entering "adulthood," though I'm sure you were already there lol. And yeah, you make a great point. I was thinking a lot about Eren and Mikasa, and Eren and Armin, but not enough about Mikasa and Armin. They are good friends too and obviously love/respect each other a great deal.

Nick Deano

Mkikasa's speach gave me serious starship trooper vibes. "COME ON YOU DOGS, YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER?!"


The show continues with the brutality and struggles to find meaning in the suffering. I am up to the latest chapter in the manga. The brutality does not settle...let's just leave it at that...hehe

Henry Law

The pomegranate to me is even though it’s bruised and broken, there is still beauty amiss the carnage. Just like their lives are so full of pain, it can also be beautiful which translates well to what Mikasa was alluding to as well.


There are definitely moments of hope and triumph, but yeah the story itself seems to circle back to that bleakness as part of the design. It gives characters so many opportunities to grow and change though which is interesting I haven’t finished the anime but have been spoiled on the manga pretty heavily. It’s definitely brutal and can even be uncomfortable, but it’s uncomfortable in a way that makes you think critically


Still in denial about eren I see. Hes still in the titan silly.

Jabin (Aelic)



The self-sacrificing tendencies of Armin my god


*Goodwin slowly nods*