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I missed a very obvious culprit.... lol


Looking at this thumbnail i can only hope it's in response to sasha's potato eating. Edit: I was not disappointed

Francesca White

it's odd that it says the Recon Corps in these subs, i've only ever seen it called the Survey Corps

hays collins

Yea you met Sasha aka “Potato Girl” haha


Man you should watch these early episodes again once you are done with season 2...


Sasha Blouse. Aaaand I've maxed out my mental capacity for names. Hope she's important!


What a fun episode with nothing overly gruesome or depressing (compared to the last 2) This will definitely persist through the show, right? RIGHT? 😐 I’ll update this after I watch the full reaction

R'Mani Leavell

Aot is my favorite anime/manga, but funny enough I don't have a favorite character. But every time Keith Shadis (The Cadet leader) is on screen, he stands out to me

hays collins

IKR. I’m excited Especially after seeing season 4 getting to see these episodes in a different light


Jean Kirstein is my favourite character.


Reinholdt LMAO

Itachi The Rouge

I can tell you’re using a different subtitling. Although it covers the cards. The translation is no where near as accurate as the first two episodes . I hope you still search for the best translation. This one bothers the hell out of me. Recon corps ? Blouse? This was weird. But I’m so excited to see the way you break this show down! Edit: the more I think about it the more I realize the subtitles don’t matter. It’s all close enough you get it all either way.


This subs are perfect, great work as always! Re watching this is mind blowing...


lmao, do you choose these thumbnails or is vimeo just on some next lvl shit haha


God this show definitely needs a rewatch one it's all done!


So I actually switched to a different version halfway through, which seems slightly better. Hope this one is the winner haha

Sal Inger

Yeah those subs seem to be very sub-par in general unfortunately. Edit: I spoke too soon, the ones in the second part of the reaction seem alright.

Ramon Cintron

LMAO The look of Horror in your face when Sasha bit that potato OMFG I lost it. That was my reaction too

Sal Inger

You've finally been introduced to the endless source of memes that is Potato girl. Blessed day. Also, please never go back to the subs you used in the first half of the video lol. Those were horrible.


woo jean boy, my fave horse faced character since bojack


Rewatching this is crazy. The naiveness, the black and white thinking and well other spoilery stuff in the show. Rewatching this gives a very different perspective and understanding.

KJ Gaona

I'm so nervous for you! The character building in this show is underrated, so I'm glad you're noticing it. You're going to really love these people, which is both a good thing and a bad thing.

KJ Gaona

I agree! All the crazy, on-the-nose foreshadowing zips right over people's heads because they don't even know what they're looking for. I just hope people don't drop too many hints like I've seen in other reactors' comment sections. I feel like those of us here on Patreon are pretty chill but I worry if he ends up reading the YouTube comments.


Hey thanks for doing this series. I always kinda wanted to watch it but I have a hard time committing to shows and your first reaction made me get hulu and now I'm already on season 3. Can't wait for your analysis on some of the stuff that's gonna happen. I think this might be one of my favorite shows ever even though it's so brutal and terrifying.


Haha I'm nervous too. I'm saying I don't want to get attached to anyone, but I know I will. I'm already attached to Sasha "Blouse", aka Potato Girl..........

Andrew G

Ymir: I’m making her owe me one. Sorting Hat: SLYthERIN!


Okay... Fine... I'll admit the sub is very good. And rewatching the dub a bit I realize it is certainly lacking in some areas. Also I really hope no one spoils anything for you. Be wary of comments because in reflection of this episode alone I would be able to say 1 sentence that ruins seasons worth of build up basically.

Karsten Hase

i CANT wait for that flag to fall!!!