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R'Mani Leavell

Ah yes Greedling I almost forgot this is the episode he makes his debut.

Francesca White

btw you might have missed it, but it wasn't only Scar that could do alchemy, May was able to as well while Ed and Al couldn't


One thing the anime doesn’t really explain well is how father creates greed again. Remember when they captured and killed greed he got filtered into a cup that father drank, and now we see again the red liquid come out of him. He basically absorbed greeds essence. Lust on the other hand was killed by Roy and her stone disappeared completely, meaning she wouldn’t be able to be simply recreated like greed was this episode


I was thinking about that later. I said he needs to make a new Lust, but Greed makes sense since the philosopher's stone wasn't destroyed.

Ruma Risto

Father can't create a new Lust since her philosopher's stone was completely depleted and destroyed by Roy. But he was able to make a new Greed because he reabsorbed the former Greed's stone by drinking it :D Don't want to spoil anything but once again you are so right about many things.


oh yes greedling my fave character lets go


As opposed to Bradley who fought with every soul in his stone and only one came out on top, Ling accepted Greed. That is why he has regeneration and Bradley does not. Bradley has to seem human as much as possible for the public.

Rachel Keys

I think its very easy to feel bad for Gluttony because he acts like a child albeit a merderous one but he has a child like mind nonetheless.


Such a great episode. I love Greed's character, both old and new.


Fun fact: the new Greed is voiced by Troy Baker, who you may or may not know? He’s been in some anime dubs as well as many video game roles. Overall a cool dude and great actor I also love how curious Father is in this episode. He’s framed as this big bad guy, and while he definitely is that,he’s also genuinely curious about what’s going on with say Scar and his alchemy. He’s curious about the Elric brothers, even though he called humans insects moments before or later.


I don't think he believes what he is doing is bad or evil. He probably just sees it as a game or something.


The father is all there. However, he is so powerful and sees everyone as mere or little more than an insect that he just doesn't care. So his behaviour and energy are radically different from everyone else. Makes him seem like he is not at all there. Also, he is a deeply curious person.

Elijah baker

I can’t get over Howe child like als voice is especially because he’s only one or two years younger then ed


I mean... it's hard to go through puberty when your body is a suit of armor :D


Another way to look at the theme is that yes, the show is about human vice, but even though you have all these sins that are supposedly the 7 deadly ones, the real sin in the pursuit of power, and when you put all else aside to pursue power you become something that is no longer human. This is very much represented by the how both Ling and Bradley were previously human, but "became" homunculuses.


Greedling!!!! my fav all time


The name sounded familiar so I looked him up on imdb and yeah I know him from a whole bunch of stuff, like The Last of Us, FFXIII, Catherine, Monster, and a few other things. He has quite the resume.

Ruma Risto

He is not though. No spoilers but he did extract some key parts of himself to become more powerful.


"I feel like she and Al will get along really well." Well, no one can say you're not perceptive.


I think you could come up with some good ideas why father seems off or acts robotic like you said if you think about everything you've learned so far in the series. Great reaction, thank you.