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I love the overlay of images of Scar's brother protecting Scar from Kimblee and Ed protecting Winry from Scar as he realises that he's become the same aggressor in the cycle of vengeance. Also the show definitely knew what they were doing as Winry breaks down crying and you start crying and the ED just says let it all out

Francesca White

this is one of my favorite episodes! i love how WInry carries on her parents' legacy of being doctors by being someone who brings hope and light. i feel like in action series as well, when we think of a "strong" character, we think of people with traits that are seen as more traditionally masculine, i.e. someone who's closed off emotionally, very physically strong, and is just traditionally a "badass". however, winry is someone i love a lot because she really is a strong person without conforming to these tropes. she's very emotional and sensitive, she does cry a lot, but this doesn't take away from her strength. she's someone with a strong character and who cares deeply for others, like Ed said, she gives life, and she's really my favorite character for that.


I totally wasn't refreshing the page waiting for this. Wow, what a great episode. We see Ling step into action and also learn some of Scar's tragic backstory. Seeing him witness firsthand the pain that his actions have caused is one of my favourite moments of the show. I loved the fact that he made no excuses for why he killed Winry's parents it really brings to light the regret he has for what he has done.


This anime has so many 'do you want to cry, here's a justification' moments... I love how nothing is black and white, everything has a deeper meaning, and things can't be justified, but they are completely understandable.


Those fire plumes. There's only one Flame Alchemist


I love Winry too. I think she herself falls into that exact same thinking, that because she's not involved in the battles that she is somehow unimportant. But of course, we all know that's not true.

Purple Dawn

This, episode 10 and 4 always makes me cry


Sorry for the delay! Yeah it's a fantastic episode for a lot of reasons. I was expecting a huge action episode, and there was definitely some of that, but I didn't expect it to also hit me in the feels. Scar is a great character, as is Winry (I could go on and on), and having the two of them meet brought a lot of great elements together.


They sure know how to get us lol. It's really well done, not only the writing and how much we understand the characters and their motivations, but the voice acting as well is always top notch.


The end of this episode never fails to make me either cry or teary-eyed. I feel like the ending song was chosen just for this episode. <3 Also, the Melon Lord's head on Alex Louis Armstrong's body was brilliant, lol!


FMAB is so good at fitting so many elements into one episode. Action, emotions, plot development, character growth, great animation and voice acting. Great music. It has it all I love this episode in particular, and Scar is such an interesting character I’ll update this after I finish the reaction


The ending song does fit perfectly. It's telling both us and Winry to let it all out lol

Ben Barringer

Damn, I forget how much more FMAB goes into these Ishval scenes. After the FMA series/Movie... Jesus. Though it's weird, I think, how they skip over the scar. Something to look back on.


I always love that little realization winry makes about seeing Huges and her parents backs for the last time and we get that shot from a few episodes ago where she notices Eds broad shoulders from behind, but now it’s almost a warped image in her mind that she wants to prevent being one of her last images of him

A Suresh

Ah yes, the episode when the knife twisting begins to feel good... You've hit on the salient points for this episode so I'm mostly just chiming in to say that I couldn't have said it better. Great reaction, see you in the next one :)


Yes! I have been waiting for this episode to talk about the parallels between Alphonse and Scar. Both are animal lovers (they really like cats), and are better in combat than their brothers. Most importantly, their brothers have both sacrificed their right arms to save their lives.


Winry here reminded me a bit of Katara in The Souther Raiders episode. Both very caring people, with healing capabilities, who almost took complete vengeance on someone who killed her parent(s). Except in this case, Scar is an amazing character. Yon Rha was just pathetic. I don't know if anyone mentioned this before, but some of the episodes (and I forget which) have an extra scene at the end after the credits. On Netflix you'll know because it'll just not show the "next episode" button. Just something to keep in mind because I made the mistake of skipping a few.


Okay. My late update. I loved your reaction to this. When I originally said this show tackles the topic of a cycle of hatred I wasn’t kidding. Scar is basically the quintessential example of that. I also think it’s important to note that when Scar killed Winry’s parents, he was incredibly confused and in shock. It was definitely also blind hatred, but I personally think if things had gone different, he might not have killed her parents. Which is kind of heartbreaking to think about. Scar isn’t inherently a bad person, but he fell into his despair and rage. Imagine if things had turned out differently I seriously love talking about his character, okay brief essay over lol


This episode is absolutely wild. I love how Winry is just an innocent mech obsessed girl from the countryside who happens to get heavily involved in this whole Military Genocide for Power plot, it should feel out of place seeing Winry talk to Scar like that but because its built up to so well and the characters are so likeable it ends up just being an amazing interaction.


That's a good comparison. Makes a lot of sense. I've loved the ending credit scenes so far. I think the next one is episode 28, and from there they occur quite frequently.


Definitely, my first thought was that she would get in the way and Ed would have to save her. But I should know better by now that this show doesn't deal in basic tropes that much. Intsead it brought a lot of important stuff to the surface thematically with all 4 characters, especially Scar and Winry.