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What teenage romances don't make you uncomfortable haha


Not sure if anyone has mentioned this to you but there is a graphic novel that takes place between seasons 3 and 4. It’s called Through the Moon.


Lol that's true, I'm not the best audience for it. In this case, it's not just the romance, I just felt like Callum was being weird in this episode.


I agree, season 3 delivers with every episode. Its so nice. And l was the same too. That moment between Rayla and Callum was a little weird but I just laughed off the awkwardness.

Aidan Pullen

So... You're telling me that given the choice between a regular old fence and giant magic obelisks/force fields, you'd choose the fence?


The relationshippy stuff was definitely weird, but you know it's also genuine. They obviously care about each other, and now they've had some 1-on-1 time. To be fair, I remember my relationship starting out kinda cringey lol. My boyfriend also would've done the same thing if I was upset, which was a bit annoying. Though he's come a long way in since then, in terms of giving me space. Maybe it's something you have to become more mature to understand.


It doesn't make me uncomfortable if anything it gives me all the feels :O YOU GOT TO 500 PATRONS OMGGGGGG CONGRATZ!


I have found the bug creature with Viren super creepy from the beginning. All that crawling around into his ear and stuff just gives me the shivers. But this episode takes it up to a whole new level!


Yeah what makes it work is some of the earlier episodes, particularly when Callum used dark magic and Rayla watched what he went through. But this episode alone was rough haha


I think that king/prince’s motivation is mixed with both pettiness but also some reason. He probably thinks the forces of Kotalis are valuable in the fight against Xadia, and would be willing to kill some if it means the other three kingdoms take control of Kotalis, thus gaining their troops ...okay no it’s pretty much just pettiness now that I think about it more. yeah. Alright he’s petty You can’t defend everyone, sometimes they’re just dicks

Jerry Ferrell

“Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes.”

Jerry Ferrell

Considering his father talking about how much more intelligent and mature Queen Anya was than Prince Kasif, I think he lacks foresight and critical thinking skills. He’s driven by this need to avenge the attack on his nation that he hasn’t bothered to think about what’s best for his country, or even look into the attacks more to make sure Xadia is actually the culprit.


Aww no reaction to the "Anyways here's The Wonderwall?" joke. Might just not have got the reference but I died laughing at that part. Search up Anyways here's Wonderwall by Oasis if you are looking for reference.


I know you found the relationship stuff uncomfortable and maybe a bit sappy or forced but I think its really interesting because the writers never had the intention of them getting together in the original plan. At least not this early into their planned 7 seasons at least. In an interview they explained the the characters really came to life in this way over the course of writing the show and they felt it only natural for this to occur in season 3, that the characters themselves ended up pushing for this to happen in a weird way. Just find it fascinating how things like that can happen.


I don't think Prince Kasef was ever actually going to goto war with Katolis. It was a point of pressure to put Ezran in a position where he couldn't make any other choice than the one offered by the Advisor. The outcome was written from the planning stage. I imagine Viren in the same position as Ezran and the only choice I see him making is to fight. After all he's a big strong boy and only weak leaders would shy away from "what needs to be done".


They hinted a few times in season 2. Rayla almost said she loved him, but I think it was more platonic at the time. Still interesting seeing that scene and then watching season 3


When Callum said “Boomerang?” I began to tear bend!!!!!


That is true, we did see him meet with both the advisor who suggested Ezran step down AND Viran, so that was probably when the plan was hatched. It might have been a bluff all along, or they might have had a plan B in case Ezran did not accept