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00:00 - Episode 13

24:06 - Episode 13 summary

26:00 - Episode 14

52:05 - Episode 14 summary

54:00 - Reacting to my reaction


ATLA Rewatch 13&14.mp4

This is "ATLA Rewatch 13&14.mp4" by A Goodwin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


hays collins

Oh crap I forgot it was Saturday. I expected the dragon prince hahaha. Honestly I’m not complaining.

hays collins

Uh oh Sokka got the coronavirus haha


ayyyy early rewatch upload. good stuff. The Fortuneteller is one of the most under rated episodes in the show, I just love the animation and how all the main cast get their own slice of life plot that are all super funny and give great personality to them. also the way katara and aangs eventual romance is foreshadowed and presented in the episode is expertly done, the whole kataang relationship within the show is written spectacularly, and it really starts to kick off with this relatively not talked about episode.


Yeah I was curious to watch The Fortune Teller again cause I remembered loving it. It did not disappoint. I think it's a great example of how to do a good, non plot-heavy, episode.

hays collins

Love how you said ouch even though you know they still get married and have three kids hahah

hays collins

I LOVE how they made fun of “what to do when a bear attacks” by just saying every answer haha

hays collins

Ummmm why is Aunt Wu employing child labor haha


Random story: this past August I went rafting with a large group. We took a rest on shore to eat, and I was biting into some chicken when someone yelled "bear!" I turned around and there was a black bear about 20 feet from me in the trees. Everyone immediately rushed to do all the advice simultaneously. Some people ran into the water, some people yelled with their hands in the air. Some people threw food at it for reasons I don't understand. After about a minute the bear seemed annoyed and left slowly.

hays collins

Do you think Aunt Wu’s prediction of when Katara will die is correct. Cause if it does that means Jinora, Ikki, or Meelo will need to have some kids real quick or Katara will be VERY OLD. Maybe she pulls a Kyoshi and lives super old haha


It's probably volunteer work too. Maybe some kind of fortune telling apprenticeship


It seems reasonable. The grandkids don't seem THAT far from having kids themselves by the end of Korra.


why not? much better for kids to work at their families local fortunetelling shop than stare at a screen watching cardi b twerk on tik tok all day.


LOL im dead at people throwing food at it, who tf would think that would be a good idea

hays collins

I’m sure Roku is very pissed that Aang fought the volcano and won but he fought the volcano as a fully realized volcano and lost haha

Aidan Pullen

One thing that stood out to me this time watching The Blue Spirit was the Tsungi Horn at the end. This show's unique yet incredibly touching music just pulls right at your heart. You're able to really feel the melancholy of Aang's failure to befriend Zuko, and Zuko's blooming doubt in the ideals of the Fire Nation. I love the moment at the end of The Fortuneteller when Aang solidifies the magma. This is one of the few times we see such an impressive display of bending prowess, with dramatic music and all, without some crazy cosmic power like the Avatar State or Sozin's Comet. This is a reminder not only to Sokka, but the audience, that Aang despite his goofy childishness, is a master of his art, and an incredibly powerful kid. Super awesome.

Aidan Pullen

I really relate to what you said about being an "obsessor". I think it's possibly some manifestation of a type of anxiety, but that's beside the point. I get so fixated on things and inevitably disappoint myself when I don't reach a certain outcome. I'm thankful for a lot of the views, opinions, wisdom, etc. that you've shared with us, especially when things really apply to my life. Your seemingly endless ability to take a minor point in a show and extrapolate it really far is appreciated :)


I have a distaste for fortune telling because the profession is often used to take advantage of desperate and naive people. Most people only get their fortune told every so often, that's all fun, but some form a dependency on it and are scammed out of ridiculous amounts of money.


It took me an embarrassing amount of rewatches before I realized that Meng was voiced by Toph's voice actor


My personal headcanon is that Aang told Bumi about that Herbalist after the war and the two became an old, crazy couple


dunno if anyone told ya yet (they prolly have) but the VA for Meng is Toph's VA :3


Honestly yeah killing the Avatar would just delay their problems rather than solve them, but since the most pivotal moment of this war is occurring at the end of the summer they probably could have just killed Aang here and bought themselves 12 more years or so.


I basically agree with your take on free will. Ultimately it doesn't really matter what the truth is because it feels like we do have free will. The only thing we have to go off of is our own perception.


You're right, the music is great. And the magma moment is indeed excellent and perfectly timed with the episode.


Thanks for saying so, I'm glad. I know that feeling well. As I said I think it's not always a bad thing. It can be useful if used as a push towards action. And I think the other half of that is taking a long term view and having reasonable short-term expectations :)

Jamie Morgan

I think you meant "fully realised Avatar", but the thought of Roku as a volcano is too good, so thank you for inadvertently putting that hilarious image in my head!


My favorite standalone episode of S1, I love it more every time I see it. That sweet, sweet teamwork, so great!