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Merry Christmas Eve!


I hated the way that they gaslight Soren. I’m glad he stood his ground though. And elf Callum was a huge disappointment. There was definitely a lot of material they could’ve done 😂. And Ezran is just trying his best. It’s hard having the best hair and trying to be the sensible one. Lol anyway enjoy your holidays

hays collins

“Sorrin doesn’t have the strongest back bone” well duh because he broke his back a couple episodes ago haha


cmon getting so close to 500 patrons, you've been close to hitting it then it goes back down again a bunch of times lmao. ain't even my channel but i just have ocd with it hitting that goal and i wanna see you grow cause you deserve it. also king ezran is a CHAD


Yeah shocked that they did that honestly, seems like a big mistake on Viren's part! But makes me excited for Soren lol. Happy holidays to you as well!


Haha thank you. Yeah I've noticed that, 500 seems to be some magic threshold :)


I like Viren as a character and am pretty intrested in his journey but everytime he treats (best boy) Soren poorly I just wanna 🤜🧙‍♂️


Don't look for vengeance from elf callum! Break the cycle!


His view towards the kingdom and ruling is somewhat understandable but his view towards his kids is a lot harder to stomach.


I agree with your opinion about the elves! The whole thing with Rayla seems very extreme considering they didn’t know what really happened. How are you supposed to let them know what occurred if they have banished you?


Right? For them to all individually do that too... that's some next level bitterness

Ana Andrade

I'm glad you noticed that the metal flower that was underwater but not sunk was Runaan's. I think we're supposed to assume that he can be brought back somehow.


Merry Christmas Alex!

Elijah baker

King Goodwin of the human kingdom is anti elf 😭😭😭😭😭


Man I guess you could call Runaan... Fullmetal (sorry for that one lol) Edit: Okay jokes aside I totally agree with you, Xadia (at least where Rayla’s from) sucks hardcore. I don’t want to have to fly a plant boomerang for public transportation... or do I?

Aidan Pullen

While I'm largely inclined to agree with you on the issues of elf society, I think you could also cut them slack? While it's true they don't know the whole story about the failed mission, they were probably incredibly grieved when their loved ones didn't return. They (wrongfully) lumped that grief and anger onto Rayla, the one who survived and who they assumed ran away. While this is false, they used her as a place to put the blame, and it can be REALLY hard to disassociate a person from the feelings you've chosen to assign to them, especially really strong and negative ones like that. However, I agree the banishment stuff is too far when they haven't heard the whole thing. I understand their choice, even if I don't agree with it. I think giving people time to accept hard truths is often better than condemning them for misunderstanding. But yeah, they're petty and harsh, I'll give you that lol. Also I really feel for Sorren here, poor guy gets his words twisted on him all the time and everyone thinks he's stupid. He may not have the brains of an alchemist, but he has a heart of gold and he's not as dumb as Claudia and Viren seem to think. I like seeing him try to stand up for himself though, he won't be totally beat down.


I feel like it would be fun the first time and then rapidly approach annoying. But then again I used to commute an hour each way for work on the subway, so maybe it's not that bad.


Yeah I was very hard on the elves, part of it is just me being facetious. But their reaction does make SOME sense given what happened with Rayla's parents, and also the tragedy of learning that only Rayla had survived.