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hays collins

So what show are you gonna do after you finish Dragon Prince. May I suggest Attack on Titan or for a non animated option the Good Place


Attack on Titan is probably the most highly recommended these days. I might try a few different shows to test the response. If so I will do it by poll, maybe next week :)

hays collins

Love the two feelings of this episode. You got this happy adventure with Callum and Rayla and then you got this depressing and hard episode with Ezran

hays collins

Hahaha I legit paused and commented this right before you said the same thing in the video


Endless supply of jelly tarts. A meal fit for a king.


I love how quick Corvus is to jump to Ezran's defense, and he is the only one smiling when Ezran cements his place on the throne. Everyone needs a Corvus in their life.


I agree that Ezran is fulfilling his fathers wish for him here. And I love your continued support for Soren! It seems he’s been one of your favorite characters from the first couple of minutes of the very first episode. You are definitely loyal.😄


"Can humans and elves have kids?" A mystery that rivals the Key of Aaravos

Elijah baker

Hey since this is the last season of dragon prince that is out what’s the next show going to be ?


"Can Humans and Elves have kids?" The question everyone who watches this show eventually asks, I hope this question will be answered. I have a feeling a certain duo will test this theory.


Haha that is true. It's funny how little things can go such a long way. His brotherly gestures towards Callum in the beginning just totally won me over. His development in season 2 made me rethink him a little bit... partly because of the IQ drop. It seems like most people disagree with me on this but I still wonder if he and Claudia were envisioned one way initially and then traits were swapped between them later on. Either way, I still have high hopes for his character, since I think there are a lot of heroic traits in there, just overwhelmed by confusion and lack of a guiding moral star.


Attack on Titan seems to be the heavy favorite, but I am thinking about trying a few different shows to test the response. I will probably make a post about it sometime next week


Callum voiced by Sokka. Rayla is MOON Shadow Elf


You’re definitely talking about Viren and Aravos right? The best couple in the show by far


This episode definitely has some tonal whiplash with the Callum + Rayla + Zym story and then the Ezran one lol. It’s still fun though and I’m glad we got all those strong Ezran moments

Jeanine McGhee

I wonder how many of them were literally brutally crushed under Callum's feet as he ran through the field of pinecos/adorabears


I would make you my regent.

Drake Chuckle

"Not a huge fan of botany" Wow, controversial statement.


Honestly me too it just never grew on me

Jerry Ferrell

I do think Opeli is trustworthy because of the way her character is presented. She’s seen as a foil to Viren, and seems to be acting in the best interests of he kingdom, yet isn’t lacking in compassion. I got the impression that she’s unsure if Ezran is really capable of becoming a great king a such a young age, yet knows she can’t say that outright. I get the feeling she’d follow any king whose strong and righteous.


Later episodes bore out what you're saying :) I don't think she was being an opportunist really, she was probably just unsure of whether or not Ezran could handle it, as you said.


You bring up one issue I have with S3: tonal dissonance? Like, on the one hand, we have some really cool stuff going on with characters and the overall situation, and some of it is really heavy, so I understand the attempt at some levity, but the way they go about it doesn't work for me. There's a difference between jokes occasionally falling flat and fart jokes. That's a level we didn't have to stoop down to before and I don't understand why we had to now, especially because the overall tone has gotten more serious over time?