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Been waiting for this one for a while. Reinforces why I dislike dragons.


Yeah this definitely adds some color to the dragons lol. They're not all beautiful and royal it seems...


Just got my chipotle. Perfect timing!


I had Chipotle earlier today, shit was smack


Rayla making speech's out here for Callum, she seems to care a lot about him already even though they have only known each other for a relatively short amount of time.


Yeah they've had a lot of good bonding. I think one of the biggest ones recently was Callum risking his life doing dark magic to save Rayla and the dragon, something Rayla gave him hell for but probably really appreciated (and maybe felt guilt for). And then watching him come close to death as a result probably drove everything home for her.


Honestly I liked a lot of the characters journeys/development this season. It’s gonna be really good.


The opening scene and aaravos trapped into the mirror kind of reminds me of greek myth of Prometheus,who gave the humans the fire and got punished by Zeus for that


If sol regem is the sun king and the dragon king was a storm dragon, does this mean that every primal source has its own dragon ruler?


I'm excited to go on this journey. I haven't watched season 3 yet. Watched 3.1 before watching your reaction. I'm very curious to see where the Amia story goes. Also, I wonder if Callum and Ezran's mom was fully human. Both boys seem to have extraordinary gifts for humans.


What a strong opening to a season Edit: There’s also something I love about the extremely intimidating way dragons are portrayed in certain stories, like these truly grand yet terrifying beings. Their voices alone carry so much weight. Quickly figuring out the whole situation without you even knowing it, until it’s too late.


That came to mind too. I was initially thinking about parallels with Wan from Korra, which is also very Prometheus-like.


I love dragons. They're this weird mix of deeply rooted fears (related to snakes maybe) but also glory and power.

Aidan Pullen

Hell of an entrance on Ezran's part. That boy is going places.

Drake Chuckle

That opening, and the other tidbits of history we've shown show that the dragons and elves really aren't all good. To call them lesser beings, wow. I'm going to be honest I pretty much side with humanity on this one. I don't think there is an inherent difference between taking a life to do something with magic and taking a life to put food on the table. The former might even be more effective.


I think the dragons were probably more afraid humans would use it for advancement