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Join Aang, Sokka, and Kya on their journey to a fire nation statue. 


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Wow this was great, I didn’t even know this existed. Amazing commentary and analysis like always!

Drake Chuckle

I have no idea why the official avatar channel on youtube posts videos in 16:9 aspect ratio when the show and pilot were in 4:3. Crops out the top and bottom and appears to make the image worse. Really fun pilot, though, good takes on it.


One of my favorite things about the unaired pilot is the intro, for the original designs of Pakku, Toph (lol), and Azula. At least Aang didn't change much from the pilot like those characters did but it's fun to see what is on their minds and how the drawing style of these iconic characters developed


Sokka was a real A-hole in the pilot 😂. Also pilot Aang reminds me of Kai for some reason. Like a kid you know is going to get into lots of trouble 😂


So-Ka here is so in tune with his movie counterpart it's actually quite sad to see. I'm glad they made the changes to the show that they did. Including the Aang actor and Sokka's whole character!


Can't wait to rewatch it with you!

Ruma Risto

Iroh's character wasn't fully conceived by the time of the pilot's airing.


is it just me or are katara and zokka (but mostly katara/kia) older in this one then in the series. it looks like katara is around 16 here but in the series 14.


There was no quick change of Character to Katara during ATLA. A lot of people have the idea that Katara's power arc is bad because she "out of nowhere" becomes a master waterbender in one day when they get to the North Pole. In reality Katara's waterbending skills slowly developed throughout the entirety of Season One, to which over the course of a couple weeks, not days, at the North Pole now being trained by a real master is able to develop her skills so quickly. She also continues to develop and improve as a bender throughout Season's 2 and 3, bloodbending for example being one of these power ups, and its important to remember there is a vast potential skill difference between those benders with the title "Master". Zhao is considered a Master firebender yet 16 year old Zuko kicks his ass in the third episode of the show. Katara is as well written and slowly developed as Aang and Zuko are but a lot of people think her character was forced or that she was randomly made powerful and it wasn't earned, which imo is very untrue.


Definitely, it seems Aang was more of that "type" for the pilot. As I mentioned, I wonder how much of that was actually their initial vision and how much was them trying to create that image for Nickelodeon :)


I don't see it that her power came out of nowhere, it's well explained and developed over time. I could be totally wrong and this is something I'll have to see when I watch it again, but I remember my feeling at the time was that something about the way it was written was that one part of her personal journey would be to not be jealous of Aang and also to focus on her role as a healer. But that element of the story never materialized, as Katara became one of the best water benders if not the best water bender in the show.


Aang really doesn't feel like Aang


One thing to note about the intro to this pilot: It has Aang in front of a lion turtle statue. Also Aang's voice in this was Mitchell Musso, mostly known for Disney Channel roles.


I feel like you talking about the changes in the characters in the actual show to be quite inaccurate. For example, Katara not being a powerful bender originally. They made her powerful later on because of character development. Not because they changed their mind. Same with Sokka. Sokka was a jerk but they made him less of a jerk later on because that is character development. Not because they changed their mind.

Raysa Fonseca

Aang from Embers Island Play is the same from the pilot. I quite like that


agreed, im hyped for him to rewatch atla cause i feel he'll appreciate the writing and slow development even more so when you know how everything turns out


This is a treat! I have never seen it before. One thing I noticed in the very first shot of Aang was the statue of the lion turtle behind him. I always enjoy seeing early evidence of that creature in the universe.




So, one thing I remember about this is that the reason Aang falls off the statue is specifically to activate the Avatar State. Originally it was conceived as something he couldn't activate unless his life was in danger. But wisely the creators changed that aspect. There still is an instinctual part to it as we see in the show, but it became something that could be summoned at will with training. Also, the reason Aang was shocked at Zuko flying through the air is that he didn't have any memory of what he did when he came back to himself.


Me: *out loud by myself at 13mins* This is great, way better than i thought it would be" You: *literally a few seconds after I say it* *This is great, way better than i thought it would be"