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Edit: Here's the Vimeo link in case the video isn't embedded


I'm glad Varrick didn't Varrick himself just cause he got Zhu Li'ed, since ultimately Kuvira will be the one to get Zhu Li'ed. 


(No title)



I don't see any video here :( Edit: Woo fixed!

hays collins




Aaron Ong

Poor Varrick


Here's the Vimeo link for now: https://vimeo.com/472417769/deffc1ea8d

hays collins

Yeahhhhh it worked!!!! thanks


The link doesn’t work for me, oh darn. But I’m sure it’ll be fine in the end.


I'm seeing it up now on Patreon. Try refreshing in a few minutes and if it still doesn't work let me know. I'll try reuploading it :)


It’s working now :)

hays collins

So what do you think is wrong with Korra?

hays collins

Did you noticed that Kuvira had korras face. Just asking since you didnt seem to react about that


I love the dark reprise of the Avatar theme that plays when Korra goes into the Avatar State.

hays collins

So what do you think they want the domes for


I love how well the animation displays how slow and choppy Korra still is and how there’s still issues she has to work past, how non-linear her healing still seems to be!

Aidan Pullen

You talked a lot about Kuvira's genius strategy and tactics, and it really shows in her fighting. Her bending is just brutal. The perfect combination of force and precision. She lets her opponents take the offensive (however briefly) so she can start reading them, and keeps that mentality of Neutral Jing. Her combination of the use of large powerful rocks with the pinpoint accuracy of those tiny metal plates works so well, and she is able to just play with her opponent. Not only is she a genius, she's a prodigious fighter. I love seeing Varrick slowly start to do the right thing. He may be a little on the crazy/ eccentric side sometimes, but that's why we love him! I'm a huge fan of the Varrick-Bolin duo, they make a fun pair.

Calvin Brindley

I really appreciate the writers not having Korra just being “magically” healed mentally when she was able to remove the poison, even though that was definitely an important step.


I remember being so impressed when I watched this episode at Kuvira's tactical genius and how great a fighter she was that i was like ngl at this point she just deserves to have her plans succeed. also if Korra still had her connection to her past lives you know Kyoshi would have been watching with a box of popcorn when Korra was about to crush Kuvira with a rock


Not sure exactly but I think she is understanding her enemies' qualities as they exist in herself.


Haha I was wondering about that... Some kind of crazy death star-type thing with the nature beam?


That's a good point, her abilities do show in her fighting as well. Varrick seems to have come into a conscious all of a sudden, but I like it!


Lets go! Goodwin back again with another vid

Cody Taylor

It's really great seeing new airbenders and how they unlike previous airbenders actually have pasts and family ties and connections outside of the temples. Which i think plays a larger role in them actively trying to have a role in the world. Where previously airbenders were raised without a connection to their parents or much contact to the outside world so it was easier for them to focus on their spirituality and non aggression and kind of being observers of the world more than active participants. It sparks alot of questions for the future and what being an air nomads means. Stuff we might not ever have answered unfortunately but fun to speculate about :D


It’s a good thing they left when they did. I don’t think Kuvira could have handled all that Meelo.

Lil Lexz

The reason she saw Callvera face was cz she has ptsd that’s wat was also her other problem in the begging episode wen she lost that fight seeing herself again and over ptsd


This is a fun episode. Also one that had me like, I wouldn't be entirely opposed if Kuvira won and handled the Earth Kingdom back in the day. Because I was like, a lot of what she says about the Earth Kingdom in general, but also Zaofu, is true, and they're problems that have existed and never really been fixed for centuries. The Kyoshi novels even confirm this. I've seen people bring up how previous avatars would handle LoK villains, and of course, that included fandom Kyoshi, and I'm just sittin here like, Kyoshi would honestly probably not care too much about Kuvira or what she was doing with the Earth Kingdom. I don't think she would, if anything she might agree with it to an extent with how much disdain she had for her nation and it's politics.


For some reason I always relate Kuvira with Azula with their wit, military capacity, and their methodical manipulation of people's mindset as well as undermining anyone else's capabilities to act against them. Aside from having an airbending villain I really think she was the best villain out of the 4 seasons.

Ramon Cintron

Try to remember her saying to Dismantle the Domes. People forget that moment coming up.


Am I the only one who thinks that Kuvira was going to kill Korra? She took out the bands of metal and then morphed them into a sharper version. Even though Opal and Jinora broke the agreement, they were just trying to save Korra from being killed.


I think you're right! I noticed that later. Korra was already defeated but she was launching an attack on her anyway


I like Kuvira as a villain a lot. She definitely has a way of mastering the situation in front of her, similar to Azula.


Kuvira is the hardest to grapple with ethically, and I think that's by her own design. She's counting on that comparison to the previous state of the Earth Kingdom for support. I think Zaofu is where she crosses a clearer line since the people there are not in need of help and do not support her. Well, if Kyoshi and Kuvira did end up fighting, Kyoshi probably would have dropped that rock lol


For real, I didn’t even catch several things when I first watched it not even watching it multiple times.

Daniel Bazan

Am I the only one that the link doesn’t work for? 😭😭


and this is why Varrick is pretty much the best character in the series

William Abbott

Dont click on the link click the box above it, it works for some reason


Varrick is my favorite hyper-industrialist billionaire war profiteer in any show or movie. Dude is on cocaine in every season, shit is too good.


Spot on with the neutral jing stuff as well, your analysis is always so good but it still surprises me considering you've only watched ATLA once.