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The future is bright, let me tell you. I saw it last month.


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The Zhu Li is my favourite unit of measurement


Your face during that semi-intimate Zhuli and Varrick moment is exactly what I was looking forward to. It was so out of the blue.. but somehow makes sense? Besides that, I loved Korra's response to Su asking her to demolish Kuvira. Really highlighted the developement in her way of approaching conflict. Im guessing the whole battle with Zaheer only further pushed the realization that diving head-first into fighting isn't all its cracked up to be. Total Aang moment she had trying to find a peaceful, although unsuccessful, solution to the problem.


Ah i think we see Su-yin's lack of responsibility showing here. I love how it's already been built up that she is somewhat selfish and doesn't want to take up responsibilities with her power in Zaofu (kinda mirroring her actions as teenager in the Lin flashbacks). Also, i think its pretty crazy how willing she is to cross the line in these scenarios

Calvin Brindley

Su definitely has that Beifong stubbornness, I can see Kuvira’s POV...

Cody Taylor

Good episode lots of set up for future conflict. Its interesting to see the positives and negatives of all these ideologies across four seasons. The positives of kuvira being a stop to small conflicts across the earth kingdom a strict order to everything, but no freedom she practically enslaved her whole country. I also really like how they focused on su lin not taking charge because she didn't want to be a ruler. But we see the consequences when a good person who understands the total power they have doesn't take that position. Someone more power hungry takes over and it your worst fears are realized. I wish more people who are in that position would step up. Having the awareness of what you wouldn't want to do is exactly why you need to be the one in charge. I think some of the best leaders are the ones who are drafted into that position. Not those who seek it out.


I really like that Korra said she wanted to try and talk Kuvira down. Now, yes its most likely she won't listen, and the audience knows this, but its very admirable and shows how much korra has grown. Unfortunately many watchers on other channels don't even acknowledge this growth, and just want some "Awesome fight scenes, and for korra to stop being weak." Which is ridiculous and kind of pig headed. But im glad that people who are more attentive or at least are more drawn to korras character notice these small but present changes.


His reaction to the length of episodes, it's the reaction I have when the reaction video it's over lol


She must love Varrick on some level... despite the horrible treatment. I guess there was some truth in her lie to Kuvira when she said that she fell for Varrick because he was a great mind. And yeah I loved that Korra actually considered that option.


I don't think Su-yin is at fault for any of what's happening, but I can't help but wonder if things would have turned out differently if she took less of an absolute hardline stance in all of these conversations. I also wonder if her not wanting to step up for the Earth Kingdom was 100% about her not wanting to spread her ideals, or if there was more to it than that.


Zhu Li and Varrick are a dynamic duo so it’s so interesting to see how they’re gonna be when they separate. And I do admire how Korra’s grown and willing to try and talk to Kuvira. I can’t wait for one of my favorite episodes to come up 👀


Yeah, sometimes the most qualified people are the ones who are most hesitant because they have a fuller view of how complex the situation is, and they end up showing humility and hesitating to put themselves in charge. But sometimes the result is that people who are LESS qualified or are worse options do not bother to hesitate, and they end up in those positions instead.


While I do love awesome fight scenes (which this episode provides anyway) it's hard to see how Korra is weak by wanting to solve things peacefully. If anything it's her becoming a better more balanced Avatar and person.


Definitely. Like Toph said, all Korra's villains have their ideas but take them too far.

Nico Salerno

I dont know if you know and have seen the Hayao Miyazaki's ghibli films like Spirited away or My neighbor totoro. But the updated look of Hiroshi Sato is a direct homage to the image of the legendary director himself.


Interesting! I've seen most of his films, and Princess Mononoke is one of my favorite movies of all time. I think about the forest spirit at least once a week... I'm not surprised that they chose an homage to Miyazaki. They're obviously big fans of his work :D


i love when they do the thing its so funny


I must have glossed over where it said there was a special shout out lmao. I was caught off guard when I heard my name. Great video as always!


In the words of season 2 Varrick “zhu li is a cold hearted war machine.” And like Aang is strong and all but like he ain’t beatin zhu li... GOKU is strong but he ain’t beatin zhu li!


lol Goku will be defeated by her superior tea and cooking. Did she ever get that recipe for kale cookies?

Jerry Ferrell

I simultaneously ship and don’t ship Varrick and zhu li. I ship them because they work so well, yet I’m terrified of what sort of evil genius they’d give birth to.


I think that is a really interesting detail you caught about the betrayal comparison between Su Yin and Kuvira and Sozin and Roku. Out of the multiple times I have watched this show, I never noticed this. I guess this is message telling us that even our closest loved ones can in some ways betray us or turn again us. It’s something we obviously we don’t want to hear or accept but I think that is a hard truth that can happen in real life🙁


What I find important to note about the flashback is that Kuvira actually wanted Suyin to stabilize the earth kingdom, not for power but because she had a genuine desire to see it stable and well-off. A lot of people act like Kuvira is just a power-hungry dictator when that's not all that is to her. The fact that she started off with genuine good intentions is what actually makes me really like her as a villain! Also, Suyin just wanting to hide out with her wealth while the world around her crumbles is one of the reasons why I don't really like her. I don't know, I feel like the show tried to make it seem like we should be on her side in the original argument (helping vs doing nothing), but even if she didn't want to be the one in charge of the stabilizing, she could have at least contributed.


Varrick is such a genius character. Easily my favorite in Korra, every scene with him is just perfect.

Karen Chavez

'No! That episode was five seconds long.' 😂🤣