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Toph makes swamp life look good.


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Elijah baker

So for me with daiting and politics I will not date certain people if they side with for example republicans I am black I am LGBT I don’t want to date someone who dosnt support my rights I don’t wanna date somome or give somome access to my body who dosnt belive my life matters and sides with the oppressors in the cases were my people are opressed I don’t wanna be friends with people who support a group of people who don’t respect me my friends my entire family it’s a deal breaker . Why would I date someone who hates me essentially. Now with this show it’s a big more gray then what’s going on in American politics but like for real life I think politics is one of the mosT important things in a relationship because it’s about respect it’s about supporting your partners right to exist because that’s what certain political parties wanna take away . Imagine if katara dated zuko while zuko was trying to kill the avatar and help the fire nation the people who were trying to wipe out her people it’s ridiculous.


If you notice Wu's dance before the coronation, it's the same as the song 'Who runs the world? Girls'. kinda fitting for what happens next

Elijah baker

Like to be clear I get what your saying with the politics thing but with who I am I am just not gonna date certain people with certain political veiws like I am not gonna be a black person who dates a while nationalist or dates somome who supports them and I know THIS isn’t the example your talking about but for me that’s what I mean when I say Politics Matter When daiting

Aaron Ong

Kuvira's theme, that plays as she tells Wu she took his presidential suite, and while she gives her game-changing speech at the Coronation, is so powerful to me. It really is a musical embodiment of her character- an unstoppable, and ambitious force.


I get what you're saying and I agree with the examples you provided. I think what you wrote above crosses over into actual values. Like if someone actually hates you for who you are then that's a different story. And Zuko trying to kill the Avatar is a clear example of wrongdoing. But I think that assuming that all people with a certain label (when most people don't even have a real understanding of what these things even represent) are terrible people by default, eliminates a lot of good people and prevents meaningful discussion.

hays collins

You know I figured out why it seemed avatar state korra was actualy fighting her in the swamp. I was always confused why but then I remembered when she got the poisen she had very life like hallucinations so thats why because the poisen was still in her


There was genuine fear in your eyes when Eska showed up on the screen😂


Kuvira obviously shouldn't be trusted with a position of power, but I honestly agree with her criticism of the royal family. Kuei was a useless figurehead, Hou-Ting was a tyrant who couldn't care less about her citizens, and so far Wu has done everything but prove that he's worthy of the throne. And knowing that the line of the Earth Kings/Queens has been causing trouble as far back as the era of Kyoshi, I don't think Kuvira was wrong to strip Wu of his power, even if she shouldn't be in charge of managing the Earth Kingdom either.


Not to bring vlogbrothers back into it but they're two brothers with VERY different religious views but they do a BUNCH of charity work and such and also work together because their VALUES are in the same place. They're doing a huge project in helping reduce maternal mortality in Sierra Leon for example and it doesn't matter that one is VERY Christian and the other is an atheist because they both have the same values.


This episode has so much setup and hints for whats to come, it’s such a good transition for the rest of the season!


That's part of what makes the situation so complex and interesting... She has ambitions for her own power. She uses underhanded means. But, the people support her. Ba Sing Se has not been ruled well. How do you dispute her rule as an outsider?


As someone who is probably on the older side of your subscribers, I really get what you are saying about separating people from their politics. And that is even with my politics leaning pretty far left of the spectrum, when would probably be in line with the commenters above who strongly disagreed. I think that a lot of it has to do with how incredibly volatile and explosive our current political environment is. For me a true democracy needs to value diversity of opinions. But everything is so polarized right now. That doesn’t mean I’m supportive of people having the hateful opinions outlined above. But like you said, I believe that most people have good intentions at heart, even when their ideas on how to move forward may differ greatly from mine.


That's awesome. I think that their actions speak very well of them, as does their ability to disagree. As I said, I think that there are definitely instances where values and politics cross, but I think that it's important to keep in mind the distinction between the two.


Even not knowing where it's going to go, I'm blown away by how rich these first three episodes were.

Cody Taylor

I definitely agree with you Goodwin that writing off someone or groups of people because of a label they probably aren't fully in agreement with especially in the US where you are basically forced into picking from two choices is not a productive way of spreading ideas or coming to comprises or living in general. Harboring hostilities against half of the people around must be extremely stressful


Yeah I agree. I think if someone is truly hateful or desires to bring harm to others, or anything of that nature, then for me that's not somebody I want in my life. But I also think that there are people with poor values on ALL "sides" and also people with excellent values who truly want the best and have either arrived at different conclusions about what that looks like, or are simply defaulting to the views they have been most exposed to, based on family ties, or location, or any number of factors. But, as you said, I think one political tactic is to paint with broad strokes, and to see people who disagree on issues as having bad intent, when there actually is none for many of those people.

Nico Salerno

Just reflect for a moment that if Toph can see 1000s of miles away she can also then see the flesh and bones of the dead rotting in the earth even the people she loves and cares about, like Sokka or her parents or any number of people, she can feel them become the dirt she bends. With that kind of vision you either become an enlightened swamp guru, or you go crazy. I guess whats the difference tho...


And leads to the type of flash point the US is currently facing. I enjoy listening to people who were once actively part of a hate group and have been able to get out of it and now sees it for what it truly is. I think it’s a good way to learn how people get indoctrinated into that way of thinking in the first place and thus how we can work against or prevent it.

Emma Root

I think relationships and politics are tricky. I never ever talk about politics with the family and friends I have that are very different from me politically. Like it would just drain me emotionally and I'm not sure it would accomplish anything. However the family and friends that are more similar to me in politics/values, we do have discussions about the differences and I think learn things in the process. It's also hard because there is a difference between theoretical ideas on how society should work versus what someone thinks should be done to get change in society right now with the limited power each of us has. But I think of values and politics as basically the same thing, so that's why usually my thinking comes from a more emotional place, which I don't think is completely wrong. My boyfriend and I differ politically and have similar values so I get where you're coming from though, but sometimes its hard on our relationship. I super relate to how Opal reacts, emotions first, thinking Bolin must have lost his values because of the side he chose, instead of seeing that he still has values he just sees the situation differently.


the comment bolin made about how kuvira is basically like korra got me thinking about how Kuvira might be the best tlok villain in terms of being a reflection of korra herself. They share a lot of similar traits: stubborn, quick to use force, big ambitions and expectations of themselves and a genuine desire to help people (those traits probably being most prominent in korra's s1 self). I also think she may be the only tlok villain to come about as a direct result of Korra's actions (potentially Zaheer getting airbending but he came up with his plans way before harmonic convergence ). From Korra's POV the only reason Kuvira was able to get to where she is now is because Korra wasn't up to the task of stabilising the earth kingdom as the avatar


Mako does need to cheer up a little lol. Yeah, Wu may not be fit to be a leader but he definitely seems to be a good person/friend. I'd love to hang out with him. He's very dramatic but I find that endearing.

Emma Root

lol why did you feel the need to make me picture decomposing sokka


I really enjoyed your take about politics and how it shouldn't affect relationships. I have my BA in Political Science and from my experience at University I found that a lot of people segregate themselves based on politics. There's this immediate rush to judge someone's character because the elite categorize certain political convictions as immoral (like you touched on). I think people get so caught up in their ideology that they fail to realize it doesn't have to be static. I've personally shifted all around the political spectrum and find myself still changing the more I think and the more I learn. If I immediately wrote off everyone I disagreed with I would have no friends right now lmao. Like you said, some people just need to realize that almost everyone who holds strong political beliefs has the best interest of society in mind.


I agree that it's draining! My girlfriend is from China and we often disagree on very fundamental political issues. But (I'll just speak for myself here) I think she's a great person, and so even though we sometimes have heated discussions, at the end of the day they are just that: discussions. And often I learn a lot (after calming down) once I think more about what she has said.


There's so many good things in this episode, on both sides of the stories. I agree with what you said in regards to Bolin. You'd think that by now at the very least Mako would know that his own brother is a genuinely good guy that just has a bad habit of getting mixed up with bad things and being blind to people's true motives by his optimism and trust in people. I also just love the entire sequence with Toph. It feels so much like Luke on Dagobah, except Toph's a much crankier Yoda with even more snark.


What's so interesting to me so far about her is that it's hard to argue with her, based on what I know about the history of Ba Sing Se and the Earth Kingdom. Zaheer was a convincing speaker (part of that was Guru Laghima), but there's a huge gaping hole in his idea of chaos bringing freedom.


Haha yeah, and he's also super active. I feel like it would be an adventure just going along for the ride. Even in normal circumstances.


Yeah same here. I mean... I've been wrong about so many things, not just politics. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. And so I'm reluctant to fall into the idea that someone is a bad person because they have come to a different conclusion. And even if I am still convinced that people are actually WRONG, I have sympathy for that because I have been there (and still am there probably) on a great many things.


I think the idea of separating politics from relationships is a nice idea and in theory is what should be happening. However I think it’s also a very privileged idea due to the fact human rights (lgbt, POC, etc) have been heavily politicized. Even if someone doesn’t personally agree with that part of “their side” in practice it is still them saying their ideals are more important than your rights because the people they are putting in power. Or something like that. Just a random thought. Also Toph kicking Korras butt never fails to make me chuckle.


I was thinking about Dagobah! But I feel like I've used up my free passes for Star Wars references. But yeah, all the Toph scenes are just so good. I could just stay there forever.


Let's be real, that oh boy was a sigh of relief about desna sleeping in the tub after learning that there is only one bed.

Kris Ivory

"Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?" -Toph, AtLA


what you said about the politics and a person's value shook me so hard, this is something I've been thinking about a lot lately, and you just said it so eloquently.


Season 4 is my favorite season personally. It ages the show into a more adult feel which makes it super cool with how much depth and stakes are involved! It just gets better from here!


You really hit the nail on the head when you mentioned focusing more on a person's values. I really appreciate your insight on all these topics


We love wu doing the Britney Spears dance


Yeah the fact stuff like that has been politicized ( as bad for instance) and they still support that side shows it’s not a deal breaker to tear down other peoples existance and rights


Once again, RIP Bosco. This mall has way more respect than the Earth Queen ever had lol


The way Bryke handled Toph's inclusion in Season 4 of Korra is by far the best they handle any of the past ATLA characters coming back into Korra. Its absolutely perfect, everything they do with the Beifong's in both series' really is just pure quality. \