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So many Air Bisons! Bison? Bisons?

This season is killing it with the character development episodes!

Quick note about the schedule: From now on, the Sunday through Thursday videos will come out at this time (9pm EST). Hopefully that makes things easier. :)

 The timing of the weekend bonus videos will still vary just cause of the variable nature of the type of videos.


(No title)



Wow. Now how am I supposed to avoid sleeping later?


A video this early? I feel spoiled.


Just finished making tea. Perfect timing

hays collins

wow perfect timing just refreshed the patreon

Cody Taylor

Can't wait to get back home with my ramen and watch this


As someone who chronically sleeps late, I'm confident you can find a way 😂

hays collins

I find it cute that Kai continually calls the Bison Bisons


I missed the joke the first time I watched it but later appreciated the fact that he says "bisons" when attacking the poacher at the end.

Tenzin Dikyikhangsar

Just woke up from an accidental 6 hour power nap what a treat lol! its so funny seeing you point out how tenzin struggles with teaching cause tenzin lowkey means teacher/someone who holds wisdom in tibetan! My first ever job was a swim instructor for kids at my YMCA and everything you said about making learning fun and engaging the kids is so spot on!


Bosco moved out to Ember Island and had many many cubs.

hays collins

"The earth queen needs to die" HAHAHA

Aidan Pullen

Something to note is that Aang got his tattoos and was declared a master by the time he was 12 (before he was known to be avatar). With Jinora being around that same age, and being a genuine prodigy, it's not totally absurd to think of her with tattoos. I'm a big fan of the family dynamic between Tenzin, Bumi, and Kya. The writers are honestly very good at writing siblings (there are a lot of good sibling interactions in this show).

Ramon Cintron

The best thing to come out of this episode is the fact that the earth queen ate Bosco if not simply for your reaction


LOL accidental power nap, I love it. Been there. I knew fellow teachers would relate to this episode :)


Yeah they are great at siblings for sure, and family relationships as a whole. There's so much in here about lineage and identity, being nurturing, protective, independent, etc.


“The earth queen needs to die” I literally laughed so hard at that lmao 😂😂😂

Emma Root

I'm surprised you let the baby fruit watch the watermelon massacre


This is probably one of my favorite episodes, just because of how much I love Tenzin, since even after his realizations in the fog of lost souls, he still has his flaws and struggles, and I find it interesting that he's kinda had the same struggle Aang did when it comes to tradition vs innovation. Though it makes sense for his character and how much time he spent with Aang, and how much of an impact Aang had on him. I really feel for Bumi though, I can only imagine what it was like for him as a kid, being Aang's firstborn and a nonbender. I really love all the Gaang's kids though, the ones we know of anyways, and how we see how much their parent's legacies & reputations affected them in different ways.


Love class clown bumi. And Korras plan to trick bumi was brilliant. It was nice to see more of teacher tenzin. Dill Sargent meelo is terrifying. Bolin crush on opal is adorable! I love seeing it every time it’s so pure. Kainora ship is the gold standard this season. Kai brings our honor as fun side and she helps him be more responsible. Also the line “I even heard she ate her dads pet bear.” Makes me mad every freaking time. I hate the queen so much. Another great episode

Franchesca Giglio

Great reaction ! and great upload time !! haha


I am a Music Performance/ Music Education double major in college and from a lot of my education psychology and music pedagogy classes it is super interesting on your perspectives of teaching. Very interesting talking points! Loving the commentary!


I love how rich the history of the northern air temple is. You can see where the mountain was blown up by sokka and the mechanicist and you can see all the new houses they built in its place


I'm glad! I'm sure you have a lot of amazing insights on education as well. It's something I like to talk about because I was a terrible student and I became a teacher, so I've seen it from different angles.


My exactly tought and reaction when I heard it hahahaha


When Korra says "conflict resolution it's what I do" its also what Aang said in the great divide episode

Official Jrem

Seeing the lead poacher wearing that bison fur was sickening and then hearing about everything the earth queen has or plans to eat 😢 I’m so glad they rescued all the bison


The earth queen does indeed need to die


Fun fact jinora is as old as aang was when he got his tattoos.


I have a theory that, since Aang was busy training Tenzin and Katara was training Kya, Bumi spent a lot of time with Sokka. As nonbenders surrounded by benders, I think Sokka was a good mentor for Bumi, and probably taught him some leadership skills. I like to think they took a couple trips to the desert to quench themselves to, if you know what I mean lol


People never talk about it but, meloo is god damn terrifying as a kid as you said in the video. he’s fucking strong and imo the best fighter out of the siblings, reminds me of a sokka/aang hybrid the way he leads the attack and how talented he is at airbending


I love that Tenzin's growth as a teacher with korra on a one_on_one style that was reflected in the first two seasons. But struggles here because it's a class session style of teaching where Tenzin never even considered before. And both styles have very different attributes.

Isaac Brown

im thankful for the new schedule. sometimes it was hard to watch the vids cause some were up at like 9 and some were up at 3am. This is nice though,


Your thoughts on the school system were fantastic and I completely agree. As Plato once said, "Knowledge that is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind."

Lil Lexz

“She needs to die “ careful wat I wish for lol

Lil Lexz

U *

Kris Ivory

The thing that always got me sad is the head bison rustler- he's wearing bison fur. Not just fur, a whole pelt- a whole small pelt. He's wearing a baby bison. ;-;

hays collins

Where is episode 8???!!!!


he's uploading mon-fri, so our early access for episode 8 will probably be here sunday


Ahhhh! I just want to get to episode 9!!!! I want to him to see that episode. That’s when things get Super interesting! Does any one agree or am I just going crazy😭


Things have been super interesting for a while now Jose. You are definitely going crazy.