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One of the most action packed episodes so far. 


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hays collins

YES!!! waiting all night

hays collins

Hey when are you gonna start your Avatar rewatch???


zuko was pretty weak, bc it was night time and cold as well :// but damn i really wish they let zuko be kickass


I just signed up for Patreon to support you Goodwin! I’ve been watching your videos since your ATLA reactions and I think that your commentaries on shows are the best I’ve seen. :D


Stayed up!!! I just had too 😂

hays collins

There is a very popualr yet sad head cannon that Zaheer killed Sokka while they were trying to kidnap Korra


I've decided to start it as soon as I'm done with the Korra series, so looks like first or second week of November at this rate :)

Calvin Brindley

Only just now realizing this, but the Earth Queen and Long Feng (previous Head of the Dai Li) both tried to trick Team Avatar into leaving the city, since they were getting in the way of their respective goals. The Earth Queen tells Korra about airbenders in some distant province, and Long Feng uses brainwashed Jet to "reveal" that Appa has been transported to some faraway island.


I think that Kai is a citizen of the Earth Kingdom. And therefore would technically be under the rule of the Earth Queen. The odd thing about the Earth Kingdom in ATLA was that you had King Bumi of the city of Omashu. But I think the king or a queen in Ba Sing Se is supposed to be the ruler of the entire Earth Kingdom.


I think one of the rooms Jinora astral projects into is where... uh.. something really unclear happened to Jet

Drake Chuckle

Kai is def an earth kingdom citizen, not sure her power stops at the walls of ba sing se


A very common fan theory that many piece together over the last few episodes goes as such During the fight to protect Korra Chief Sokka gets killed by zaheer who is the best living hand to hand fighter that we know of. And when zuko states “individually they could take down any bender.” He was referring to sokka as he hold him in such high regards to the point where doesn’t even make the distinction between bender and non bender with sokka. Another thing that adds validity to this theory this is the oldest point in sokkas life that we know of is his fight with the zaheer and his team. And if we put two and two together it’s very likely that zaheer and his team were sokkas demise. AND! It would also explain why zaheer is treated as far more dangerous than any of his teammates. In zaheer a opening scene we see he’s not old locked behind 2 metal doors but he’s the only member of the team that the white lotus tells to stand against the back of his cell facing away from them with his hands on his head. Zaheer is the most deadly member of that team with and without bending don’t get it twisted any other way...


Yeah all the provinces of the earth kingdom such as the state of yai have elected officials who kinda act like mayors but answer directly to the queen

Official Jrem

Amazing action in this one


That makes sense, I guess that town where they picked him up was part of the Earth Kingdom.


I’ll bring the mountain goat whistle so that we can signal the herd!!! Also, the end of the video welcome fruit baby!

Drake Chuckle

I've seen this show so many times and never actually had 'Chief Sokka' register until now. I assumed he was just a councilman in Republic City, but I guess he was Chief of the south too?


Wow, yeah I guess he had a lot of titles by that point: Republic City Councilman, Water Tribe Chief, Accessory King...


one thing i didn't understand about this episode was how the white lotus member was firebending at ming'hua directly outside of p'li's prison cell (you know, the area that is supposed to be too cold to firebend in). it's little inconsistencies like that in LOK that kind of bug me, but it would be overly nitpicky to judge the show based on small things like that.


Remember when I said \wait for it\? well i checked and there's 5 or 6 eps till the wait for it episode @.@ but at least the next several episodes are going to be A M A Z I N G


That mock Bumi plan had me dying xD

Rachel Espiritu

I was always so impressed by how many moving parts there are in this episode. Korra and Asami dealing with the Earth Queen, Mako, Bolin, and Jinora looking for Kai and fighting the Dai Li, and Tonraq, Zuko, Eska, and Desna tangling with Zaheer's gang. And even all four members of Zaheer's gang got memorable moments in this episode, though my favorite is Ghazan rolling his eyes at Zaheer and P'li being all oogie.




How is Melon Lady adjusting to life as a single mother


Cant wait for you to see the next few episodes, i believe it has some pretty neat exposition imo

Kris Ivory

That's another scary thing about Zaheer that makes him such a good villain- you don't get his full plan until the end, and they don't drop nearly as many hints as they did others. You basically have to look at Zaheer the same way that Korra does- as a powerful, intelligent person who wants to kidnap the Avatar for unknown reasons, and that's all you get.


Individual benders have shown that by themselves they can do incredible things, but I always felt things really get special with the elements when groups of benders come together, the scene of the airbenders creating that massive constant wind is genuinely amazing.


Per usual, the fight scenes with Zaheer and gang are the best parts of the episode. They're always so damn good, even if Zaheer is an OP airbender. I wish there was more time to flesh out him and his gang because they are the best part of the series. I must say it was pretty convenient that Mako happened to be reading Jinora's books that mentioned Lake Laogai and that she can still astral project her spirit. It's hard not to laugh at things like that and jinora saying it's 'a high level airbender move with some spiritual stuff thrown in...'. Convenient for the sake of plot progression.


the outro music is outstanding

Aidan Pullen

Zaheer and crew are easily the best part of this season. They are human and relatable, despite being the main antagonists. I'm sure you'll find their motives pretty interesting once the show reveals that stuff. Can't wait!


Wait wait wait. Can we do a Maury episode? Who's the daddy??


Seeing as how the airbenders weren't at lake laogai I don't think it was really all that convenient. Also, I think airbending was in need of more special techniques. It seemed like up until this season the other elements had a monopoly on them. So I'm glad they took the opportunity to expand what is possible with airbending.


that bit with the mountain goats and the ketchup was amazing I swear lol


Wait! That ending was so abrupt! Bahaha!

R. Lewis

All will be revealed in time. I know how intriguing Zaheer and his group are, but just enjoy the ride. This is probably the best season of the show, and it only gets better from here.


I sense someone on the "give jinora her tattoos" train