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Where's Bosco when you need him?


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I kinda wish they revealed P'li's combustion abilities by just showing them so it could be a fun reveal, rather than having Zuko mention it before we even see it. Other than that, I love this introduction for her. "I'm feeling warmer already" never fails to send chills down my spine!

Cody Taylor

Yeah that would of been great it was pretty implied by the special bending we see from the other members but yeah that line never fails to give me chills such fantastic voice acting

Cody Taylor

You know i never really thought about it but it pretty strange to still see the dai li in ba sing se like why were they not disbanded after they sided with azula


Might have gone something like this: Advisor: I think we should disband the Dai Li. King Kuei: Okay, you're right. Dai Li: Please don't disband us King Kuei, you need us. King Kuei: Okay, you're right.


Is there a camera in the picture? This show definitely has you suspicious about everything! 😂


Lol it really does. It's unlikely that technology exists in the show but... I was just thinking that her saying out of fear fits the depiction of that kind of society. Then again some people really feel that way.


I heard that if you read the Kyoshi novels that it will go more in depth about Ba Sing Se and the Dai Li. Not sure how true it is but I heard they’re also really good. 😁

William Abbott

I think Bai sing sai is the way it is because of the sheer amount of people.

Calvin Brindley

Fun fact: Bolin and Mako's family live in the same apartment building that Zuko and Iroh stayed in when they first got to Ba Sing Se! They have pretty much identical shots in both shows, just now there's extra buildings in the background. If you google it, the first result is a comparison shot!


I find a Reddit post about it but one of the links was dead. But that's awesome. I saw in the same thread that the place with the comfortable bed Kai stayed in may have been the same place the Gaang stays.


I'm going to start them as soon as they arrive. It would be awesome if they actually go into Ba Sing Se a little bit.


That does explain a lot of the living conditions. But how do they keep ending up with this "there is no X in Ba Sing Se" culture, with the Dai Li kidnapping people at will.

hays collins

It just hit me that what their cousin said about republic city they are all rich is EXACTLY what Jet said about Ba Sing Se

hays collins

Zuko is still his usual awkward self even in his late 80s. Gotta love it


Was the camera on the portrait comment a reference to 1984?

James Berry

oh i love this seson the most


"I've been waiting for this for so long" Not as long as us... xD


I love the consistency in this episode related to ATLA in how well the writers show the drastic difference in the Upper Ring vs Lower Ring. The level of Classism that takes place in Ba Sing Se is represented perfectly by its literal giant walls that separate the classes, but Korra builds on what ATLA showed in the levels of poverty and Government control that the people living in the lower ring have to go through.


And... About Bosco... Who's gonna tell him?


shhhhh let him find out himself later in the season


I really like Mako and Bolin's cousin Tu as well. He seems like he could be Bolin's twin brother!

Charard Brown

dude you actually said my name right!

Þórarinn Jónsson

Impressive, I see you put in some work for pronunciation. I apologize if pronouncing Icelandic took you down a rabbit hole, I know people that have chased that rabbit for 10 years and haven't gotten closer than you did. So not necessary but still appreciated.