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Phenomenal episode. Huge bummer 🥴

Ro Cort

Can’t wait for the next episode!

Aidan Pullen

"Um... what?" yeah, it really sums the finale up xD Tenzin's journey and the Fog of Lost Souls is one of my favorite parts of the series. Tenzin is probably my favorite character and seeing his growth is so touching and real. The severing of Korra's connections to the past avatars is a huge point of controversy (probably the biggest one) to come out of this season. I don't know what your reaction to the next episode is like yet so I can't wait; but if you don't hate the show now, I'd say you're well in the clear for the next two seasons (S3 is my personal favorite).


Korra's loss of the past avatars is definitely a factor in why this season is labelled as bad and while I don't think everyone has to like the decision i don't think it's fair to label it bad writing. Personally when I first saw it my respect for the show went up for having the balls to take that much of what it means to be the Avatar away from Korra who a) has based her entire identity on being the avatar and b) has always struggled with the spiritual/emotional side of it which having past avatars to rely upon would have been a big pillar of support


I cannot wait to see you watch the finale... LOL, it’s pretty good! Also if you like the end of season 2 then season 3 and 4 will BLOW you away!!


The scene where the past avatars are being destroyed always chokes me up. The gravity of the situation is really felt instead of thinking, "Oh the good guys win," to "oh damn.. maybe they don't?" The final episode will blow you away.


So excited for you to get past this mediocre season and onto the Masterpiece that is Season 3. Let go your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty and become wind.

Chess Red Eagle

Oh damn, early morning upload. Nice. Also, I've been looking forward to your Zhao reaction ever since Avatar book 1 and you did not disappoint.

Nico Salerno

I think you may have missed the fact that Aang didnt help tenzin in the fog. Once Tenzin himself self actualized he could see he was really talking with him self not his father. Aang was never there it was an illusion tenzin created. Also remeber that raava said at harminic convergence they fight and one can be defeated. But that in 10000 yrs either spirit will burst forth out of the other to renew the cycle. So in this ep we see raava defeated.

Patrick RL

I think the decision to cut Korra off from her past lives was meant as a way for the series overall to break free of the ties/comparison to ATLA. Aang was superior in his spirituality and having him being able to connect and consult with his past lives aligned with that character trait. Korra always struggled with spirituality, so it makes sense that she relies more heavily on her friends and advisors who are in the physical world.


This episode was my only issue with the series tbh. Hated how they cut off her connection to Avatars. Even though I understand why they did it, I don't believe it was necessary


They cut them off because they didn't want korra to be able to use her past lives as a crutch.


I love this episode for a lot of different reasons. I really love Tenzin's moment in the Fog of Lost Souls. I feel like what Aang said, and Tenzin's realization that he is not his father also works for the show itself, Korra is not AtlA and should not try to be. I'm also definitely in the minority of people that did not mind the connection to the past lives being broken. I mean I don't agree with the choice overall, but I don't hate it. Because as much as I do love the past lives, I don't think tthey're really that useful, they're just kinda there. The past lives can only provide so much help. The farther back you go, the less helpful and relevant their wisdom and experiences will be to the current world, because their world was different than the current Avatar's. and when it comes down to it, it's always still the current Avatar that has to do what they think is best to guide the world. Like when Aang asked for advice on dealing with Ozai. He got answers, but none of them were what he wanted to hear. I genuinely don't think the past lives are that huge of a loss beyond nostalgia, which is absolutely fair and valid because I still feel it too.


I think people get way too up in a tizzy about the whole connection to the past avatars. We've seen they exist in the spirit world and the writing is all there for a potential future Korra/future Avatar to be just one spirit world journey away from re-establishing the connections. It's not something that's necessarily permanent.


Later I realized that it wasn't Aang but Tenzin grappling with his fears like everyone else in the fog. That makes it a lot cooler.


Wow, I never put the connection that the spirit fox was the one who "fed misinformation"

Drake Chuckle

You now know why s2 is unpopular. It has it's other problems but the axing of the connection to the past avatars is the real reason people look at this season negatively.


Tenzin is one of the highlights of this season for sure! I actually really enjoyed S2 overall... I discussed my thoughts more thoroughly in the 2nd part of the finale, which should be up soon :)


I definitely wouldn't label it bad writing :) Maybe certain thematic elements could have been clearer but overall I think I have a decent sense of what they were going for and for me personally it works. I think a lot of it comes down to what you are looking for in the show and how much you enjoyed the elements that were removed.


It's interesting to think about it that way, to think that the show is about disconnecting from the past on multiple levels :D


It didn't bother me too much overall, but what I agree that it doesn't seem completely necessary, as I think they could have achieved what they were going for (at least as far as I've seen) without doing that.


I agree with you. Personally, it didn't bother me that much, but I think a lot of it comes down to just what you want from the show and how you feel about certain elements of it. As you mentioned, the connection to the avatars is meaningful for a lot of fans of the show.


That's a good point as well. If she can reconnect with Raava then there's definitely a way.


I feel like that provides future story opportunities for a future show if there ever is one.

R. Lewis

I think the funniest thing is that Kya didn't seem to know who Zhao was, meaning he didn't make enough of an impression for Aang to tell his kids about him.


Loved the Tenzin and Aang interaction and how you responded to it! Not the biggest fan of the giant dark Avatar.


18:12 yup right there is where all my anger towards korra comes from if she had just listened to tenzin and her dad in the beginning of the season THIS PROBABLY WOULDN'T OF HAPPENED i've read a couple of ur replies to people about this so i get it and I've no way to articulate more so as to why I hate this as I'm not one to delve super deep into anything that i watch and as far as i am aware i have no idea if the creators were green lit for S3 and 4 by the time this ep aired so it could of just been "this is how we're ending things" type of deal either way this is stupid and i hate it


I think the biggest positives to ravaa losing her connection to the past avatars is they can finally all go be with their loved ones who have been waiting for them Kyoshi roku kuruk Aang will all go get to see their wives now.


Kuruk isn't as lucky as the rest of them - isn't his wife's spirit still trapped with Koh?