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Chess Red Eagle

I was just wondering about what to watch next. Great timing good sir.

Official Jrem

Hyped I got patreon just in time

Cody Taylor

Ah so great i know im very happy to be helping out and supporting your channel wasn't even a hard decision 😊 also enjoying the longer videos its nice you dont have to jump through hoops!


Be sure not to overwork yourself! The burnout can be real

Kyle Chong

Normal reactors: have stuffed appa or momo plushies Goodwin: I AM MELON LORD

Ana Andrade

Sorry to ask this but I was wondering if you could explain what the differences in content will be between Patreon and YouTube. I'm just a little confused. From what I read, the ATLA rewatch and comic reactions are Patreon exclusive, right? What will the bonus content look like forward?

Chess Red Eagle

Looks like the main thing is early access and vids like these that are longer and include more of the show.


The feels when you realize Korra going into the Avatar state to win the air scooter race technically allows Aang to play with his grandchildren 😭


Sweet!! I love your reactions man!


Varrick is THE BEST character Ugh god i'm so excited for the rest of your reactions, can't wait to hear what you think about season 2


Man I'm so hyped! I actually quite like season 2. About what you said in the beginning of the video. I love being able to give the creators I enjoy whatever I can afford to. It genuinely makes me feel good and like I'm giving back to them for providing me enjoyable content.

Manuel Alves

With these patreon versions we really do get to rewatch the series plus get the extra fun of the Goodwin analysis. Great stuff. Also, let me be the one to do the fun fact this time and mention what a bunch of people will mention on YouTube, which is that Eska is voiced by Aubry Plaza, which is pretty perfect casting


I don't know if you realized this, but Kya is named after Katara's mom


Excited to see what you think of s2. Also, that look from Katara was her missing Sokka. She saw her kids relationship and missed the one she had with her own brother.


That makes sense! And she tells him that when he gets to her age he'll value the time he spent with his siblings :(


Yep. There is some great fanart out there that represents that very line. Makes me so emotional. :(


You finally get to meet VARRICK. The best character in all of Korra.


I’m in the minority as well with ya. Really like Book 2! Sure, objectively it has some problems, but I was still entertained the whole way through. Still felt all the normal ATLA emotions, so I chalk it up as a win in my book!


I believe he mentioned that back in book one when he first heard Kya and Bumi’s names :)

Nico Salerno

You may know this but the moving pictures demonstration that Varrick showed of the animal running is based off the real first film of a a few frames of a horse running. I love the howard hughes-ness of varrick.

Teri Armstrong

Yep, Korra still hasn't learned inner peace. I'm gonna say they did that for plots sake.


I wonder if Mako's police quips are a reference to CSI Miami (⌐■_■) "Looks like you had..." (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ "...some car trouble" YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Mac Muscara

Loved the longer reaction! Don't feel like you have to try extra hard to give us quality content. You already do, which is why we are happy to support you. Yes, book 2 is often seen as the worst book, but I still think it's quite good. You're very open minded so I have no doubts that you'll be able to see the good along with any potential faults.

Nick Deano

i know alot of people hate this season, but im sure you can enjoy the show anyway. its a good show, decent season, and im sure your commentary will only bring it higher, enjoy the ride. I wish i could have a first reaction again.

Chess Red Eagle

I don't know of many that flat out hate this season, just that it's the worst of the entire Avatar franchise. But even being the worst, it's still not bad. It's just not great or even really good.

Adam Vialpando

I don't hate it. Many things in it are bad but the things that are good are very interesting. I just hate how it seems the characters' development was reset back to zero.

Adam Vialpando

Actually there has been bad blood between the water tribes for awhile. The South was basically founded by people who left the North because they didn't like ot there. Technically they were one nation but in the same way the UK and american colonies were one nation.

gostrobo100 .

Great videos definitely good idea with the patron