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 Spoiler alert: I didn't like it.  

I buried this reaction video at first because the movie has done enough damage as it is... 


(No title)



This was as hilarious as I hoped, thanks for putting yourelf through it 😂 So many great quotes


This was legit super entertaining, I'm surprised you chose against uploading it!


Lol thanks. I was just so done with this movie by the time I finished making the video I just wanted to forget about it :D

chi hong

Its enjoyable that you don't like this movie as the rest of us. When I watched the first 30 min and I already wanted throw it in the trash.


Lol there is a video floating around youtube somewhere of actual fans and cosplayers who went to see the movie opening night. I think ENews got their before and after reactions of the film, and it's fantastic! I highly recommend it!


“Imagine seeing it in theaters.” Yeah that was me. 16 year old kid, dad on deployment for 18 months and having to be the man of the house. Dealing with all that stress. Go to the theater with my siblings and mom. We get our exclusive popcorn bucket and drink cups. Sit down, excited to see your favorite tv show brought to the big screen and... boom! Train wreck. Glad I got to see your reaction. Even after ten years I’m still not fully over it. I remember that it was actually on my resentment list when I gave it to my sponsor when we did step four of the AA/CA program xD. Good times!

Daniel Bazan

I love your shirt!!


According to the creators of the show on the commentary track, M. Night did watch and enjoy the show. Knowing that makes it so much worse when you see how he treated it.


It's even better once you find out that the girl who played Katara was cast as a favor to her billionaire father, and the kid who played Aang had no acting experience. He was cast by sending in a video of him doing karate with a shaved head, and they cast him solely on that. Seriously. They talk about it in interviews. No fault of the kids', but it was a serious error in judgment on the casting department.


"It feels like I'm reading an obituary" LMAOOO!! Also, "Imagine being hyped for this movie," I don't have to unfortunately. 12 year old me died a little that day

Grace Lee

I watched this movie in theaters but I barely remember that day, and I tried watching it again recently and I skipped around so much I watched the whole thing in the span of around 20 minutes but that was the longest 20 minutes of my life. Also, I'm sure multiple people have said this, but the actress for Yue is the voice actor for Asami! The only redeemable one in the cast of the movie

Rachel Espiritu

Just a reminder, this came out in 2010 with a $150 million budget. Some action/adventure movies that came out before this movie and were made for the same or lower budget include Iron Man 1, Batman Begins, Star Trek, Fast & Furious, Watchmen, the first four Harry Potter movies, and all three Lord of the Rings movies. Like, even if they screwed up the casting, the acting, the directing, and everything else, you'd think that at the very very least the effects would be decent!


"People who make movies like this should get there license to make movies stripped away" Im crying rn


that quip has got to be one of the funniest things I've heard this year, hands down. I am so glad it's immortalized in this video


I remember the day I saw this movie for the first time. Going to the cinema with a friend, so excited, and then I got this, after years of being an Avatar fan. I haven't watched it since the second time I saw it, with a different friend who was desperate to watch, and I cried because it was so bad lol. I know changing the name pronunciations was supposed to be more accurate to the cultures but it was so hard on the ears after years of knowing them as Aang, Sokka and Iroh. Not to mention casting two white actors to play Inuit inspired characters while all the other actors and extras in their tribe were POC. So many bad decisions. Even Dev Patel (Zuko's actor) was in a video at some point apologising for this movie.

Official Jrem

I remember being so excited for this movie and getting the dvd blue ray set, so disappointing

James Berry

oh dude its so bad. im sorry I supported the watch it team

Ramon Cintron

I was hyped for this movie.... I saw it in theaters with my best friend... after 10 minutes I wanted a refund my friend convince me to stay... we both regreted it... we could have bought great burgers with those 20 bucks

Aidan Pullen

I feel like watching this movie is a necessary part of experiencing the whole of the Avatar franchise, simply because it shows how bad stuff has been messed up in the past. That and it acts as an example of everything NOT to do in a film adaptation. Also, it's a big part of the fandom to hate on this film or pretend it doesn't exist and I think it's important to know why that is. Thanks for watching and I'm sorry you had to experience this.


Agreed, it's definitely a rite of passage. It does make you appreciate the good things in life

R'Mani Leavell

I’ve seen this movie once when it first came out (bootleg(yes I just admitted to a crime 😂)) and I feel that was too much


I absolutely love the 2 minutes of complete slander at the end of the video 😂😂


I own a copy of this movie and have not touched it since I got it.


This reaction was still entertaining, absolutely dragging the film. When it came out, I thankfully decided not to see it after I heard the cast would be whitewashed. I still had hope for the actual plot but waited for the reviews to come in. And... yeah. 5% on rotten tomatoes. Yikes.

Christo Badenhorst

making a movie from a series so beloved will never be good enough. But man did they not even try


It’s just so bad. I can see the pain in your face the entire way through. I don’t blame you for a 3 hour break. I’m surprised you willingly came back to it after that


I watched this movie with two of my friends through Netflix party and we were just laughing the whole time lol, it was so cringey that it was funny


this has to be the best diss of this movie ever... other people have used harsher words but i dont think ive ever heard anyone say such raw lines. the whole time your face is just full of sadness and i could see the light leave your eyes


I could clearly see the pain in your eyes. 10/10 reaction, would recommend.


I went to theaters for the premiere. I was genuinely so hyped for it because I loved the show so much, that my mom shaved my hair into a Mohawk in the shape of an arrow.

Holden Kesler

Lmao those four guys just ran up drowned him and took off. I don't even know if they were soldiers lmfao.