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In MHA 7x3, Villain, two invisible characters finally show their faces.




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It's so funny to me that this reveal totally blindsided me, not because the signs weren't there (I think he's actually done a great job, coz there are things you can pick up on, but Aoyama is an eccentric character, so it all could have been nothing also), but because this storyline took so long to come back. To be honest, at this point, I had totally convinced myself that there never was a traitor to begin with, and AfO had just aquired the information with one of his many undisclosed quirks and was playing mindgames with the heroes all along. I even fell for the Invisible Girl red herring (I think that was the end of a chapter, AfO bragging about his many friends, pan to IG in her bedroom), and I actually believed it, because she has always been the least developed classmate, so making her the traitor would finally give her something. Like, I could totally see a scenario where she felt unseen and wanted to get rid of her quirk and AfO capitalized on that. But yeah, this is better. To be honest, I don't even consider Aoyama a traitor, in my opinion that word implies malicious intent. All he did was leak some information under duress. I totally blame his parents for putting him in that position. But yeah, this is another example for one reveal recontextualizing everything when you go back and read it again, pretty amazing!

Stefan Thrane Lund

Deku "Fingerblasting Aoyama's mom" sounds like a completely different show haha. Caught me off guard with that comment


I have no idea what else it could possibly mean aside from Deku's air finger technique 👀 (Maybe it's spillover from an alternative reality where Boku no Pico won that one Patreon poll)