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Alright, here's the deal, I'm going to take my break, there'll be no big project for a while, I'll be try doing the usual 1 drawing every 4 days, in the meanwhile in between I'll try figuring out what's went wrong with my fingers and hand and if it is a serious or not.

I may have to cut down into 1 drawing every 7 days to heal if it were serious but that's not certain yet.

but for now, hopefully my hand will just miraculously heal by just me sleep a lot and draw less.

Anyhow, Thanks you all for The Supports, very much grateful and appreciated.

See you guys next times




This turned out great. Hope you figure out what’s going with your hand soon so it can heal quickly.


Ok now this sounds very serious. Hopefully it is something easily treated and not something akin to carpal tunnel. I will hope for the best in whatever happens.


This scenario, lady nagant, and the way you drew it are all so hot