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One of the hardest part(drafting) are done, now it's time to polish the thing.

I got a bit slowed recently, and also get a hit with program malfunctioning.

since this piece is the last one in this 3rd brackets I was wishing to go all out but ending it with 8 pages just like how this brackets starts is also fine with me...

anyway see you guys next post, which is probably be this 15th, but I might got slower or get faster so we never know.

Thanks for the supports, I'm always grateful for it.




What is “3rd brackets” ? Since you said it’s the final piece does that mean this whole series is over now?


Each brackets has 4 characters and a different "Theme" on their own. so when I continue this series, there'll be a 4th brackets.


Ohhh okay, thank you for the clarification!