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It's Here!!

I'm glad I manage to make it in time like I have schedule 20th West 21th East.

This time I emphasized on action, no slow poke and get to the point as much as I could.

There were Up and Down in art in this one where some part look a bit off but I hope you don't mind, I'll try fix it if I can.

I'll post process later, and there'll be deleted scene where it doesn't make it to the complete version.

I hope You guys like it! Thank you all for the Supports! Very thankful for it.

And see you guys next time! Hejdo!




YESSSSSS!!!!! I absolutely love it! You did such a good job with this as you do with all of them, really hoping you keep this Special Course series going on cause it's one of the best things I've seen for MHA hentai comics/doujins. I'm looking forward to that deleted scene cause it was so good, thank you for this.


I found your work thanks to a guy on wattpad who passed your work through Kemono, it can be said that it was pure delight, 11/10 Especially your work with this one, the Mandalay is one of my favorites, so thank you Although the dialogue when he says that he is going to do "a quirklees baby" is something strange, I don't know, I just know that it doesn't quite fit in with me, although maybe I'm looking for a deep lore when I just have to enjoy the comic, no idea By any chance will you do a continuation or something like that? Thanks for your work, keep it up!


I don't know you're up to dated with MHA or not, so I won't spoil you much, there are reason why Midoriya is perfect for OFA because he's quirkless, and since quirkless are hard to find, I just thought "Why didn't you just make more?" so I thought maybe I he keep pumping in baby maybe 1 out of 10 baby come out might be quirkles so I add that in my Fictional MHA lore.


also thanks for the support, glad that you decide to come by here and toss me some coin.


I am up to date with the manga, so do not worry, it is also true that thanks to the fact that All Might and Izuku are Quirkless it allowed them to squeeze One for All since apparently the Quirk could not be used as such, things from the manga and its author i guess Nor am I going to look for more, it is a great comic or hentai with one of my favorite ships and that you hardly see, apart from that as the Pussycats would say, more kittens more fun