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Sorry for the late post! Reason is that I made a one more page so it take extra times(previously reiko had 3 pages), and I'll come clean with another reason that i post late, which is that my sleep schedule are terrible, which caused me to oversleep, which cause me to work slower than I usual, sorry.  I'll try to fix that somehow.

with that aside let's talk about this piece.

I've gotten a clue of how to deal with coloring, from before I only use blending method, now i mix it together.

learning how to color abdomen muscle on this one, i hope this one stick on me.

I also learning how to detailed PP.

I'm still new to this kind of field, but i'm glad there're other artists being an example for me to learn.

anyways, sorry if these are confusing to read, I don't know what happened but i can't seems to form a sentence properly right now

Anyways thank you all for the supports, deeply appreciated it.  



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