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Heya, the recent monster-girl poll ended on the 7th. I always make a post so everyone can see the results, so I'll do that first:

  • 1. "Bat" - 56 Votes
  • 2. "Mimic" - 86 Votes
  • 3. "Dullahan" - 73 Votes
  • 4. "Shark" - 86 Votes
  • 5. "Imp" - 131 Votes
  • 6. "Centaur" 83 - Votes

This is multiple choice so there are more votes than voters.
As you can see, Imp won by quite a bit! At some point, she'll be added to the game and the other 5 designs will likely show up again in future polls without having to compete with the Imp.
I thought "shortstacks are popular, I should think of a shortstack I want to make" and I gave the imp a tail I plan to use for things...

However! I can't add her immediately, especially since Dragon-Harpy still needs some work. Moreover, I'm a bit stressed because I haven't put out a public update or a content-focused patreon update in a while and then my computer broke down.
Still, this isn't an apology post, nothing besides death will keep me from working on the game. The computer's better than ever and I'm making good progress, it's just that the progress is on a lot of stuff that's behind the scenes.
I'm trying to submit to an event so that's putting a bit more pressure on me. Deadlines suck.

Thank you for being patient with me, I'm sure 2024 will be great for game updates once the ball is rolling. Current plan is to get a public build out soon with the translation function then follow up with a new patreon test build soon after with some new content.



dang no ghost this time.. oh well better luck next time >w<

Connor Butters

looking forward to those updates, i hope things go well for you