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... and happy new year!

I did want to get a new patreon update build this month but, festivities aside, the new content is trickier than I had guessed. I'm trying to add different belly/abdomen sizes which will be used for various purposes and while the art itself isn't too hard, it clips with everything around it, so I have to rework a load of player body parts.

I'm a bit stressed now because I need to get a public build out soon, for various reasons, such as so everyone has access to the translation tools. I'll work this out and get a test version out in Janurary, I hope some of you guys can help test it before I subject the public to it. There won't be many big differences from the last patreon version - werewolf updated art, translation capability and some fixes and small changes that might break some things.

After that, I'll be trying to get out some new experimental content in a patreon test build like the body changes / extra harpy corruption.

I've added some art to the Patreon banner / the itch.io page!


Calvin Nofsinger

Sorry to hear about the pc, never fun to have that happen.

Calvin Nofsinger

Out of curiosity could we see any of the WIP stuff for the belly changes? Even if it's incomplete I'm a sucker for good behind the scenes content


Since the PC stuff is causing a slight delay I'll likely post something to show I've been working! Even without my PC I did a bit of work on the tablet.