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This post is here so everyone can see the poll details. Voting on the poll itself will happen in a separate post for VIP-tier patrons but the final results will be public.  This poll will run until just after the new year.

For anyone new, welcome! This is a regular event where I decide what the next enemy I add will be based on who gets the most votes. There's 2 new entries (bat+mimic) and 4 from the previous poll. I do re-use designs from previous polls if they fit but just this once I'm including them all and making it a multiple choice poll because we've got 6 options. Remember only one will make it in, so don't vote for all of them! There may be a second tie-breaker poll if 2-3 girls have similar scores.

Try and vote based on the idea and not the art quality as the designs will be re-drawn to full quality and the details may change. The corruption content of girls that make it in will relate to what the monster-girl is, a centaur may give a centaur body for example. Any extreme content or non-female enemies can be toggled off through Qades.

I'd like to ask everyone to please be respectful that I can't add every suggestion everyone has had, I know there's a lot of great ideas that I haven't been able to manifest yet and hope to add them in the upcoming polls. Also note if a character doesn't get in on a poll, I will save their design to use for future polls. This poll has no theme but future polls will have themes based on what I need to add to the game and it'll include any past design that fits it.

I'll be working on the previous poll winner, Dragon-Harpy, before working on this poll's winner. Werewolf will also have her content expanded with this update or next update.



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