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The New Character Poll "Monster Girl Bash" will determine the next enemy added with full art, corruptions and content in MonCurse.

This post is public for visibility and contains all the details for the character poll. There will be a separate post that will require the "VIP" tier to view and vote on along with the full-size, uncensored image. Because this post is public, I've censored it very heavily, just to be safe. You can find the poll here.

To repeat, you will need the VIP tier to vote but all players and supporters will have access to the final content that is produced. Think of it like a fundraiser; it'd help me a ton if you show this to friends who may be interested.

The first round of the poll will run for at least three weeks, closing at the end 29th of May (Midnight GMT+0). If you're unsure or want to ask questions, you'll have time to do so! I'll be working on the Fox-Girl / Werewolf-Girl while the poll runs.

Patrons have one vote per round. Choose wisely. In the second round your choices will be narrowed to 2-3 choices of monster-girl and you will get a new vote. This means that if you vote for a character that doesn't make it in, you'll still get to vote on the final decision, don't be afraid to vote for a niche character!

All the characters in this poll are pretty niche/monstrous and all the artwork are drafts and will be improved upon. Don't be too judgemental, there may be characters you're more interested in in future polls.

Notes on content:

  • I will not include or confirm if the character will have any filter-able fetishes such as futanari if you can't see it on the art. Fetish content will make it into the game one way or another but I'll allow you to filter it out, I don't want it to factor into the votes.
  • The poll's theme is "Flying/Floating". All characters have some degree of aerial control. Full, permanent flight in the game won't be common, however.
  • All girls will have corruption/transformation content based on their own form. If a character has a feature, the player may end up with that feature too. Because all the girls are rather monstrous, this could lead to some unique player states.
  • I cannot confirm exactly what the adult content / scenes with characters will contain, anything I say about it is prospective.
  • Don't ask me who I want to win, all character drafts are characters I'd like to add, the rest is up to you.
  • A lot of work goes into every enemy. Along with existing girls, I will always try to ensure each character has a full range of content and I will keep them updated in the future.
  • I cannot dramatically alter entries or add new entries at this time. If you'd like to talk about ideas for future monster-girls in future polls, check out the MonCurse Discord

In any case, please be respectful of the poll results. If a girl you like does not make it in, they may appear in future polls. Unfortunately, not all characters are gauranteed to make it into the final game if they don't get voted for - please support your favorite.

You may ask (respectful) questions below and I'll do my best to answer them if you'd like to know details such as girls' personalities or what I've based their designs on.



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